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Everything posted by Danderman123

  1. Lots of articles on preparation of Molotov cocktails, very little about actual use in the field.
  2. Those people who choose not to vaccinate increase the odds of a new variant emerging in the future.
  3. Your post is not consistent with reality. Yes, most people have mild symptoms with the current variant. But, the unvaccinated are filling up hospitals. And, a new variant may emerge that is more lethal.
  4. What is most common is a bargirl having a private FB for friends and family, and a public FB for customers. Sometimes, I get the private FB, but then it doesn’t say where the lady works, so it’s kind of useless. Plus, it’s filled with photos of kids and cats and food.
  5. the only problem is that my Thai lady companion sometimes gets into a fight with her husband and is out of order for a day.
  6. I am just pointing out the differences in culture, not criticizing them.
  7. Farangs tend to think the standard process for a Thai lady to enter the bar scene is for her husband to dump her after she spits out a few kids. The lady is alone, not enough money to support herself, so she leaves the kids with her mother to go work bar. And that happens a lot. The flip side is when a lady has been married for a while, and gets tired of it. She is not so excited about the husband, she would like more money, and a more exciting life. The bar scene provides all that. The problem is, unless she already lives near Pattaya, she is going to have to leave the husband. Some ladies have delusions of making a big score quickly and then running back to the husband. Some give up and go home after a few weeks, no idea what they tell the husband. Others make marginal cash, but love the bar lifestyle. And there are those angling for a Farang husband to set themselves up for life. And then there are the rare few who never cut the cord with the husband. Some ladies send money to their husband back in Isaan. There are some husbands who move to Pattaya (or wherever the bar is) and take care of the kids while the wife works bar. There are even husbands who wait for the wife after she marries a Farang. Another variant is the bargirl who makes enough cash to afford a money boy in Pattaya. Money boys don’t mind at all if their honey goes with a customer, as long as the money keeps flowing. For ladies still attached to their husbands, it’s often a big secret that they keep from their Farang customers, especially if they are older. The younger ladies don’t worry about a long term relationship with a Farang (yet), so they don’t mind if their Thai boyfriend is known. my philosophy is that I don’t care about the personal lives of the ladies, as long as it doesn’t impact their performance. Your opinion may differ.
  8. Except in Thailand, of course. Many here ignore the threat of new variants because of a religious belief that all future variants of Covid will be mild. But, as long as a large segment of people remain unvaccinated, there exists the potential threat of a lethal new variant. Some of the deadenders here would react to a new variant that kills more people with the usual “they died with Covid, not from Covid”, ignoring the reality that without Covid, those people would still be alive.
  9. Basic common sense applies here. When Thailand is going through the peak of a wave, it’s best to avoid it. When the wave starts to decline a bit, that’s the time to plan for a trip.
  10. It sounds like Pattaya is more or less the same as pre-Covid during March, not as crowded as high season, but not as dead as low season. The difference being that not so many bars are open, as before Covid. For me, with so much Omicron in Thailand as well as some bars requiring ATK tests, I will stay away a bit longer. I fled Thailand the first week of January, when Omicron hit Pattaya with a vengeance, but now Omicron is hitting everywhere in Thailand.
  11. It's a war. You have been reading too much Russian propaganda.
  12. Wrong all the way. Delta was more lethal than earlier variants. Vaccination helps stop infection.
  13. My question is indeed if bars are still requiring ATK tests from customers. it doesn’t matter why I want to know, or what happens if the test is positive, just asking for information, not more questions. it sounds like the tests have mostly been abandoned.
  14. Plus, she has a Thai husband you don’t know about.
  15. I have taken a Chinese zero dollar tour in Thailand, actually a tour of Vietnam, Cambodia and Thailand. I will write about the Thailand portion. The tour was booked by a Chinese national via a Chinese travel agent. The price was a few hundred dollars. We flew into BKK from Cambodia, don’t remember the airline. We did a few days in Bangkok, i don’t remember much about Bangkok, we probably visited the Grand Palace, we went up the Siam tower and had lunch there. The hotel was near Suvarnaphumi, a truly crappy hotel. Then we bussed down to Pattaya. We stayed in a small hotel on North Pattaya Road. During the day, we visited minor attractions mostly out of Pattaya, like the elephant show at Nong Noch, a tiger farm, a snake farm, and lots of shopping. We also took a boat out to a parasailing barge. I guess all of these were Chinese owned. All of the restaurants served Chinese food, with a little Thai flavoring. The days were pretty long, but one night, I managed to get down to Soi 6 for a drink. Not too many songthaews on Pattaya Road North. On the way back to Bangkok, we stopped at a minor temple on Sukhumvit Road. And that was it.
  16. Geez, my massage lady sent me a message asking for a loan of 3000 baht because her mother is in the hospital. Yeah, she sent a photo of her mother in the hospital. I should send her the 30 baht for payment to the hospital. I guess she doesn't know that I know about the 30 baht plan. It would have been more effective if she had sent a photo of a sick Buffalo.
  17. I am not going to bother with all of that to go into a bar. My question is whether bars are still requiring ATK test results?
  18. I am not going to take an ATK test just to go into a bar. If it's a false positive, my life goes into the toilet for 2 weeks.
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