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Everything posted by Danderman123

  1. You have forgotten that rioting innthe US Capitol is a serious crime. Enrique Tarrio got 22 years in the slammer.
  2. Nope. The amount of CO2 in the atmosphere is higher than at any point in the existence of Homo Sapiens. So, we are going to see more severe climate that we have ever experienced. I am sure you have at least once complained that politicians only worry about the short term, and ignore the long term. You are doing the same. You cannot grasp the long term consequences of the warming, so as long as you are not flooded right now, you don't worry about the warming.
  3. Nope. You have it backwards. Humans are changing nature by polluting the atmosphere - making nature nastier. Some people in the climate movement simply want to stop polluting. Is there some part of this you don't understand?
  4. You are looking through the telescope the wrong way. Oil companies are making billions while polluting the atmosphere. Graduate students researching climate change make little or no money. The CEO of Exxon made $35 million in salary last year. A top professor might make $90K from their university, but little of the work is research. So, the side that sows doubt about climate change makes the big bucks.
  5. Okay, I was a bit frustrated that your answer conveyed a lack of understanding of science. You questioned whether islands now being swamped are sinking,or covered by rising seas. Implicit in your comment is that you don't believe or understand that scientists can measure sea levels very accurately. I can address either, in detail. Do you deny that sea level rise is carefully measured?
  6. Indeed there are places with significant tidal extremes. Global warming will increase this in the near future.
  7. I am installing a kilowatt of solar on my balcony. Thank you for your interest.
  8. It's a common fallacy that viruses weaken over time. The reality is that viruses randomly mutate, and those mutations that best increase production of the virus survive. But that doesn't mean weaker iterations. For example, its possible that a delayed reaction variant might emerge, where the virus provides no symptoms for weeks or months, allowing the virus to spread, before killing the host. Interestingly, many who think that viruses weakrn over time also believe that Covid was engineered in a biolab. So, the inventors of Covid got lazy after the initial version, and didn't bother to create a more lethal variant.
  9. A lot of the HIV deniers were HIV positive. They denied that there was a link between HIV and AIDS. That particular vocal minority literally died out. So many Covid hoaxers died from Covid that I thought the Denial movement would likewise die out. But, no, there are no limits to stupidity.
  10. You believe in fairy stories. 1 in a thousand died from Covid. 1 in a million died from the vaccines. Your panties are in a bun over nothing.
  11. https://www.thedailystar.net/environment/climate-crisis/news/once-200-years-heat-wave-caught-southeast-asia-guard-3340916 The problem is that Real Life does not agree with you. Fortunately, your house is cool, so you don't believe the scidntists.
  12. Sea levels are different in different places. https://www.france24.com/en/tv-shows/focus/20230608-miami-coastlines-lose-ground-to-rising-sea-levels-due-to-climate-change Ever heard of Miami? https://www.adur-worthing.gov.uk/news/pr23-076.html Ever heard of Shoreham?
  13. https://www.aljazeera.com/gallery/2017/7/13/the-drowning-villages-of-indonesia Rising sea levels have forced people to leave their homes in four villages located in Bekasi, on the Indonesian island of West Java. Those who have remained face difficult living conditions. Pantai Bahagia village, located about one kilometre from the sealine is the most affected by the rising sea. Nearly 80 percent of the population here have felt the effect of the encroaching sea waters. The water level rises ever higher with each passing year. Every high tide brings the sea into their homes.
  14. Some people claim that Global Warming isn't real because winter. Meanwhile, in the Real World: https://climate.nasa.gov/news/3279/nasa-clocks-july-2023-as-hottest-month-on-record-ever-since-1880/ Think of your situation like a frog in a pot on a stove. The frog doesn't realize the pot is warming until it's too late. Don't be the frog.
  15. How about warming? I was watching a Dallas TV station yesterday, and I was struck by how many records for temperature are being exceeded this week.
  16. https://www.desmog.com/anthony-watts/ This Denier is well known - he is funded by the Heartland Institute, which is funded by the oil companies. He spews talking points all over the internet. Many of his claims from 10 years ago have been debunked.
  17. Sorry, you are not informed sufficiently on the subject to be any more than the recipient of talking points. At the very least, you are receiving them here. You know, the same old tired canards: " I believe the climate is changing, because its always changing, due to natural forces". If you ask them exactly what natural forces are changing the climate, they have to change the subject, because they don't have talking points about that. "The Sun is causing warming". Despite decreased solar activity. So, if you aren't getting talking points, why is the Stratosphere cooling? And why is it so hard for you to deal with this question?
  18. Because you cannot explain why the Stratosphere is cooling. I will tell you why. Big oil companies spend big money to misinform about Global Warming. They give money to trolls who spew misinformation via talking points to low information types, who then regurgitate the talking points in places like this. These low information types may not understand what they are posting, or that it is false. There is a second type of misinformation poster: trolls who sow doubt about Science. They also get material from the Denier Troll Factory, but sometimes in the form of leading questions. To this date, the Troll Factory has nothing on why the Stratosphere is cooling, so inability to answer this simple question is the hallmark of someone who relies on the Troll Factory. Like you.
  19. Excess CO2 is constantly causing additional water vapor, volcanos are a one-off. Since additional water vapor causes more warming, CO2 buildup is effective in warming the planet.
  20. So, why is the Stratosphere cooling? 2 weeks and you still can't answer.
  21. You can troll all you want, but you can't change reality: https://www.forbes.com/sites/marshallshepherd/2016/06/20/water-vapor-vs-carbon-dioxide-which-wins-in-climate-warming/?sh=6c04bf6e3238 …water vapor is the largest contributor to the Earth’s greenhouse effect…However, water vapor does not control the Earth’s temperature, but is instead controlled by the temperature…If there had been no increase in the amounts of non-condensable greenhouse gases (like carbon dioxide), the amount of water vapor in the atmosphere would not have changed with all other variables remaining the same. The addition of the non-condensable gases causes the temperature to increase and this leads to an increase in water vapor that further increases the temperature. This is an example of a positive feedback effect.
  22. https://www.rawstory.com/trump-documents-scandal-witnesses-lawyer/ 3 more witnesses dump their Trump funded lawyer.
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