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Everything posted by Danderman123

  1. If Trump were to transfer his shares to a trust, that would have the same impact on share price as a sale. Such a transfer could precipitate a sell off.
  2. A crackdown on pollution to follow. Not really, nothing will happen.
  3. The defense will blame Cohen outside of his capacity as an attorney.
  4. Not formally, since there are specific requirements to do so. But he will informally. The jury will hear that Cohen orchestrated everything, and Trump simply wrote checks.
  5. I'm still waiting for a Trump fan to state that they bought some of this stock. Meanwhile, I am trying to find a way to short the stock.
  6. It looks like I didn't say anything stupid in this topic. The fundamentals of Truth Social are still bad, so the long term prospects aren't good. The question is whether the share price will hold up long enough for Trump to cash out.
  7. Trump has a good chance of avoiding conviction in this trial. 1) Stormy Daniels will be an embarassing witness, but cannot testify about any of the criminal charges. 2) Michael Cohen could nail Trump, but he's a terrible witness, and will testify that Trump never directly told him what to do. Trump said things like "take care of it", without being precise. 3) Trump's defense will be that he just did what his lawyers told him to do.
  8. Sometimes reporters get it wrong. Anything Trump does with his shares will be public information, and could sink the stock.
  9. The problem is the possibility of share price decline. I could go into the details, but that's outside the scope of this discussion.
  10. It is unclear if Trump can use his shares in the next 10 days for anything.
  11. Regardless of the politics, over the long term, a stock's price is related to its earnings. If the ratio of share price to earnings is too high, the share price eventually declines. Most of the time. Crypto is a noticeable exception. Anyway, Trump's company loses money, so the share price eventually will decline.
  12. Did you buy any shares of Trump stock? This is yet another scam for Trump fans to lose money.
  13. The Republicans promise to work on immigration - after the election.
  14. You drank the Kool-Ade. Or rather, you believed the Russian disinformation.
  15. The supply chain is fairly robust. Alternate delivery paths will be used. Instead of delivering materials to NYC to be transported via highway to Virginia, the goods will delivered at ports farther south. Laura Logan gets nuttier every year.
  16. Don't forget the government persecution of Hunter Biden.
  17. The new Trump company is merely a mechanism for the Trump faithful to lose more money.
  18. A large boat being the requirement. Not so easy to operate by a small group.
  19. My position has been consistent: Trump will file his appeal, and the verdict amount will be reduced in the appeal process. Thank you for your concern about me.
  20. You guys really don't understand how SPACs work. If Trump were to sell a significant amount of his stock this year, the value of the rest would go down to zero pretty quickly.
  21. Trump will do anything to be able to appeal his verdict. If he can't get a bond, he would certainly tell his lawyers to try again with the appeals court to lower his financial requirements.
  22. Trump's wealth depends on Truth Social maintaining its share value during his lockout period. I would not be surprised if the stock were to open at a high price and slowly dwindle over the next 6 months. It happens that I am doing the same as Trump (at a much lower scale), and I don't have any control over share value, or much insight into the process. It is entirely possible that my share value might go to zero after 6 months, as might happen to Trump.
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