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Everything posted by Danderman123

  1. The first step is acknowledgement that the current warming is manmade. Why? Because if the current warming is merely a random natural fluctuation, then its possible the heating may reverse at any time. Conversely, if the warming is from human pollutants, it can't be stopped unless we stop polluting.
  2. Okay, now you are trolling about semantics. You want a better word than "trap". How about "holds more"? Does that work for you? Meanwhile, CO2 is causing more water vapor in the atmosphere, which, in turn, causes more heating. As a result, global temperatures are increasing.
  3. In the US, the Statute of Limitations requires the police to issue an arrest warrant within a certain time period. Once that arrest warrant is issued to SOL becomes moot.
  4. I have breaking news for you! Hunter Biden got $2 billion from the Saudis! Oh, wait. That was Jared Kushner.
  5. You are suggesting that Global Warming is fake because some "monitors" somewhere were moved? I hope you understand that temperature readings are taken all over the world, and consistently show warming. Satellites also measure temperature, in agreement with ground stations. Moreover, ocean temperatures are rising. Now, unless you are in the monitoring business, the only way you would hear about monitors being moved is that you read it on the Internet. I have a suggestion for you: ignore people who post misinformation.
  6. I will describe the trapping process for you by typing slowly so you can understand. Increased CO2 warms the atmosphere and the seas by trapping heat in the Troposphere. This warmer air induces evaporation, which results in more water vapor entering the atmosphere. Warmer air can retain more water vapor than cooler air. Therefore, increased CO2 traps water vapor in the atmosphere (as opposed to cooler air which cannot retain water vapor as well).
  7. Except that the Greeks demonstrated via science that the Earth was round. To this day, there are deadenders who think that Climate Change isn't real.
  8. Science is a process. It's not the same as knowledge. You are describing knowledge, not science.
  9. Sea levels have indeed risen, but some isolated spots have geological processes causing them to rise. Very few places have those processes working to make them rise.
  10. Which islands were predicted to be inundated? Sea levels have risen largely as predicted, so it would be an incompetent scientist who couldn't calculate whether an island would be flooded. Or, do you have a dim memory of some tabloid headline?
  11. https://climate.nasa.gov/vital-signs/sea-level/ What you are effectively saying is that sea level rise won't be a global issue in your lifetime. This is true. Sea level rise is only impacting low lying areas now. At a rate of an inch a decade, its more of a 2100 problem. So for those who care about themselves, and not future generations, you don't have to worry about it.
  12. Voluntary masking is okay at this point. More important are vaccinations.
  13. The planet is warming, yet you waste your time on sophistry to protect the oil companies from diminished profits. Sounds weird to me.
  14. Trolling again. Oil company produce pollutants, and pay trolls to confuse people about the impact of their produce. Your flawed logic leads you down a path where anyone who teaches a child how to speak English is liable if that child grows up to be a killer.
  15. Reminds me of the movie "Minority Report" where people are convicted for future crimes. Do you suggest impeaching Joe Biden now for what he will do next year?
  16. Defending Ukraine and January 6 are issues many Americans care about. And Trump was correctly impeached twice. And indicted 4 times.
  17. So, oil companies are responsible for pollution, kind of like drug dealers are responsible for drug use. It's not an exact analogy, so don't get worked up over it. As for university compensation, do you really believe that grad students are overpaid? Meanwhile, the CEO of Exxon makes $35 million and his company makes a fortune from pollution. But you guys complain that grad students are profiting off climate change.
  18. So, Biden is clean, but some relatives engaged in petty offenses. Does that merit impeachment? what's your point? Did you know that Hunter Biden collected $2 billion from the Saudis? Oh wait, that was Jared Kushner.
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