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Everything posted by Danderman123

  1. Here's a hint: if your campaign depends on a lie, you're going to lose. Particularly if its a stupid lie. "They're eating the dogs. They're eating the cats". It's tough to vote for a candidate when you know they're lying. And *you* know Trump was lying.
  2. 'Smoking gun': Rage mounts after WSJ reports Vance knew Haitian pet story had no basis How many Trumpers believed his lies?
  3. But you post during waking hours in Moscow - you post all night in California time. What's up with that?
  4. Did you move to Moscow to support the Russians? Most of your posts are made during waking hours in Moscow. That is a classic mistake the minions of the Internet Research Agency make.
  5. I am sure you believe the 2020 election was stolen, but you have no proof.
  6. You have no clue what you are talking about. If Russia and Ukraine are kindred, why are Russians murdering so many Ukrainians?
  7. In other words, you think the election was stolen, but have no proof.
  8. https://data.worldbank.org/indicator/NY.GDP.MKTP.KD.ZG?end=2023&locations=RU&start=2001&view=chart With luck, Putin will get GDP back up the Yeltsin years.
  9. All standard practice under the Soviet Union. The bureaucrats loved to promulgate new codes. Soviet Reunion: Belarus, Ukraine and Vladimir Putin’s dreams of empire
  10. Putin has run Russia into the ground, and it will take decades to recover from his mismanagement.
  11. Lots of stupid verbiage to agree that Trump won't get 50% of the vote.
  12. You have a religious belief that Trump won in 2025, but you have no proof. It's impossible to use fake mass mail in ballots in an election. All you are saying is that you are ignorant of how elections are conducted.
  13. You live in a fantasy world, don't you? Tell me about standards of living in Russia outside of Moscow and St. Petersburg. I guess we should change the name of this topic to "I love Putin".
  14. That's why we have elections. Why is Trump not hitting 50% in the polls?
  15. Russia has not done well under Putin.
  16. So, you are in favor of socializing major enterprises?
  17. You seem detached from reality. Trump is sinking in the polls, if this continues, the election will be a blowout. Trump could stem the bleeding by appealing to swing voters, but, instead, he is appealing to his base with crazy talk. Yes, you love that crazy talk, but swing voters don't.
  18. Let's try this again: Russia was attacking Ukraine during 2017-21, while Trump was in power. Why didn't Trump stop the war?
  19. You are confusing Putin with Yeltsin. Yeltsin made the reforms, Putin reversed them. Particularly by re-nationalizing key enterprises. Putin never dropped his desire to re-constitute the USSR.
  20. Nope. Russia invaded the Donbas and Crimea in 2014. Trump had 4 years to stop that conflict, but failed. Do you disagree?
  21. Right. Your political opponents are all Communists. BTW, you know who is really a Communist? Vladimir Putin. And you love Vladimir Putin. What does that make you?
  22. Trump was unable to stop the Russian invasion of Ukraine during his term. True or false? Trump withheld congressionally authorized weapons for Ukraine. True or false? I am actually more interested in your programming than your answers. Your mental state seems to be that you are so entrapped by love of Trump that you are willing to lie because you think that you can cover up Trump's failures by lying.
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