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Everything posted by Danderman123

  1. It's hard to see the US transferring Block 70 F16s to Thailand, due to the risk of the planes being inspected by the Chinese. But those old F5s have to go.
  2. Look on the bright side, now you have a forum where you can trash Taylor Swift. I'm sure your inbox is filled with talking points.
  3. And, in response, Ms. Habba has dropped the matter, and backed off completely. Why is Trump using such crappy lawyers?
  4. Trump fluffers: tell me you believe the NFL has rigged the playoffs just for Taylor Swift. Please. Let's see who is the craziest Trump fan here!
  5. Okay, a letter. With a request. So, it's a motion in the form of a letter. Ms. Habba is still going to be sanctioned for it. You don't publicly air rumors about a Federal Judge without any foundation. "I read it in a newspaper " doesn't cut it.
  6. okay, so you are unaware of the large number of Canadian illegals in the US. And yes, they take jobs from real Americans. But you don't seem to be worried about them.
  7. Ms. Habba submitted a motion, not, an appeal, over the weekend. So, you are wrong. And her motion was sufficiently slipshod that she will be sanctioned. But, please proceed, and tell me you think her motion was legit.
  8. You are forgetting that Canadians can enter the US illegally. I guess you aren't worried about them.
  9. No. I support efforts to stop illegal immigration, mostly because it lowers wages for working Americans. On the other hand, legal immigration is okay because legal immigrants get paid fair wages. So, asylum seekers can get legalized. The problem now is that the US economy is good, everyone wants to go there. I have yet to see a Trump fluffer complain about illegals coming in from Canada. Why is that, eh?
  10. Yes, it's common for big farms to employee illegals and pay less than minimum wage. Some of their profits are used as campaign contributions for Republican politicians, who then whine about open borders. It's all scam to confuse @yellowtail.
  11. You mean all the Americans who pick strawberries but will lose their jobs to illegals? Do you know anyone who ever lost a job to an illegal?
  12. Trump fluffers are claiming that the Deep State has rigged the NFL so that Taylor Swift gets more publicity. So she can later endorse Biden.
  13. Why has Donald Trump stopped talking about E. Jean Carroll? I can give you 83 million reasons why. I guess Trump isn't such a fighter, after all.
  14. No, they're that stupid enough to wait until the NY Daily News had the "scoop".
  15. Do you have a link that shows this to be a conflict of interest for Federal courts? Alina Habba's Move Against Judge 'Self-Defeating'—Legal Analyst " This is a bogus motion by the Trump team. There's nothing there," Honig said. "Every judge in that courthouse knows, socializes with, has worked with, sometimes maybe mentored, dozens, hundreds of attorneys in this city. I used to practice in that courthouse in front of judges who used to be my colleagues, my supervisors. If anything, they were tougher on me as a result of it. That is not enough for a conflict of interest," Honig said.
  16. This only makes sense if you don't understand how elections are conducted. A faulty voting machine is easily discovered by precinct workers.
  17. You continually forget the "I don't ask them first" part. In other words, Trump doesn't worry about consent.
  18. It's called "consent". It seems you don't understand that concept, which is why you defend Trump's rape of Ms. Carroll.
  19. You need to see witnesses for someone to be convicted of rape? In this case, Ms. Carroll confided to friends about the rape, back in the day. Yes, I know, you are going to say that she planned for Trump to win the presidency, so she could sue him.
  20. So... an alleged rape in 1996 is ancient history that should be forgotten, but 2 lawyers working in a huge law firm in 1993 is relevant to the trial today.
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