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Everything posted by Danderman123

  1. McCarthy is going through the motions. Anyway, the MAGA Republicans in the House are incompetent, so not much will come of this.
  2. Sorry for you that Trump can't win in 2024. IMHO. Did you hear that Trump has been indicted 4 times? BTW, your opinion may be impacted if you are in the Trump cult. Let me ask you a test question: do you believe that Trump weighs 215 lbs?
  3. The news is that Vietnam Airlines is buying Boeing jets.
  4. And yet, he will win a second term, barring catastrophe. Why is Biden too old, but Trump isn't?
  5. This topic is based on a handful of polls, and cherrypicks data from them to make Biden look bad. Here's the bottom line: Unless the economy craters, or Biden has a medical problem, he will beat Trump. The final result won't be close, but the media will make a horserace out of it during the final stretch. It would be tougher for Biden to beat other nominees (other than Trump), but the polling about now can't be taken seriously. Way too early.
  6. And you will post many times that you don't care how much Trump weighs. That's part of the syndrome, the inability to answer a simple question about whether or not you believe one of Trump's lies.
  7. The key is that McCarthy did not want a vote of the full House for this inquiry. But, apparently it takes a vote of the full House to grant subpoena power. HOWEVER, some committees already have subpoena power, and one of them could conduct the inquiry, with requiring a full vote of the House.
  8. I don't think so. The House will be won or lost in November 2024 based on conditions in the US at that time. Nobody will remember what happened in 2023.
  9. Judging by some posts here, there are a lot of not so elderly but senile (or crazy) posters here. Virtually none of the Trump fans here can say whether they believe Trump weighs 215 lbs, as he claims. It takes a special kind of crazy to not to be able to answer a simple yes/no question. But ask a Trump fan that question, and they do anything but answer the question. Like writing a 1,000 word post about how they don't care.
  10. It seems you don't know much about the events that led to Shokin's firing. Here's a hint: don't listen to your internet friends, they are lying to you about Shokin. https://www.irishtimes.com/news/world/europe/eu-hails-sacking-of-ukraine-s-prosecutor-viktor-shokin-1.2591190
  11. For the Biden haters/Trump supporters: Consider the level of evidence against Biden to the level of evidence against Trump.
  12. What this is going to devolve into is: On the first day of a new administration, the opposition controlled House will initiate a pro forma impeachment.
  13. Polls more than a year away from the election are meaningless. Trump is likewise going to get older, slower and more demented.
  14. Do you disagree with the judge? She correctly stated that convicted rioters were motivated by blind loyalty to Trump. That's actually true. The question is if Trump did anything illegal related to January 6. That's to be litigated.
  15. Or you are misquoting her, per the talking points your internet friends have sent you.
  16. There have been many elections throughout history with no debates. Remind me of the RNC debates in 2020 when Trump was running for re-eldction
  17. Gewz, it was just posted here yesterday. As for being an alarmist, feel free to quote me being alarmist. My position is that global warming is manmade, not that we are all going to die tomorrow from it.
  18. No GCs because the vast majority of Farang males coming to these places bring their Significant Other. Men come to Pattaya alone.
  19. per capita, not so much. But, yes, China is a special problem. They probably won't get serious until they have a climate catastrophe.
  20. James Comer makes a lot of asserions about Biden. But provides no proof.
  21. Trump fans believe Trump's lies, and admire him for his skills as a liar. At the same time. Yes, it's weird. You can tell how far down the rabbit hole they have fallen when you ask them if they believe he weighs 215 lbs. They can't answer.
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