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Everything posted by Danderman123

  1. who demanded to know how much the Russians were paying Smirnov before he could make a comment on the spy scandal.
  2. You are correct. The oldest fossils are sea creatures. Land dwelling animals evolved much later. Of course, many Trump followers want to ban teaching about your beliefs in schools.
  3. Are you feeling okay? Forgot to take your meds? What is "satanic nationalism"?
  4. Biden's handwritten notes part of classified docs probe Biden thought that his handwritten notes were his personal property. Wrong.
  5. So, you agree that the Russians want Biden to lose, since that would benefit Russia. Congratulations, you answered correctly.
  6. As an intelligence officer, you would think that a Trump campaign worker hanging out with Joseph Mifsud would be suspicious.
  7. I can't imagine an intelligence officer who would support Trump, unless they had Russian connections.
  8. My personal opinion is that election polls don't have much predictive value until after Labor Day. So if you believe February polls, you are making a rookie mistake.
  9. what has been your experience with the predictive value of early polls?
  10. As an intelligence officer, you should know the facts before you post. Can you recall any intelligence information that prompted the FBI investigation of the Trump campaign in 2016? Do you understand that the Steele dossier was intended as a collection of raw unfiltered intelligence about Trump? Or were you so lame on the job that you couldn't tell fact from fiction?
  11. Do you still believe this? If so, when will there be an impeachment vote? 😂
  12. Your prior experience as a high level intelligence officer has failed you here. 5 minutes on Google would inform you that thousands of random people had access to the areas where classified documents were stored.
  13. "Her" voters will disappear during the general election, unless she runs third party. If so, "her" voters will be Democrats and independents who think Biden is too old. At best, "her" Republican voters will stay home in November, but most will fall in line and vote for Trump.
  14. The choice will be Biden or a psychopath with incipient Alzheimers who failed to fix the border last time around. Easy choice.
  15. Nope. She will soon drop out and disappear. In the unlikely event she ran as a third party candidate, it would be a big win for Trump, since her voters otherwise would vote for Biden.
  16. This election will be different than prior campaigns. Many prominent Republicans will endorse Joe Biden this year (assuming his health keeps up). Trump will be running as a convicted felon and an adjudicated rapist. He may campaign wearing an ankle bracelet. Stormy Daniels' testimony in court will make Trump look foolish and he will have a melt down. The requirement to pay $455 million to NY is going to wreak havoc with his business empire. It will not be pretty.
  17. Trump ordered rapid withdrawal from Afghanistan after election loss President Donald Trump ordered a rapid withdrawal of all U.S. troops from Afghanistan and Somalia in the wake of his 2020 election loss, but senior officials never followed through on the plan, according to testimony released by the congressional January 6 committee on Thursday. “The order was for an immediate withdrawal, and it would have been catastrophic,” said Rep. Adam Kinzinger, R-Ill., one of two Republican members of the special panel. “And yet President Trump signed the order.”
  18. https://www.rawstory.com/christian-nation-trump/ In his speech Thursday, during which he also promised to close the Department of Education so that Christian fundamentalists could take over school policy at the state level, Trump said, "If I get in, you're going to be using that power at a level that you’ve never used before."
  19. That's $114,000 per day as of Friday. The number will go higher. I don't see any Trump fans here volunteering to send money.
  20. First off, the number of Evangelicals in the US is dropping. Second, outside of the Red states that are a lock for Trump, there aren't a lot of evangelical voters. So, Evangelical voters aren't going to win the election for Trump. But, other key demographic groups that support Biden are all over the country.
  21. It's interesting that March 25 is the date by which Trump must post bond and is the start date of his first criminal trial.
  22. So, you would be okay if Trump used the office of President to pay back a Saudi loan?
  23. Your internet masters fooled you by not sending you the PRA language that prohibited Trump from retaining presidential records. I would be angry at them, if I were you. Now that I have provided you with the pertinent section of the PRA, do you understand why Trump can't use the PRA in his legal defense?
  24. You can ask the Republicans investigating foreign payments to the Biden family.
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