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Everything posted by WingFat

  1. Yes, I agree with what you are saying; once an original virus has been let out of the bag, it will be natural for it to mutate as it infects more and more people. What I am saying is depending on the original structure of the virus, it could be capable of more rapid transmission and mutation; i.e. "gain of function". That's what I was inferring by "design".
  2. There is a lot of conflicting info out there as who or what "designed" this virus. What I think is consistent no matter who/how it was designed, the on-going slew of new variants is no accident...IMO.
  3. I know what you mean...Rule #1 The Ruling Narrative is Always Correct.; Rule #2 If The Ruling Narrative is challenged or Incorrect, Refer to Rule #1.
  4. Which New Year ??? 2023, 2024, 2025, etc...This "pandemic" has been designed to be the one that "keeps on giving".
  5. Norwegians...more likely to cancel their travel plans to LOI (Land of Isolation) than before.
  6. Thailand...formerly known as the LOS (Land of Smiles)...now, LOI (Land of Isolation ???)
  7. Yeah it does, Bert. Why should the vast majority of humanity be responsible for those who are obese, and otherwise in poor health due their own choices ??? Especially since this "virus" and its variants are of Chinese creation and exported ???
  8. OK, I had a mild case of the Chinese virus and quickly recovered, then I tested positive to having the anti-bodies then I had the two-jab Moderna vaccine, then I had the Moderna "booster"...then, then, then...the a**hole totalitarians and their media lap-dogs say I'm still not "safe"...???????????? them and anyone else who believes them. Grow some balls, people.
  9. The Chinese communists are laughing at the western countries...and those in the western countries who's "leaders" have sold out to the Chinese communist virus creators and exporters, one big sell-out to freedom.
  10. This is a prime example of imposing totalitarian control over people...regulation after regulation, for a virus created, exported and variant-ed by a communist totalitarian country...and many are kowtowing to it.
  11. The totalitarian socialists just love to try and clamp their fists upon us peons...a weak Chinese virus variant of a Chinese-created virus...????????????
  12. Chinese Omicron Exported Variant could reach 30K a day...mild symptoms...OK, so let's also employ strict measures for motorbike accidents, the flu, etc...This is an effort to restrict worldwide society to the whims of an authoritarian and total control of us peons by the elite globalists.
  13. Hmmm...I have a tough choice...root canal without novocaine or trying to visit LOS under the current byzantine draconian regs...go for it dentist.
  14. I can't agree with you more...please don't interpret my post as meaning to hold off getting whatever vaccine is available. Just if you have a choice to get one of the better ones, then get that one. Otherwise, get the best one you can as soon as you can and if that "best one" is the Chinese one, get it. And, consult your doctor if you may have some underlying condition before getting vaccinated. Like many people, I was skeptical of how fast various vaccines came to market, but I did my research and determined it was worth the risk to get vaccinated. Luckily, the vaccine that was available to me where I live was Moderna.
  15. Thais are quite a resilient people. I think it's possible if the Goons shut down the nightlife as it existed before the virus, Thais will get creative; turning bars into "restaurants" is one method they're already doing. Of course, if the goons get real aggressive, they could even strangle this innate resiliency and creativity to get around a de-facto shutting down the bar/nightclub/disco scene.
  16. "New Harvard study declares winner between Pfizer and Moderna vaccines | TheHill" https://thehill.com/changing-america/well-being/prevention-cures/584071-new-harvard-study-declares-winner-between-pfizer?amp According to this study, the differences are small and both are very good vaccines. I sincerely hope you all get the opportunity to get one of these vaccines. Otherwise, get the best you can.
  17. The rumpled, bent card decks procured from Khao San Road street vendors will be the standard card decks at the blackjack tables...I just can't wait...
  18. Many of them pre-covid were usually known to hang out near Nana and now that Khao San Road is sort of open, they may have moved there. They tend to operate their own versions of a "night market"...
  19. I would prefer western countries boycott the Beijing Olympics...as part of the price China should pay for their intrepid virus exporting "achievements".
  20. The cost of doing biz in China is much more expensive than it was just 5-10 years ago; many skilled jobs in China pay about the same as the same jobs in the west. So it's just not national security, but basic economics. If western cos have to pay more for work on the ground in China and then the shipping costs and the time lag that shipping across the ponds require, the economics of on-shoring back to the US gets better and better, particularly when those on-shoring efforts automate much of the work returning to the US. Also, China started requiring US (and others, I believe) to set up their subsidiaries in China that are allowed to sell into China, be 51% owned by a Chinese partner...and the transfer of technology and IP to China becomes a realistic result in most cases. China also instituted arduous accounting and tax requirements for these foreign subsidiaries selling into China, that requires an expanded accounting staff. I've been through all this going back about 6-7 years ago.
  21. I don't know if China has an Aegis or THAAD system. But I do know they can track our nuke subs and if they can track them, they can attack them. Further the trajectory of cruise missiles and sub-launched ballistic missiles follow a much more predictable path than a hypersonic weapon; hypersonic weapons follow a much more erratic path at Mach 5+ speeds. There is a graphic in one of the links I sent that shows this dynamic between standard ballistic missiles and cruise missiles vs hypersonic missiles. All this being said, I also have something along the lines of "hope" that the US has technologies in place us peons don't know about yet...and perhaps the Chinese don't know about either. I currently live within about 100 miles of Edwards Air Force Base and also close to the US Army Proving Grounds just outside Yuma AZ...they're testing all kinds of stuff at these locations. Throw in the "skunk works" in Palmdale CA in the middle of the Mojave Desert where all sorts truly cutting edge technologies are being developed and tested.
  22. Once the huge discos in Phuket, BKK and Pattaya are out of business for good, perhaps they will be transformed into "Thai Heritage and Historical Sites"...with hefty entrance fees.
  23. The way the Chinese virus variants are named, at this rate in a couple of years we'll be at Omega_Omega 2.0. There will be no shortage of variants to continue the radical changes engulfing the world into something a very few elite others are creating.
  24. It's a start...let's hope this seedling sprout doesn't get "Omicron'ed"....once again, thanks China for "sharing" your "best technologies".
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