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Everything posted by Danderman123

  1. You are probably referring to the black computer cable. They don't work as extension cords.
  2. No, I didn't get tested. I had a sore throat for a couple of days, which led me to believe that a cold was coming on. Not a severe sore throat, which is normally a sure sign of an oncoming cold. Day 3 came and went, the sore tgroat continued, and I thought that the cold was just late. I did take some antibiotics to avoid any secondary infection. Day 4 came, and i still had a minor sore throat. I was thinking about taking an ATK test, but those things are useless for Omicron. Day 5 came, and the sore throat was almost gone. Day 6 came, and it was gone. Maybe I just had some random sore throat, or maybe i had a very mild case of Covid. If so, my 7 vaccinations probably helped me.
  3. Perhaps you are confusing a power strip with an extension cord. They are not the same thing.
  4. You just made my point for me. 3 power strips, and one computer only cable. I am looking for a 3 conductor extension cord, very common in other countries. But not in Thailand.
  5. Good luck finding an electrical 3 conductor cord in Lotus's. My opinion is that such cords are not available in Thailand.
  6. Amazingly, 0 of the 2,500 hits are for electrical extension cords, that are usable in your house. Lots of other stuff comes up.
  7. I am not seeing any 3 conductor extension cords on Lazada.
  8. I went there for the same thing, and they said “no have”. At least, it was not available downstairs.
  9. I went there yesterday, showed them this photo, and they said “no have”.
  10. I renew my Non-O retirement visa via an agency.
  11. I will have to give up my passport to Immigration to renew my visa, which means I will be without a passport for some weeks. my question is, if I have copies of my passport, can I check into hotels? Can I fly domestically with a copy of my passport?
  12. Thai culture may make people more susceptible to police scams. BTW, not my significant other.
  13. Here’s the latest scam: You get a call from the police (allegedly). They claim you have a fraudulent bank account, and that you will be arrested if you don’t cooperate. They demand your bank account information. Of course, they use that to steal your money. Obviously, the scam is in Thai, but if your Significant Other gets the call, her instinct may be to hide it from you, since having the police involved is a loss of face for her. Only after she realizes that the caller wasn’t the police will she tell you.
  14. Because the millions who died from Covid-19 proves your point that Covid is just like the flu.
  15. It’s irrefutable that the unvaccinated are much more likely to die. So, why do some vaccinated people die from Covid? Old fat smokers are much more vulnerable to Covid,
  16. Except for the millions who died from Covid-19.
  17. The Oxford Dictionary gives it as “ inflammation of the tonsils”.
  18. You are missing my point. Wherever Covid really hit, the hospitals filled up quickly and people started dying like flies. Pattaya was the one place on Earth where large numbers of elderly Farangs got Covid in early 2020 (allegedly), but the hospitals were not impacted. Amazing Pattaya!
  19. Given the deadliness of the initial Covid variant, its amazing the hospitals in Pattaya were not swamped with Farangs suffering Covid in early 2020. Many had it, but nobody went to the hospital, or died. Despite a lack of PPE, isolation measures, and treatments. Once Covid was recognized, and tests were available, then we saw, a lot of serious cases.
  20. There is plenty of data available that the vaccinated are less likely to get infected, less likely to infect others, and less likely to die.
  21. I am amazed how many Farangs had Covid in early 2020, before Covid tests were available.
  22. https://www.nature.com/articles/d41586-022-02121-z https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9258292/
  23. I’m not saying that the epidemic over, only that the worst has passed.
  24. https://emergency.cdc.gov/han/2022/pdf/CDC_HAN_467.pdf
  25. You can tell CDC they are lying: https://emergency.cdc.gov/han/2022/pdf/CDC_HAN_467.pdf
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