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Everything posted by Morch

  1. Hamas is not interested in a two-state solution. Hamas sees all the land 'from the river to the sea' as Palestinian land.
  2. You are wrong. Supporting Hamas vs. the PA was a huge mistake, but there was a rationale involved, and it was not a 'war crime' or anything. As for 'indiscriminate bombing' - compare figures of bombs/munitions dropped vs. casualty figures (deduct Hamas deaths, naturally occurring ones and those who died from failed rockets launched). Not quite as advertised. And since you do not read posts and topics, you spew nonsense - Israel's wrong are not denied wholesale by all those who oppose your opinions. That is simply not true. And get serious - you insult others, flame and post in a disgusting manner regularly.
  3. Israel may certainly have committed war crimes since 7/10. But war crimes is not something that's decided on according to opinions. So as to that - pronouncements such as yours jump the gun. Hamas actions, on the other hand, are way more clear cut as far as relevant laws go. Some are just a repeat of previous (actual) war crimes (like rockets launched). So it's easier, and more accurate to make these statements with regard to the Hamas. Discussed on numerous topics and posts here - which you obviously didn't bother to read. Considering you seem to take pride in not changing your opinion regardless of anything - probably futile to expect you'll comprehend.
  4. Projecting how? You see, that's just one of them words you keep tossing in, almost like you've no clear grasp of what it means, or whether it applies. You have clearly gone on and on about hos Israel it to blame, about Israel's 'war crimes', policies, leadership....whatnot. When it comes to the Hamas (or the Palestinian side, in general) - what you have on offer are much more toned down, short comments.
  5. You put the blame on Israel for pretty much everything. That's about as comprehensive an excuse for Hamas as it gets. You go on and on about Israel's supposed 'war crimes' with loaded words, verbosity in tirade after tirade. When it comes to the Hamas, you sometimes do a one liner - often followed by some 'but but but Israel' bit. No one but yourself made the claim that everything started on 7/10.
  6. Unhinged. You posted this: https://aseannow.com/topic/1314367-the-children-of-gaza-more-than-7000-killed/page/13/#comment-18565144 It it an obtuse question. It does not 'accuse both sides of war crimes'.
  7. You lie on these topics pretty regularly. You constantly make excuses for Hamas, the Palestinians. You have nothing much to say about indiscriminate rockets launched from the Gaza Strip, or the violence (and worse) meted on 7/10 (even by your warped view - terrorist attacks by Hamas, Palestinians were a things well before that - you somehow focus solely on Israel).
  8. I am not clutching at anything. I did not even offer a defense of anything. And either learn to read, or stop misrepresenting what I say - this instance started on 7/10, there are news topics about current events. Not complicated. You speaking for the whole world now? My my.....
  9. Same on each topic he comments on, not just these.
  10. You did neither. You asked 'why did Hamas ever fire rockets at Israel?'
  11. Seriously...you telling others to 'stop trying to deflect'? I mean...maybe some self-awareness classes are in order. And no, there were two other Israeli prime ministers after Rabin, who tried to make peace, and both are still alive.
  12. No, you don't. You do not accept that these topics are mostly about current events, and that this instance of 'the war' was indeed started on 7/10. With regard to the current attack - yes, Hamas is pretty much to blame. This went far beyond acceptable, even for Hamas. And again - you do not actually talk about Hamas much - either because you don't know, or because it's uncomfortable for your position. So them one liner 'condemnations'? They are pathetic when compared to the mountains of garbage your post on the other side. The issue, by the way, is not that you do that - it's that you claim some sort of impartiality, which no one buys into. What does criticizing Hamas got to do with 'racist'? Arabs and Muslims criticized Hamas - does that make them racist? Gazans criticize Hamas... You are like someone who read a few pieces about the subject at hand, got excited, and then parrot the same things over and over again.
  13. No. You simply don't do it. Other than a one liner here or there. You also refuse to accept (or ignore) Hamas actions as being 'war crimes'. I think you are mainly 'pushing back' against imaginary views. You more or less 'push back' against anyone not seeing things exactly your way. Regardless of how clueless you are on matters at hand.
  14. This instance of the war, and the one which is discussed - did start on 7/10, and was initiated by Hamas.
  15. Yes you have. And you wouldn't know 'good faith' if it hit you in the face. Someone who debates 'in good faith' does not announce that they do not budge from their opinions.
  16. Your 'satisfaction' is rather low bar. As for 'both side are to blame' - you just posted another bunch of posts in which you blame Israel for everything.
  17. I agree that you do not let facts and reality confuse you, but rather stick with your opinions, misguided as they are. You do not actually condemn Hamas much, just a one liner here and there to tick the box.
  18. @billd766 Look at the heading of the topic. That last part - 'IDF says'. I know some of you imagine battles and war to be organized, everything clear cut and so on. Doesn't work this way.
  19. How do you mean 'trolling now' - it's basically all he does on these topics.
  20. Mrs. Morch doesn't 'do' holidays, birthdays and so on. Says these are dates, and that people should give gifts etc when they feel like it, not compelled by the calendar. She also likes it better when I don't surprise her, and let her choose by herself.
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