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Everything posted by Danderman123

  1. No problem. Just tell your Thai wife that your life insurance policy money will go to your Mia noi. Your wife in ensure that you live forever.
  2. The other night, I was in a Thai bar. Sitting near me was a Thai lady who recently married an older German man, she initially moved to Germany, but came back to Thailand for visa purposes. She was very happy with her new husband, who was back in Germany waiting for her to come back. But, I suspect she was happier with her young Thai boyfriend sitting next to her in the bar.
  3. There are areas in Pattaya doing well. Other areas are dead zones. It will take a long time for Pattaya to return to its former self. But, for most of us, current Pattaya is good enough.
  4. The Russians indeed are slowly advancing in some areas, but at a very high cost.
  5. The Cave on LK Metro is switching to a Soi 6 type short time bar. Presumably, there will be young ladies working there.
  6. I have been very careful in hitting the bars in Pattaya, plus I just got my sixth vaccination.
  7. You are confusing deaths reported in overnight reports with deaths as determined by a medical examiner. If you assume that medical authorities are not stupid, and want to be able to use their statistics for scientific research, then you might be able to imagine how the process for determining Covid deaths actually works.
  8. Actually, the UK has very stringent rules for determining primary cause of death on the death certificate. The rules for the overnight mortality reports are not so precise, but the numbers are corrected after death certificates are issued. Typically, mortality numbers are revised up from the overnight reports, due to deaths being reported for people who die at home from Covid (these deaths typically don’t make the overnight reports). So, the final numbers of people die from Covid are more accurate than you may realize.
  9. Probably 10x higher, but the key metrics are hospitalizations, ICU and intubations.
  10. I am hearing stories of mass infections in the villages. At this rate, visitors from Bangkok are likely to spread Omicron back to Bangkok after Songkran.
  11. What does increased domestic infections have to do with reducing restrictions on foreigners entering the country?
  12. Your argument is that vaccines don’t protect against infection. The article states that they do, albeit for a short time. Do you agree with the article?
  13. Vaccines protect against infection from Omicron subvariant — but not for long you can argue with these guys.
  14. It’s true that the US has killed many innocents via bombing. The difference with Russia is that the US bombs civilians by error, whereas the Russians do so intentionally.
  15. If you were given concrete examples of Putin lying, you would rationalize the lies by claiming that deception is part of war. To be fair, if your question is honest, I will give you examples of Putin lying.
  16. Shocked, for a minute, but then forgot about it.
  17. When I talk to a Thai lady friend about the war, she has zero interest. It’s a bit strange for me, since we stayed in Kyiv a year ago for 2 weeks. Maybe once she reacted to a photo of a building in Kyiv being bombed.
  18. Okay, I am going to Phuket with the married factory lady. She doesn’t know that I know she has a husband, so I don’t ask about her marital status.
  19. I suspect that you could multiple the number of newly hospitalized by 100 to provide the real number of new infections. Of course, we never see that number.
  20. The drop in weekend numbers are what I called an “artifact” last year. Apparently, last year, nobody agreed with me that weekend numbers were artificially low, due to reduced testing.
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