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Posts posted by zakalwe

  1. 42 minutes ago, bob smith said:

    or is it just a classic case of familiarity breeding contempt? 

    do I just need to find a new place to eat?


    This has happened on multiple occasions in different parts of the country.

    I decided to start this a while back as kind of a social experiment.

    What I found was the dumb farang fresh off the boat gets more respect and better service than the average Thai speaking expat does.


    Make of that what you will.



    How much contempt do you have for Thailand and Thais in general?


    What do you actually like about Thailand?

    • Like 1
  2. 3 hours ago, richard_smith237 said:


    If we are being fair, we don't know that the Police officer was 'an aggressor'...     


    ... there's a lot of language being used in this story that highlights bias...  

    ... Aggressor, victim, subdued, attacked, controlled etc... 



    As voyeurs to this story, all we do know is that one NZ Guy disarmed a Thai policeman...   We don't know if the policeman had become an aggressor in the eyes of the NZ guys (and reasonable opinion) by that point, or if the NZ acted with idiotic oversight. 



    ... a lot of the argument and debate on this forum revolves around what we can see and interpret...   There is a strong argument to suggest there is a lot more to this story than is reported. 





    Sure, there is a lot of speculation on what happened. The most important thing is hard evidence. The prosecution has a video and at least 2 Thai eyewitnesses. What hard evidence does the defense have? Context has no meaning/importance if there is no hard evidence to back it up.

    • Thumbs Up 1
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  3. 2 minutes ago, renaissanc said:

    105th Job Interviewer in New Zealand: Can you explain this 5-year gap in your resume?

    NZ Tourist: I spent 5 years in a Thai prison after breaking multiple laws and attacking a policeman to get his gun, which fired as we struggled, but the bullet didn't hit anyone.


    105th Job Interviewer in New Zealand: Why should I hire you in view of this?


    NZ Tourist: Because I'm a good person.


    105th Job Interviewer in New Zealand: Thank you for coming. We'll let you know our decision soon.

    Good luck finding a job!

    Meh, they can always get a job in their dad's company.

    • Haha 1
  4. 27 minutes ago, OneMoreFarang said:

    I am waiting for someone to bring up stories and maybe a police record of these guys from NZ.

    How likely is it that two law abiding citizens suddenly behave like that in a foreign country?

    How stupid and ignorant do they have to be to think they can get away with that? 

    Well, some people can act crazy while they are on holiday. Some people try to jump into their hotel's pool from their balcony.

  5. 3 minutes ago, bob smith said:

    hmm.. not sure malaysian's hit the bars, restaurants, pubs and clubs in the same way that farangs do?



    I assume they like bars, restaurants and clubs. Not beer bars or gogo bars. They do like shopping malls like Terminal 21.


    According to Stickman's restaurant owners, the biggest spending group are the Chinese. Do you live in Phuket? There are a lot of Asians in those expensive seafood restaurants.

  6. 6 minutes ago, bob smith said:

    they love their money though it would seem.


    taxi drivers, hoteliers, restauranteurs..


    where would they and their families be without that farang money?




    Probably living off that Asian money.

    Malaysia was the top source market for foreign tourists to Thailand in 2023, with 4.4 million arrivals, followed by China with 2.7 million arrivals, Singapore with 1.9 million, and India with 1.6 million.


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