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Everything posted by Danderman123

  1. I do have an impact driver, that might help IF I have to drill through steel. Right now, I am looking at drilling between the studs, using drywall anchors.
  2. I am measuring roughly, but it does look like the center of the solid objects behind the drywall appear every 60 cm. Maybe it’s metal used to join drywall sheets together.
  3. My stud detector says whatever is behind the walls is 100mm+ wide.
  4. The drywall is thin, and there is no gap with whatever is behind it, so cavity fixings would be too short to be effective. Edit: my instinct is to drill into a stud and use that for support. But, if I just drill where there are no beams behind the wall, I can use large cavity fixings, as you suggest. That is probably what I will do.
  5. The drywall is no issue, it’s what is behind the drywall.
  6. I had one leak at the valve while I was on holiday. Water everywhere, no fun.
  7. Yeah, I am having problems with hoses losing their integrity, they seem to rust out pretty quickly.
  8. Most likely explanation for the newest sightings: sensor glitches in aircraft avionics suites. Something DoD doesn’t want you to know. The sensors will pick up an airliner 100 Kms away and provide an erroneous report that it’s closer. I would not be surprised if most of the UFO sightings are from F-35s.
  9. I am trying to put up shelving on my condo walls. My stud detector reports some solid objects behind the drywall (gypsum) maybe 14 inches apart. I tried drilling, but whatever is behind the walls is impervious to my drill. i have ordered masonry and tungsten bits in the event that I am trying to drill into concrete, but maybe something else is back there, maybe wood in metal sheathing, I just don’t know. I am not too anxious to blindly drill any further. Anyone else put up shelving and had to deal with what’s below the drywall?
  10. I am looking for a weekend trip from Pattaya to Chanthaburi. I don’t have a car, and would prefer not to use a taxi. i assume that a transfer in Rayong would be involved.
  11. Since you quoted me complaining about Bangkok bank’s app, advising me to use the Kasikorn bank app was not very useful.
  12. The issue isn’t Lazada wallet, it’s Bangkok bank. They want my Thai citizen ID to interface with Lazada wallet.
  13. I tried topping up the Lazada wallet with my Bangkok Bank account, but got hung up when it asked for my Thai citizen ID.
  14. Because Thais lived in and around Guangzhou province, before they emigrated.
  15. Flying out of LAX was no big deal last week. My only issue is that I caught a cold in the US, and so I now have my first cold since before Covid. I used to get them every time I came to Thailand, but Covid stopped that.
  16. I am filling out the Singapore equivalent of Thailand Pass, and it’s about the same.
  17. I have a Mamasan bargirlfriend who lends money to bargirls and is always paid back. Because she also pays their salaries and grabs her money back first, with interest.
  18. It seems you are unaware of the concept of excess mortality.
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