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Everything posted by Morch

  1. I do no such thing. I point out to your hyperbole comments, which you cannot own up to.
  2. That's a lot like you trolling, again. Like this wasn't discussed already, like the management team didn't comment on it. I do not 'pretend' what you claim - that's another one of your lies. I say that this topic deals with current events, not the entire history of the conflict.
  3. How would I know that it was Hamas's choice to attack? Because it was. As for the rest of your nonsense - there is no denying that Netanyahu made bad choices, and that his interests were mostly his own (the two-state solution is both an ideological and a political issue for him, I think the latter more so). Does it make him the linchpin, no. Hamas could have sponsored this attack regardless of anything, the costs are negligent. The more relevant 'expenditure' would have been rockets, tunnels and money funneled to the Hamas leadership pockets. As for 'complicity in war crimes', heinous or otherwise - I have no idea how his actions would be interpreted legally, but then I'm not the one pretending to be a legal expert....
  4. No, that would be you presenting my comments in a misleading way. What I brush aside is your claims about Netanyahu and Putin being 'buddies, or that the relevant 'support' lasted 'decades'. There was nothing said about, 'no big deal', there was no 'defense' of Netanyahu offered, Netanyahu is not 'my hero', and I don't know what Netanyahu does in private - maybe you two are 'buddies' and you know better. So what we've got above is a pack of dishonest lies from you based on absolutely nothing that I've said. You cannot back up your hyperbole, so you dig a deeper hole. When that fails, you go on dishonest personal attacks.
  5. Yawn. This instance of the conflict, this war, started on 7/10. These topics are, for the most part, dealing with current events. This was addressed numerous times by now, including in replies to your 'questions'.
  6. You have no idea about whether 'war crimes' were actually committed by the IDF. You may assume so. It's not the same thing.
  7. (a) Not sure what is the significance of not mentioning the West Bank. (b) No, that part is addressed in my posts. I think what you speak of is more prevalent among Palestinians.
  8. Nah, that's you going for a spin trying to shift responsibility from the Hamas. Netanyahu's bad choices are part of the story, don't try to make them the main dish, though.
  9. Which is very very bad - but not automatically or necessarily a 'war crime'.
  10. No, we are not. That would be troll false equivalence.
  11. Flip flopping how? I said on many posts that IMO what Israel does in the West Bank is mostly wrong, but the the Gaza Strip is a different situation. I did not say things were the same. They are not. My comment was with regard to 'brainwashing' and hate. There's that, and it's no good ignoring it. Plus under the current government, such elements have been further legitimized. These are issues discussed on Israeli media, politics and society all the time. Nothing new, not a radical comment. As for reasons to hate - both sides have that, it's not news either. There was nothing on the scale of 7/10, that's right. But there's an ongoing increase in incidents which is wearisome.
  12. Well, in his time with the sea cadets, @ozimoron faced....
  13. Oh, that kind of 'decades - like one and a half. See, I was expecting something more accurate, and forgot that you love you exaggerations - buddies, decades - anything goes to make it sounds right. You still haven't made you original 'buddies' point, though, and Netanyahu's bad choices were not denied or ignored. As for 'dear leader' - I know you don't bother reading topics, but most of what I post about the man is criticism and negativity. Same thing every time - you make a comment that either not true or overboard, then dig your hole deeper.
  14. Because he did not claim he had any. Another poster did, and was challenged. Wouldn't be the first time you jump into an exchange without grasping what is discussed.
  15. Your claim was about brainwashing, and I think, hate. There's no shortage of that in Israel, especially among right-wing/religious sectors, all the more so when referring to the illegal settlers in the West Bank. This is not about justifying, accepting, or supporting Hamas - but it cannot be said that such elements do not exist in Israel - it's just that they are not as strong as Hamas, and despite expected objections from the usual suspects, in comparison they are under control. Obviously the main difference being one fully embraced and celebrated by Hamas, while Israeli governments (even right wing ones) aren't 'there'. Here's a choice one (the 'Blood Wedding' too, if you care to look it up) Duma arson attack https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Duma_arson_attack
  16. That's a wide-brush comment, and is not true. There are many Israelis who would qualify, and there are parties well into this kind of hatred. Plus, whether you call it brainwashed or indoctrinated, or whatever - Israelis have their own narrative (and that's fine). The difference is that in Israel there's an opposition and even a pro-peace camp. Less of that among Palestinians in general, and in the Gaza Strip specifically.
  17. Russia does what's best for Russia. Putin does what's best for Putin. I don't think he actually got 'buddies' as such. Considering current ties with Iran, stance on Hamas - not exactly what you advertised.
  18. There was no bond. It was a meeting of specific interests. The minute it didn't suit him, Putin wen the other way. The one that was hyping his connection with Putin was Netanyahu. When push came to shove it didn't amount to much. And unless you missed it, the war in Ukraine started a while back - long before the 7/10 attack by Hamas. So the 'buddies' bit has no current relevance (if it ever did) - just an attempt by you to tie them together.
  19. No, they couldn't. That's you saying stuff. They had nothing like the means and the firepower Hamas does.
  20. You original comment mentioned only Israel, hence the question.
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