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Everything posted by Danderman123

  1. What he said was he focused on climate change as a variable in examining the causes for increased wildfires, leaving out other factors, such as poor forest management. A clarification will probably be forthcoming.
  2. Unfortunately, Farangs jam Pattaya during Songkran.
  3. The shortage of ladies was only temporary, as High Season began. After the peak of High Season, Pattaya was flooded with ladies. Don't forget that a lot of online ladies work sideline at bars, leaving when they hook a customer.
  4. I don't vote for or against a candidate due to their ethnicity.
  5. Breaking news! The Saudis are reported to have given Hunter Biden $2 billion! Oh, wait. That was Jared Kushner.
  6. Haley was also UN Ambassador, basically #2 in the State Department.
  7. No. There is usually a fairly dramatic exit of Farangs the day after Songkran ends. This year, the Farangs stuck around until May 1.
  8. Last High Season, there was a shortage of ladies for the bars, because of Covid. Once word got out that customers were plentiful, the ladies streamed into Pattaya, but by then it was already late January. This year, there should be enough ladies to handle the influx of customers.
  9. I noticed that the usual exodus of customers this year was delayed from the day after Songkran until May 1. There was an extra week of heavy traffic.
  10. No matter the situation, its always good to rely on the factual evidence, as opposed to some internet troll's talking points. We've got people here who claim they don't believe scientists (although they seem to have no problem using technologies developed by scientists). Not healthy.
  11. You can't do anything about the weather, but its not irrelevant to your life. More importantly, your understanding of the impact of individuals is not useful. As an example, the decision of one person to attend a football match may not seem important, but if 60,000 people individually decide not to attend, the team would be significantly impacted. Same with climate change. One individual cannot make a noticeable difference, but lots of individuals can.
  12. I couldn't get a Bolt taxi at night during High Season last year. Baht buses were at capacity. It was common to see people at night walking from Jomtien to Pattaya. Then, about May 1, things got very quiet.
  13. You are suggesting that facts don't matter. That the only reality is the one in your mind, outside sources need not apply, unless they fit in your personal viewpoint. http://www.columbia.edu/~mhs119/Temperature/ Unfortunately, a working definition of crazy people is that they deny reality. I'll give you another shot with this chart - can you see that the temperature is rising?
  14. Prices in early December are not so high.
  15. And yet, the planet is warming, despite the locale where conferences are held. https://berkeleyearth.org/july-2023-temperature-update/ BTW, where are oil industry conferences held?
  16. You constantly refer to a movie featuring oil company funded scientists.
  17. Let me recap the bidding. Please tell me where you disagree: Carbon dioxide is a greenhouse gas, and traps heat in the lower atmosphere. Until 40 years ago, CO2 concentrations in the atmosphere have been at 280 ppm. Today, CO2 is at 400+ ppm and rising. Additional CO2 causes more warming. Much of this excess CO2 is produced by humans. So, with which of these do you disagree?
  18. The MMCC was debunked long ago. I don't want to get into the consensus issue. Instead, you could demonstrate that there is a continued debate by providing recent scientific papers disproving the Global Warming hypothesis. There are hundreds, if not 1000s of papers proving some aspect of Climate Change that are published every year. But, even with oil company money, scientists rarely produce contrary peer reviewed papers, because of the reality thing.
  19. So one poster says politicians aren't doing enough and another that they are doing too much. Guys, work it out between you.
  20. Please provide data disproving the Global Warming hypothesis. Note that the movie you refer to was debunked long ago. And the planet has gotten a lot warmer since that movie.
  21. Do you believe in witches, too? Do you think politicians should rely on scientists or simply on whatever feeling they have today? Why is it that scientists who receive funding from oil companies are the correct ones, in your opinion, even if they havd been proven wrong?
  22. Are there fields of science outside of climate science where you think scientists are wrong? Do you think the Earth is flat? Do you understand that FlatEarthers likewise think scientists are wrong?
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