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Everything posted by Danderman123

  1. It would be trivial for a Trump fan to post proof of 2020 election offered by a litigant after the 2020 election. Except, there isn't any. To quote Rudy Giuliani "we have plenty of theories, just no evidence".
  2. Your example has nothing to do with voter fraud in 2020, or any other time. Please provide proof of large scale voter fraud in 2020.
  3. I'm not staying in Thailand for more than 179 days this year, so I can sit back next year and see how or if these new regulations are enforced. I'll probably transfer US funds this year and zero next year, which will obviate paying taxes in Thailand in 2026. Unless they go with worldwide taxation. That will make it difficult to leave Thailand since everyone will be leaving if they tax worldwide income.
  4. So, what's going to happen on March 1, 2025 when the Farang in the village is supposed to file their taxes?
  5. "They're eating the cats. They're eating the dogs". Anyone here believe this?
  6. Any Trumpers here think that Biden stole the election in Arizona?
  7. The premise of 2000 Mules was wrong. There is no way to drop fake ballots into drop boxes and have them counted. And there was no proof that it happened.
  8. The question is whether you will be here after Trump loses.
  9. No need to bet. Harris will win, and you will stop posting.
  10. Fox News host Jesse Watters claims he’s ‘never heard of’ Mark Robinson — despite interviewing him this year I guess Mark Robinson is a non-person now. How many here Trumpers here will claim they never heard of him?
  11. That and 35 baht will get you on the BTS in Bangkok. Meanwhile, don't you find it odd that none of the Trumpers here have provided one piece of proof that the 2020 election was stolen? Plenty of assertions, but no data.
  12. I would be happy to walk you through this step by step so that you understand why this is ludicrous. As an educational exercise. It's my position that the less you know about elections, the easier it is to fool you. And the authors of 2000 Mules were attempting to trick you.
  13. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/2000_Mules "In 2024, Salem Media Group partially settled a lawsuit by a Georgia man who had been falsely accused of depositing fraudulent ballots in a ballot box. As part of the settlement, Salem disavowed the film and the book, pulled them from distribution and apologized." The premise of 2000 Mules is faulty, and no evidence was presented. Anyone who understands how elections are conducted would know that 2000 Mules is just crazy.
  14. Monday should be a big day. The Saudis and Russians have been prepped to prop up the stock. Someone dumped millions of shares on Friday, who could that have been?
  15. They're not going back to Russia until the war ends. Unless Russia starts kidnapping ex-pat Russians.
  16. Or maybe blow up the missiles and ammo just lying around, and the secondary explosions take care of the hardened sites.
  17. You will know if the reports are true: Trump is campaigning today in North Carolina. If he ignores Mark Robinson, then you know the reports are true.
  18. Over 4,000 Russian officers killed so far. These figures don't include those wounded, which should be two or three times higher.
  19. So you acknowledge that Biden won the 2020 election despite all that?
  20. In Biden's case, as with many similar cases, he was able to keep it together until he couldn't.
  21. This reminds me of children who believe in the Tooth Fairy. They see the results but believe in a fantasy as explanation. People with mental issues don't seem to use Occam's Razor, in this case the simple explanation that Joe Biden won the election.
  22. Is the crime opening the account, or accepting monies from other persons and then making transfers? This would seem to be a very difficult crime to spot in the first place. Also, why wouldn't the young man just roll over on his confederates? Or why wouldn't they pay his bail and get him away before he rolls on them?
  23. Thank you for an honest answer. What's your opinion of those who state that the election was stolen, but can't provide any proof?
  24. Still no proof from you that the 2020 election was stolen. Look, this isn't brain surgery. You can provide proof, or you can admit you don't have any. Changing the subject, posting insults, etc are just signs of a lack of focus, or worse.
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