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Everything posted by Morch

  1. @thaibeachlovers I don't know if it gives Biden nightmares, but it should give the USA a wake up call as to the state of its education system and some prevalent social trends/structures. That said, young people grow older, and hopefully wiser. Easier to see things in black and white at their age. Considering this is not replicated on other age groups, and the effect diminishing - maybe there's hope yet/
  2. Nope, that would be you presenting things in a misleading way. And, as usual, ignoring facts you cannot handle.
  3. Did I imply that? No. I also do not agree that it's either 'surgical strikes' or 'genocide'. War incorporates a whole range of military action in between. Almost all of it not pretty. Slaughtered? That's again, your loaded comment, not a fact. Civilians are killed because war in dense urban arenas is like that. Consider they were not being bombed on the morning of 7/10. Consider Hamas went into this knowing there will be a strong reaction. Consider Hamas does nothing to protect his own civilians. Consider Hamas leadership opined their death to be a 'necessary sacrifice'.
  4. Are they being 'targeted'? Specifically? I don't think that's been demonstrated. Civilians, including children and women, die in wars all the time. Such deaths, regrettable as they are, are not necessarily 'war crimes', though.
  5. In your opinion. You have nothing to support that all of the IDF's actions were legit. Given the circumstances and scope it is not a realistic assessment.
  6. Was there ever a case where the leader of country supplying arms used in 'war crimes' found guilty as claimed and described?
  7. If you could show an example of a post where I supported Netanyahu, that'd be great. Otherwise, you're making stuff up. As for the campaign - I don't think of it as Netanyahu's (that's your thing, again), and neither do I accept the 'genocide' claim - other than if you're trying to demean a belittle the term,
  8. Hamas leadership is traditionally spread. There's leadership elements abroad, and there's leadership elements in the Gaza Strip. There is no actual one top leader, but more like a balance of power between several wings/bodies/factions within. As to your question, yes - the Gaza Strip Hamas leadership is, in all probability, still there. They'd be the ones who ordered the attack. As for your 'bets' - obviously no clue. How would they get to Lebanon? How would they manage the fighting from there? Saudi Arabia? Hamas is banned is KSR (not fans of the Muslim Brotherhood). New York City? Get real. You're just making things up, based on ignorance. And from there, you jump to make a bogus moral accusation. Hamas could open all them underground tunnels to serve as bomb shelters for the population. It does not. Hamas went into this knowing the outcome. Goes hand in hand with stating that the death are a 'necessary sacrifice'.
  9. You claim Biden is 'complicit in war crimes' - this is not a fact, but your opinion. And as your posts often show, these aren't based on a whole lot more than other opinions you hold. Kinda doubt you've any legal expertise, let alone in relevant international law. But let me put it in easy to grasp terms - much of the weapons and ammunition used in committing various 'war crimes' around the world, is not home-made, but imported. To the best of my knowledge, there is no precedent to what you claim. That is leaders of countries that supplied weapons etc. to countries committing 'war crimes' were not charged as well. I don't know that Biden depends on the votes of the young ignorant people, again something you present as fact. Previously when discussing a similar issue you made such claims, then couldn't back them up with anything.
  10. What 'genocide'? The one you're hyping? People tend to toss big words, more interested in their shock effect on posts than their actual accuracy, relevance or truth. Spin this any which way you want, but it's not 'genocide' in the sense that the existence of the Palestinian people is on the line, or anything remotely close to it. Could you cite anything credible supporting your 'appears like' bit? And no, I don't mean extremists saying this or that, a daft memo, or your imagination. Something concrete, please. While at it, consider that there are still Palestinians in Norther Gaza, and a whole chunk of Central Gaza Strip which the IDF simply ignored. Not exactly text book land grab tactics, but guess you know better....?
  11. So you opened a dictionary of military terms and you're nitpicking. Well done. In the simplest terms, they will probably be hit, one way or another. As there is already quite an international naval presence in the region, it's more a question of diplomacy than means.
  12. The 7/10 attack saw Hamas trying to enter Israel from the sea as well. That wasn't even the first time. And exposing Hamas capabilities during the Israeli offensive, turned out they had some nasty surprises in store (in terms of gear and armaments). Again, underestimation on Israel's side - seems like you're advocating more of this.
  13. Thank you. I'm sure @thaibeachlovers will soon come up with some complaint about this escalating things, or why wasn't the entire Israeli navy deployed, or something.
  14. I don't remember, did Bud turn out to be gay?
  15. I suggest some posters pay attention to what's posted. Hamas got two charters. The first one is hardcore antisemitism stuff. The second one was amended some so that relations with Arab countries and international bodies could be maintained. As is practiced in Palestinian politics, the new charter does not exactly replace the old one (which is routinely referenced) nor cancel it. There are simply two versions to choose from as fitting the situation De facto, nothing changed much.
  16. Posting biased pamphlets from human rights organizations is not an argument.
  17. Unguided, or 'dumb' bombs are not really WWII stuff. It's not like you toss them out of the plane and they hit wherever. Still far more accurate than the Hamas rockets. Further, in areas where there are no civilians, or where civilians were given warning, asked to evacuate and given ample time to do so - the usage will probably be within legal limits. The 'job' is not what you described above, that would be you injecting your own biased take into it.
  18. Except that they won't be executed. Most would be released after a short questioning. I think I saw IDF intel estimates that cite 15%-20% being either Hamas, or possessing relevant information. Those will be held.
  19. @thaibeachlovers How do you know they are not? Besides, it's almost standard for Israel not to be officially involved in such things, as it causes political troubles for potential Arab participants. And no, this is about the Houthis taking international maritime trade hostage.
  20. Doubt they have enough of them, or that they fit for all purposes. Given the risk of conflagration on other fronts, they would not let stocks go down bellow certain parameters. Also, the usage of 'dumb' bombs (which is misleading, this ain't WWI or WWII stuff) would not necessarily be out of place in all instances. For example, where civilian aren't or were told to evacuate and given ample time to do so. On that issue, too, I think some might be surprised as to how relevant international laws apply. Don't recall this being a demand leveled vs. other armies in similar situations. Again, I'm talking about realistic stuff.
  21. You claimed you cannot comment on what others posted - when in fact you did. We've already established that you do not read topics you comment on. Given that you do not read topics, what you've 'not seen' doesn't mean a whole lot.
  22. Yeah, nobody expect that you'll actually read stuff, seems like your 'opinions' suffice, in your mind.
  23. Anti-Gazan? Anti-Hamas, perhaps. Anti-Gazan would be something you made up. As for the rest - you do not read topics. I've posted often (on current topics and in the past) much criticism of Netanyahu. Including on this score. The fact that Netanyahu is what he is, doesn't absolve Hamas, doesn't impact Israel's right to retaliate. I hope Netanyahu will pay a political price for this, at the very least. Again, you're late to the party.
  24. Go and read your post again, it made no sense. You claimed support for Israel, not Hamas. You also mentioned Putin and he is not mentioned in the article linked. So yeah....it wasn't clear what you were on about. As for the link it's nothing new. More details for sure, but the basics were pretty much known. It was one of the things Netanyahu was criticized on in Israeli press and politics. You expect 'outrage' because it's news to you. Goes to show how much you know on stuff discussed.
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