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Everything posted by Danderman123

  1. It is a certainty that when Trump falls behind in the polls, you will be claiming that the polls are fake. Then, when Ttump loses the election by the same margin predicted by the polls, you will claim that the election was fake.
  2. Blaming the banks for Trump's fraud indicates you have been conned.
  3. Unless you can demonstrate an increase in sea-floor vulcanism that accounts for the ocean warming, you are off topic.
  4. I'm not talking about models. The planet *has* warmed as CO2 increases. Even you know the Greenhouse Effect is real, and it doesn't take a rocket scientist to know that adding more CO2 into the atmosphere is going to cause more warming. If you disagree, can you provide some facts to the contrary?
  5. Nope. You obviously don't understand Science because you are not sufficiently competent to explain why you think Science is wrong. I could and have listed the proofs that Global Warming is manmade, but you can't deal with the facts, and instead post insults, claim that scientists are only in it for the money, anything but respond to facts. That's because for you, facts are only real if you are told them by your Leadership, mostly expressed via the talking points they send you.
  6. You seriously believe that Trump is faking dementia to trigger the Libs?
  7. The bloke is a loon. Atmospheric CO2 is increasing from 280 to 430+ ppm, the plants aren't "absorbing" it. "My friend told me that Science is wrong" doesn't work outside of primary school. Once you get to High School, then you learn that it's necessary to provide data to win sn argument. So, find a source that says that atmospheric CO2 isn't increasing. We'll wait.
  8. Carbon dioxide concentrations in the atmosphere have increased from 280 to 430+ ppm over the last decades. Increased CO2 causes warming in the atmosphere. The increased CO2 comes from human production. There are no natural causes of the warming.
  9. The people sending you talking points have lied to you. Of course, Special Counsels are legislatively approved: https://www.law.cornell.edu/cfr/text/28/600.1 So, your long winded post was a big fail.
  10. Jack Smith isn't going anywhere unless he is fired. The most probable outcome is that Trump is tried and convicted - next year, when nobody cares.
  11. It's my opinion, based on your being a foreigner trying to convince people to support Trump. And your prior comments about a multipolar world. And your lack of criticism of Putin. It all adds up. Oh yeah, you don't pay US taxes, so you want *me* to pay for the Wall.
  12. It's not your tax dollars that would pay for the Wall. Your only interest in the Wall is for political posturing to help Putin, so your posts have to be viewed in that context. You want America weakened so a multipolar world emerges, and therefore, Biden must go.
  13. Trump didn't bother to ask for wall funding for 2 years.
  14. Different geographies. Walls near populated areas make sense.
  15. The election can turn on issues we aren't thinking about now. All it would take would be something that causes widespread discomfort, and the public might blame the incumbent. Something like Facebook not working for an extended period. Not that Facebook failing could ever happen.
  16. If Biden cannot demonstrate fitness by the convention, he will be replaced. If Trump cannot demonstrate fitness by the convention, he will be worshipped.
  17. It seems that the Covid virus is evolving to emulate the flu virus. So, vaccination for both provides some, but not full, immunity. And, not enough people are vaccinated to stop the virus from spreading. So, we will continue to see people dying from Covid, albeit in smaller numbers, comparable to the flu.
  18. Trump's dementia is a problem now, he can't say the words on the teleprompter.
  19. Trump claims 'I don't need votes' and 'languages are from Mars' in rambling livestream More Trump dementia on display.
  20. Trump is practically begging the judge to reduce or delay his bond payment. This is the same judge who Trump repeatedly insulted during the trial. I guess it never occurred to Trump to be nice to the judge.
  21. Trump's Wall was a stupid idea, which is why Trump forgot about it after he took office. It was only when the 2020 election was coming that Trump spent a little money on building a few miles of barrier.
  22. Your scientific credentials are not quite adequate to assess the impact of a near doubling of atmospheric CO2. Perhaps you could support your position with a link to some scientist who has researched the impact of increased CO2 in the atmosphere. Or go back to reading talking points.
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