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Everything posted by Morch

  1. Do you always make daft out of context comments without reading topics?
  2. So dodging the question on the one, and making another biased irrational comment on the other (like....you expect Israel to change and the Hamas stay the same? How would that work?)
  3. Al Jazeera reports form Israel. And previously (not sure about now), a channel identified with Hezbollah, as well. There are many other Arab reporters in Israel, representing both local and international media. But anyway - you do realize that was not what I was referring to, right? It was a reply to a false comment about Arab sources being rejected - which is not true, wholesale.
  4. 9 years being a combat soldier with direct experience in such situation as the fighting in the Gaza Strip? You said I haven't commented on loss of support, I pointed out that I did. Nothing to do with your odd reply.
  5. Netanyahu was alerted and informed to monies going to Hamas, Hamas investment ventures abroad that could have been disrupted and other such things. He ignored them. About this, we have no disagreement. He chose his political survival (this isn't about ideology much, even) over the country's security.
  6. No, that would be you having no clue. Call it racism or whatever, but it's like that. It's just the way it is. That your politics dictate all cultures are same, doesn't make them so.
  7. Concrete costs money. And yes, some digging machinery that wasn't supposed to be there was discovered. I think it may appear in one of the recent vids posted about that large tunnel just discovered.
  8. @thaibeachlovers You make similar comments about Israelis in general. Others on here (can't recall if you too, I think so) claimed Biden is guilty of 'war crimes' because the USA supplies arms to Israel. So really, your faux outrage and condemnation aren't very convincing.
  9. @thaibeachlovers A couple of pointers: The USA bombed the living hell out of Japan. Look up Doolittle, Hiroshima for reference. Japan surrendered.
  10. @thaibeachlovers Is this based on your extensive military combat service under similar situations? And here's a reminder - the Palestinians are the ones who kidnapped them to begin with....
  11. @thaibeachlovers Nobody but you claimed it's ok. You seemed to claim its acceptable/understandable for Hamas to kill civilians.
  12. @thaibeachlovers Is it possible to make Hamas a minimal threat, using current tactics and strategy. It just takes time. The IS, AQ and the PLO all went through this. And while your fiery words might convince yourself - I'm less sure than you that all Palestinians will sign up for what you offer. But again, you're not making an argument, just posting hot air. So much pathos.....it's ridiculous.
  13. Depends which Arab source. Forum rules allow citing from official government sources.
  14. You say 'unprofessional bullies'. That's a nothing statement. It doesn't reflect any knowledge, insight or the like. It's your opinion. And as your opinions are tainted by your bias - no need to address each instance seriously. I actually did comment about several points regarding Israel's 'loss of support'. On this topic, and others. Try to keep up.
  15. @thaibeachlovers Again with them fantasies. There was actually wide acknowledgement Egypt will not allow anything of the sort. Nothing new there, and no reason to expect Egypt to change its policies. Your usual insinuations are, similarly, not supported by facts. Guess you missed out the part where the center of the Gaza Strip is yet to see major attacks, Rafah being largely untouched and there still being Palestinians even in the northern part of the Gaza Strip. And as usual, like Hamas, you seem to be willing to fight to the last Palestinian. Did it occur to you that if Israel will be an perpetual war, then so will the Palestinians - who will never get their own state? So far the Bible seems to have got it wrong - Hamas sawed, the Gazan reap.
  16. @thaibeachlovers Given that you are to busy with your anti-Israeli posting, and got little time to develop a time-machine, what would you (realistically, if you can) suggest?
  17. @thaibeachlovers But you did your best to minimize the Hamas attack....which featured this as well.
  18. Plus, his claims is bogus - this is discussed, referenced, reported on etc. everyday. Including this OP and this 'discussion'. He's just trolling, scoring point off deaths.
  19. Unless you wish to deny Hamas is a terrorist organization, then yes - camps held by a terrorist organization and include such training are about training future terrorists.
  20. What you reference is not necessarily a 'war crime', though. The equivalency is assumed, not proven or real.
  21. The only 'fighting' force is the Gaza Strip is Hamas. For good reasons, they are designated as 'a terrorist organization' by a host of countries (mostly Western). So when you say kids are trained as 'fighters' - no. They are trained by terrorists. There is no Gazan army to enlist to when they are of age. There's only Hamas. Well, and the Palestinian Islamic Jihad. Nobody cares about your sea cadet stories. They are irrelevant.
  22. Reading comprehension issues. Plus yeah, it's a stupid argument.
  23. Are you for real? You use anecdotes from Israeli extremists to make your points.
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