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Everything posted by Danderman123

  1. I just went to Cambodia, got a Visa on Arrival, and they pasted a full page visa in my passport. Does the Cambodian E-Visa also entail a full page document, or do they just stamp your passport when you arrive? My last passport had to be replaced early because every page was full. Mostly one page visa documents.
  2. The point is that Trump demeaned veterans on television. Are you okay with that?
  3. You seem unfamiliar with the statistical concept of "margin of error".
  4. Your video shows the start of the rally. After Trump droned on, people left: https://youtu.be/3NrnhWG80o4?feature=shared
  5. Trump stupidly insulted our veterans on television. That means you can't deny what he said. Goodbye Donald.
  6. I don't hate Donald Trump. He will be gone from the US political scene shortly. Why get worked up about him? I don't think there are any US political figures who I hate.
  7. I don't understand your last sentence. Killing vermin with an assault rifle? Are you nuts?
  8. Trump is a dead duck in Michigan, Wisconsin and Pennsylvania. Game over, man.
  9. Nope. Most polls correctly had Clinton's lead, within the margin of error.
  10. What are the uses of an assault rifle by a law abiding citizen? You can't use them for deer hunting.
  11. Frankly, Joe had a bad night, his age finally caught up to him. But Trump was truly terrible. If his opponent had not been Biden, Trump's craziness during the debate would have been the story.
  12. The original poster obviously cared. Meanwhile, your man Trump is circling the drain. Harris is going to win the election easily. Michigan, Wisconsin and Pennsylvania are gone, Trump has no chance there, and that's the election. But, please, give your life savings to Trump's campaign, I am sure he would appreciate it.
  13. People left after he started speaking. Boring.
  14. I was responding to a claim that the polls were wrong in 2016. My point was that the polls accurately predicted the popular vote. Do you disagree?
  15. The statement I was responding to was that the polls were wrong in 2016. I explained that the polls were right. Do you disagree?
  16. Trump is the first candidate to campaign for President while preparing an insanity defense for a criminal trial.
  17. Every time Trump appears in public, he loses votes.
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