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Everything posted by Danderman123

  1. Why is Cloud Cover warming the planet now, compared to 100 years ago? Weren't there clouds during the Ice Ages? Your post shows a lack of critical thinking. You are regurgitating stupid talking points.
  2. You not helping anyone with your answer. Are you ashamed to agree or disagre? If you agree that Carbon Dioxide is a greenhouse gas, the other Deniers might ridicule you. If you disagree, you are saying you flunked Science.
  3. DOJ has always maintained that retention of classified documents and refusing to give them back is a crime. Returning the documents when they are discovered mitigates the crime. Trump refused to return all of the classified documents. That's a crime.
  4. Here is some good news for Trump fans! The improving economy under Biden means that you have more cash to donate to Trump.
  5. Older scientists outside the field of atmospheric physics sometimes invoke the "cloud cover" theory to explain Global Warming. But they forget to explain why there is increased warming from cloud cover (ie, why there is more cloud cover). Because a warmer atmosophere supports more water vapor in the atmosphere). Big fail for the old guys.
  6. Hey, Deniers! Any of you agree that the current warming caused by "natural cycles"? This is your chance to show your knowledge of science (or lack thereof).
  7. We are in a natural cooling cycle, since the Interglacial Maximum 8,000 years ago. That's why the Sahara went from green just a few thousand years ago, to a desert today. You will not find a reputable scientist who says that we are in a natural warming cycle. Try again. But, you are just demonstrating to everyone here that you are misinformed on this subject.
  8. I don't have a problem with people protesting. That's what Democracy is about. Peaceful Protesters Tear-Gassed To Clear Way For Trump Church Photo-Op
  9. Paul Manafort handed a Kremlin agent Trump campaign polls that allowed Russians to micro-target voters in swing districts. Russian hackers were able to download emails from Clinton campaign staff and publish damaging emails on the Internet. The head FBI agent at SDNY "discovered" emails on Anthony Weiner's laptop a week before the election. Although the emails were a nothingburger, the announcement prompted a dip in the polls for Clinton. Of course, the head FBI agent has been arrested for being on the payroll of a Russian oligarch. "Russia, if you are out there listening....." Grand Jury Indicts 12 Russian Officers for Hacking Offenses Related to the 2016 Election This is all common knowledge. The more you know, the less you will support Trump.
  10. It would be easy for a Denier to prove that human produced Carbon Dioxide isn't the cause of the current warming: Show another source of increased carbon dioxide. Show increased solar output. Show changes to the Earth's orbital parameters that are currently causing warm. Show a wizard who is casting warming spells. To the extent that the Deniers can't do this, they are wrong.
  11. The first step in solving a problem is to recognize that there is a problem. In this case, the problem is that human produced carbon dioxide is warming the atmosphere. Although you admit that the atmosphere is warming, you disagree that human produced Carbon Dioxide is the primary cause. So, it's impossible to discuss solutions with you, if you don't recognize the cause of the problem.
  12. The atmosphere is being warmed by human produced Carbon Dioxide. Your job is to raise doubts about the reality of Global Warming.
  13. These 2 reports are long debunked. The 1998 report stated there was low confidence about future warming, and was totally wrong. If you are relying on these 2 reports for your basis for Global Warming denial, you are not only wrong, but alone. Modern Deniers use more current techniques than relying on these obsolete junk science documents.
  14. One very old trolling technique is to deflect from describing the problem of Global Warming and instead argue about solutions. After enough time has been wasted on solutions, then claim that the Global Warming problem doesn't exist. I suggest that discussion of solutions be moved to another topic.
  15. Deniers come in all flavors, including those who simply attempt to sow doubts about the Global Warming hypothesis. Sowing doubt was first used by the tobacco industry, but the oil companies picked up the technique: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Doubt_Is_Their_Product
  16. Okay, the plan has been unveiled: Weaken America so a multipolar world emerges, with Russia being one of the "poles". How to weaken America? Support Trump.
  17. So, these truckers hope to overturn the verdict via boycott? Or are they going to give their trucks to Trump so he can sell them?
  18. Biden clearly removed the documents legally. Some of the documents were his handwritten notes, which he believed he could retain. The remainder of the documents were few. None of Biden's documents were highly classified. Biden returned the documents when his staff found them. Trump retained large numbers of documents, some highly classified SCIF documents, and refused to return many of them, even after receiving a subpoena. To the extent that you can't see the difference between the cases, the problem is you. Most people understand the situation.
  19. Retention of classified documents is illegal. The question is what is done when the documents are discovered. Do you disagree?
  20. However bad you judge Biden's behavior regarding classified documents, how much worse was Trump's?
  21. Irrelevant. Let's try this: do you agree that Carbon Dioxide is a greenhouse gas?
  22. Carbon dioxide warms the planet as it increases. It doesn't matter who makes it. Even if its Taylor Swift's jet, CO2 is a greenhouse gas.
  23. https://www.forbes.com/sites/davidaxe/2023/04/19/whats-perfectly-round-made-of-metal-and-keeping-russia-from-replacing-the-2000-tanks-its-lost-in-ukraine/?sh=6f63685f23f2 Good luck making ball bearings in Russia.
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