Most bargirls have a "sell by" date around age 40, and most are aware of imminent forced retirement. There are a few who can continue to work bar into their 40s, but they are exceptional. So, bargirls start to think about retirement at some point in their 30s. Among the chief strategies :
Marry a Farang. This is Plan A for many, but it has drawbacks. For one thing, its not easy to live with someone you don't love, for a long time. I have run into former bargirls who married for money, and its not pretty, especially when assets have already been transferred to them. Some deride their spouses, while others can maintain a facade of respect, especially if there are more assets to be transferred to them. Another problem is how to continue to see their Thai boyfriend. That can often mean letting the Farang husband go to bars, while they visit their " brother".
Another common plan is to open a shop or restaurant back home. These have a high failure rate, and the bargirl returns to the bar after a few months. Strangely, working in a bar is poor preparation for running a business.
Working massage for another 10 years is common. They can tell their Thai husband that they only massage, no boom-boom.
Not stopping work is another strategy. This often has tragic results, as the bargirl has ever fewer customers. At some point, their Thai boyfriend will leave, as the money runs out, and he is forced to find a better cash cow.
Another strategy: get a regular day job. Since factories don't hire older ladies, this is not common. Or the lady may get a low paying job at a shop, and go out to Beach Road after work, to get one customer before she goes home.
Really uncommon: a bargirl who saved for retirement.