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Everything posted by Danderman123

  1. You seem focused on the OP, rather than the measles outbreak: https://www.nbcnews.com/health/kids-health/florida-measles-cases-rise-experts-oppose-state-surgeon-generals-decis-rcna140000 https://www.washingtonpost.com/health/2024/02/22/florida-measles-outbreak-ladapo/ https://www.pharmacypracticenews.com/Policy/Article/02-24/measles-in-florida/72990 https://www.foxnews.com/health/florida-measles-outbreak-surgeon-general-lets-parents-decide-whether-send-unvaccinated-kids-school
  2. You would have to demonstrate that measles is being spread by unvaccinated illegals. My understanding is that they have a higher vaccination rate than US citizens. More to the point, you don't think that anti-vaccination propaganda is what's causing measles outbreaks?
  3. Except for diseases for which they have been vaccinated. But I am sure that Governor DeSantis is working to help poor, weak, underfed Floridians.
  4. Millions of illegal aliens in Florida? Are you sure that illegal aliens are unvaccinated? Do you admit that unvaccinateds spread measles?
  5. Anyone who claims that scientists support the Global Warming hypothesis for the money isn't thinking this through. The data that supports the Global Warming hypothesis is generated by researchers who don't get paid based on the results, their job is to operate the instruments. If the instruments were to show cooling, the scientists get paid the same. I happened to know the manager of the NASA sea level measurement satellite. His salary depended on getting the data from the satellite, not whether it showed a politically correct dataset. The data from his satellite is crosschecked from other spacecraft, and via ground truth. There's no mechanism to fake the data to support the Global Warming hypothesis. But, the reverse is true, no way data from correctly operating instruments can disprove the Global Warming hypothesis. Unless the planet stops warming.
  6. Great. Rob a bank. If you are arrested, find someone to invent dirt on the prosecutor, and hope a judge removes the prosecutor. Shampoo rinse repeat until the case is dismissed.
  7. I think I was sent that article by a Flat Earther. They don't believe Science, either.
  8. The article is about non peer reviewed science often being wrong, which is not just true, it's common. But it's rare when experiments that are widely reviewed end up being wrong. The Global Warming hypothesis is one of the most widely reviewed and accepted scientific issues. It is so strong a hypothesis that you have no data to contradict it.
  9. Trump barely built any wall at all, so your logic is faulty.
  10. Do you even look at the links your internet friends send you? Given the increased numbers crossing the border, the decrease in 2024 funding for the Border Patrol enacted by the House Republicans is alarming.
  11. The border is such an urgent issue that the Republicans don't want to do anything about it until after the election.
  12. It's not me you don't believe, it's Science which maintains that human pollution is warming the planet.
  13. Volcanos create short term cooling. Another reading comprehension issue on your part. And still no data to support your position.
  14. So, you have no data to support your position? How embarrassing.
  15. It's a reading comprehension issue on your part. Scientists know that the planet is warming due to human pollution. What is puzzling is the recent uptick in ocean temperatures. Sooner or later, they'll figure it out.
  16. And yet the planet is warming. You continue to troll about solutions, in the hopes of derailing the topic.
  17. You are truly confused if you believe that the reality of Global Warming is contradicted by the behavior of a handful of wealthy people. Either you have data that can contradict the Global Warming hypothesis, or you can make noise. Since you can't provide any data, that leaves making noise.
  18. Your thread was about volcanos, which have nothing to do with warming the planet.
  19. You obviously didn't look very well: "Adding further greenhouse gases to the atmosphere warms the ocean cool skin layer, which in turn reduces the amount of heat flowing out of the ocean. Reducing the heat lost to the atmosphere allows the oceans to steadily warm over time - as has been observed over the last half century." https://skepticalscience.com/How-Increasing-Carbon-Dioxide-Heats-The-Ocean.html
  20. This Reuters photo provides a glimpse of the future.
  21. Because you think there is a giant conspiracy to support the Global Warming hypothesis. Meanwhile, you can produce zero evidence why the planet is warming, if it's not from greenhouse games. Anyone who believes in a conspiracy with zero evidence is a nut job, in my opinion.
  22. Emotional language doesn't help published science get past peer review.
  23. Posters with no explanation why temperatures are rising posting garbage to fill space.
  24. Human production of carbon dioxide has increased atmospheric concentrations from 280 to 430+ ppm. The article describes the impact of that increased CO2 on ocean temperatures.
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