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Everything posted by Danderman123

  1. Customers are plentiful one night, sparse the next. But TreeTown is always busy. i went to the Escape club last night. Lots of ladies and customers. I guess the predicted doom and gloom never came to pass.
  2. Escape club opened last week, a huge venue. Lots of other new bars opening. it’s kind of similar to pre-Covid low seasons before.
  3. Let me guess, you got Covid in Spring 2020.
  4. Of course, the objective of wearing face masks is to stop you from infecting other people. Face masks have limited effectiveness in preventing you from infection by others.
  5. You’ll have to repeat your post again. Some people disregard data that conflicts with their world view.
  6. So, you like to cherry-pick data and use it to make you feel better. Of course, Germans outside Bavaria wore masks, too: https://www.pnas.org/doi/10.1073/pnas.2015954117
  7. Meanwhile, one of the two ladies in the OP has gotten worse. Doesn’t sound like the flu. She is talking about dying. i gave her the obvious advice.
  8. Scientists disagree with you. And you think they are conspiring to make you wear a mask because reasons.
  9. The 2 ladies who came down with something last week are still ill. They have good days and bad days.
  10. Despite the reduced customers, there are plenty of new bars opening, some of them large. Also, lots of Indians in some bars, no problem for Thai ladies.
  11. I am not sure there's VoA for US citizens. Anyway, i will keep trying the evisa for now.
  12. I am attempting to complete the Evisa online, but uploading the required photo doesn’t seem to work, I just get a red “application photo is required” comment. I have tried reducing the file size to 135kb, any hints on what I am doing wrong?
  13. I was in Bar Code in LK Metro a couple of days ago, and 5 ladies came in with suitcases. Fresh off the bus.
  14. Getting back to Pattaya, I am detecting a big downturn in customers in Pattaya over the last week. I have a fairly accurate method for determine the customer numbers in Pattaya: the number of ladies messaging me for a visit to my place shot through the roof last week. The phone was ringing off the hook. The same ladies who ignored me for the last six months. Because they were busy with customers. The irony is the number of ladies arriving from Isaan is increasing as the customers leave.
  15. Jimi Hendrix. Eddie Van Halen. Jan Akkermann Neal Schon.
  16. You don’t know which children are infected, and there are still plenty of unvaccinated kids out there.
  17. You got Covid, but your case was very mild. But you say your vaccinations were ineffective. i would suggest that they were very effective.
  18. Again, at the moment, Covid is very infectious, but not particularly lethal. About the only people now who die from it are Deadender anti-vax types. Darwin in action.
  19. If you don’t believe millions of people died from Covid - and that excess mortality statistics bear this out - not much I can say.
  20. At this point, Covid is indeed just another bug, although much more infectious than the others. The problem was when the Deniers were claiming it was just another bug when the hospitals were filled and people were dying in the 100s,
  21. I suspect that BA.5 can bypass vaccines, but is not very strong.
  22. Actually, i do. I got a set of vector virus vaccines in Thailand, and the full set of MRNA vaccines in the US. Plus, i have received a booster every 4 months or so, because the vaccines lose effectiveness over time.
  23. There is some new strain going around now, it doesn't seem to be detected by the Chinese ATK tests. Lots of people I know have it, they are typically sick for a few days, then okay. I had intimate contact with 2 peopke just before their first symptoms, so I might be confined to bed for a few days. Or my 7 vaccinations may protect me. I don't many of these cases are reported officially. Aa long as the hospitals don't fill up, this wave is nit a big deal.
  24. The question is: how much time between marriage and things going bad?
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