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Everything posted by Danderman123

  1. Comer didn't have any questions and left early. What's up with that?
  2. Let me do the Deniers a favor and post some of the more common stupid comments: The current warming is caused by natural forces, but I don't know what those forces are, and I flunked Science, so I don't believe the scientific explanation. I don't believe the Science because some famous person bought a house near the ocean. The Sun is causing the current warming, despite reduced solar output lately. The warming is caused by a natural cycle, despite the reality that we are in the cooling phase of a natural cycle. Warming isn't real, because some old scientist in an unrelated field said, 30 years ago, that there wouldn't be any warming. What you don't hear anymore: The warming isn't real, they just moved weather stations to warmer areas. https://www.drroyspencer.com/
  3. Still no sign that Trump is going to put up the money for the appeal of this second verdict. The deadline is within a week.
  4. The planet is warming, regardless of what some famous people do. Do you disagree?
  5. My opinion is that the Supreme Court wants to define what acts of a President are protected by law, and what acts can be prosecuted. For example, a President can pardon someone, but if they accept a bribe in exchange for a pardon, that can be prosecuted.
  6. There is no way to truly "fix" the excess CO2 problem when so many people don't believe that there is an excess CO2 problem. It's obvious that you are longing for a detour about mitigation strategies. Please start your own topic about that. This topic is about the ramifications of human produced carbon dioxide.
  7. so, you admit that sea levels are rising, but you can't understand that eventually, low lying islands will be flooded? A reasonable response would be to question what "eventually" means in this context. But, a flat rejection of the concept that rising sea levels will flood low lying areas someday is just weird.
  8. I lived out in the country, had a .30-.30. Never know when a bear would show up. I'm okay if gun shops have to screen buyers, I don't want felons to be able to buy guns legally. Or nut jobs.
  9. I am thrilled you agree that sea levels are rising. Basic common sense indicates that rising sea levels will flood low lying islands. The question is when.
  10. Trump really needs to appeal the $455 million fine - such verdicts are often significantly reduced during appeal. If Trump can't post the appeal bond, it's really going to hurt.
  11. Until the problem is recognized, its not easy to fix it. One of the tactics of Deniers is to try to steer the conversation into mitigation tactics, and then declare that warming is natural, so no mitigation is neccesary. It's an old tired trick.
  12. The planet is warming becauae human produced carbon dioxide is warming the atmosphere, via something called the "greenhouse effect". This was predicted back in the 1980s, and has come to pass.
  13. Over the long term (thousands of years), natural forces can impact climate. But in the last 100 years, human pollution is warming the planet. Is this so hard for you to understand?
  14. From your link: But climate records are able to show that today’s global warming—particularly what has occured since the start of the industrial revolution—is happening much, much faster than ever before.
  15. If anyone is going to express their opinion on science, it would help if they hadn't flunked Science. Here is the key point: human produced carbon dioxide is warming the atmosphere. True or false?
  16. Please provide a link to the natural forces warming the planet. Oops, sorry, you can't.
  17. Just because you failed Science doesn't mean the planet isn't warming. You DO realize that the planet is warming. You don't know why, though. Which makes you unqualified for this conversation. Why should anyone listen to you if you can't explain why the planet is warming?
  18. The first step in solving a problem is recognizing that there is a problem. Clearly, you are not there yet. As the climate crisis worsens, efforts to mitigate the warming will increase. None of your worship of the oil companies contradicts the reality that human pollution is warming the atmosphere.
  19. The choice is not between oil guzzlers and horses. You just reflexively support the oil companies, even as their products warm the planet.
  20. Here's what happens when climate change warms the planet: Largest wildfire in Texas history kills thousands of cattle It's hot in Texas, despite it being Winter.
  21. Au contraire, we are producing carbon dioxide that is changing the climate. I guess you're not keeping up on current events. Humans have increased carbon dioxide concentrations in the atmosphere from 280 to 420+ ppm over the last 100 years. CO2 is a greenhouse gas that warms the planet.
  22. What does that have to do with climate change? Cars don't need gratitude. Or are you suggesting that we should feel gratitude to the oil companies that are polluting our atmosphere?
  23. During a hearing, Jack Smith revealed that the DOJ "60 day rule" concerning timing of indictments doesn't apply to timing of trials. So, Trump could face Federal trials in October.
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