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Everything posted by Morch

  1. @thaibeachlovers So you accept Hamas knowingly chose to sacrifice thousands of Gazans in order to make its point? Does that count as 'success'? Bleating about Israel's alleged war crimes in the Gaza Strip is fine, but does it register with you that Hamas pretty much made itself pariah on the international level? How does that serve the Palestinian cause? Because no matter what Israel did, does or will do - the 7/10 attack won't just be erased.
  2. Got to love how posters who take every chance to berate, denigrate and ridicule Biden now treat his words as gospel. Again, civilians killed in wars is not necessarily a war crime. For it to be a war crime, a whole lot of legal conditions must be ticked. Until such a time an investigation is on, and until it's findings are published, appealed and so on, most of what people go on about here are opinions.
  3. Some, but not regarding current events. People, bodies and organizations asserting things is not the same as things being proven legally. If one references the past, then what you see is the same thing over and over again - a whole lot of 'war crime' claims during the fighting, then when actual investigation and testimonies are on, the bottom line is rather 'disappointing' for some. A whole lot of things which are bad and ugly are done during war, but the way 'war crimes' legalities go, they are basically construed in a manner which favors modern armies, and the way they fight. There's usually a legal demand to satisfy a certain threshold of actions taken, and that's about it. The popular notion that all civilian deaths, destruction and so on are 'war crimes' is an illusion. I'm not saying this is a good thing, it's just how it is.
  4. Israel's possible, presumed, war crimes might be. Hamas's war crimes (much more clear cut) actually do. Whenever Hamas launches a rocket at Israel, that's a war crime. Whenever Hamas uses a school, hospital, clinic or civilians as shelter to operate from, that's a war crime. Every day Hamas holds on the hostages,......I think you get the picture. Israel's possible war crimes would need investigating in order to be solidly proved. I'm not denying that there may be such. And no, when it comes to your posts, there was no question of balance. Not now, not earlier.
  5. Yeah...because such a search will include only relevant. proved, instances. I think you know better than that.
  6. I agree that people use the term, I think they do so rather freely. Same goes for 'river-to-the-sea' and other catchphrases, slogans.
  7. You would also make this expected comment, sure. As posted, the WP clearly hedges and protects itself. Can always dump it on the freelancer, and issue a nothing correction as needed. And you are obviously choosing to focus on one thing, disregarding the rest. Hezbollah controls the area, and it's not an organization to mess with if you want to live and work in Lebanon, or let alone Southern Lebanon. Where the fragments were retrieved from is not conclusive. Read the post again.
  8. Same goes for blanket denials of such. As for your question, see the post you replied to.
  9. You would. That's not actually addressing what I posted much, but expected.
  10. Yeah...twins separated at birth in terms of argument making. Israel may have committed war crimes during this war. It is almost a certainty some of its actions were such. This will be looked into and decided. To cut the expected cycle short and save time: this is where you start with the nonsense about 'tell me which war crimes were committed', followed by me referring you back to this post again, advising a careful reading.
  11. Several points: The more dead Gazans and destruction, the harder for Saudi Arabia to proceed normalizing relations with Israel, and tasking for other Arab countries to maintain them. On the domestic front this serves the Hamas to retain its relevance, and bolster its position vs. the Fatah (in preparation for Abbas's expected demise and the power struggle to follow). Within Hamas, Sinwar was previously seen as weak vs. Israel (which may or may not have been a ploy), and almost ousted not long ago. The attack put an end to this, and his position is now secure. He's is better placed to ascend to the next level (luxury life abroad) when the time comes (though he's an odd one, so might not). There are bound to be huge aid budgets coming Gaza's way. Each casualty, each building destroyed represents monetary value. Some of the funds will still be funneled to Hamas pockets, some go toward pacifying the Gazans and securing loyalty of Hamas men. The more death and destruction, the easier for Hamas (and the Palestinians) to de-legitimize Israel. As seen on these topics, not too hard ignoring the 7/10 attack altogether, raise related conspiracy theories, minimize it, make justifications for it.
  12. I stand by my comment. On a parallel topic you made the odd claim (regarding reader comments on the Haaretz, one of the Israeli Left's bastions) implying that "Hebrew speakers" share a similar/unified world view. On other posts here you claim all Gazans support Hamas. Even if you actually perceive more complexity exists, your posts do not convey this. Again, you post a whole lot of nonsense because you don't bother reading the topic (and parallel) ones. I have actually posted negative comments about Netanyahu numerous times (some on current topics as well, obviously). I have also made it clear that I do not see Israel's West Bank related policies as legitimate or wise. As for discussing how things might have been avoided - of course I have, both with regard to Hamas and Israel. Your questions are loaded, because that's how you phrase them. That's how you roll. Run along now, it's what you do when you can't address points. Each and every time.
  13. He does one liner Hamas condemnations now and then. Nothing as detailed or fiery as when addressing Israel's perceived sins.
  14. Oh, I read the thing. Note that this is not from a WP reporter, but a freelancer (mentioned in the article). Previously based in Jordan, nowadays in Lebanon. Most of his articles and columns on related issues are negative toward Israel, often broadcasting the other side's (be it Palestinian, Lebanese, Hezbollah etc.) points and positions. If not mistaken, currently mainly works for a Qatari owned, Palestinian run publication. Considering this involves Hezbollah, expecting him to be openly critical, weary or even objective regarding this is an choice. I think the WP is being careful, leaving some hedging room by stating the source. As the area is controlled by Hezbollah (addressed in the article), reporters will see what Hezbollah allows them to see. There is no clear indication where the fragments were found, or even whether they relate to the current incident. Same goes for citizens' reports - do you think they are likely to go against Hezbollah? Again, a choice. Israel's comments on this was that such means were indeed used, but against areas where Hezbollah was staging, and against Hezbollah infrastructure. It's customary for the USA to express concern at such reports, and this is not the first time such comments were made. Don't think a whole lot came out of previous instances. Guess that Israel presents more detailed information to USA counterparts, and that sort of where it ends.
  15. Again with this nonsense? You and the poster your replied to are practically clones when it comes to these sort of statements.
  16. Not struggling, just not into your own style of posting. I use seems as to give you the benefit of the doubt, and room to explain your position.
  17. Your posts demonstrate that you invest far more energy into condemning Israel.
  18. @thaibeachlovers There's already talk about setting up an international naval task force. While this is aimed at protecting ships from missiles and hijacking, it will not solve the core issue. We'll probably see more on this after Christmas/New Year's Eve. Granted, it will not necessarily stop the attacks - but may serve to prevent things from escalating, thus allowing the possibility of a diplomatic solution. Otherwise, I expect that at some point the Houthies will manage to hit either a civilian ship, or an escort/protection one, on a level not leaving much room for anything but a military response. This too, IMO, will not be anything like a full scale invasion etc., but strong enough to make a point.
  19. @thaibeachlovers Those are slogans. Many Arab/Muslim forces participated (or did not get involved) when the USA (and the West) took on Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria and so on. Most Arab/Muslim countries do not actually get involved when Israel and the Palestinians clash. They issue the expected statements, condemnations and then it's back to business a few weeks/months later. In reality, most Arab countries are happy to pay lip service as far as support for the Palestinians go - so long as they are someone else's problem. The only useful application is when it comes to regional political rivalries, and as propaganda food for the masses (nowadays, I think some realization this is a double-edged sword). As for that enemy-of-my-enemy bit - could be applied to Iran as well. Question is what SA more afraid of. Hamas is basically banned and outlawed in KSR.
  20. That is not true. I have posted on how these things 'work' since the start. What you may be referring to are comments made in reply to earlier claims that the support 'phase' was over. This war has been going on for two months now, and claims Israel is losing support, or about to lose support were aired since the start. My point then was that this will follow it's course, but slower than compared to past time (due to the nature of the Hamas attack, the hostage issue and Hamas response) - and I was right.
  21. I have answered it numerous times. Apparently trolls can't read, comprehend or retain information. For those of you struggling - what does 'illegal' imply?
  22. @thaibeachlovers Trolls will troll..... https://aseannow.com/topic/1313612-israel-and-hamas-fight-house-to-house-battles-across-gaza/page/4/#comment-18546004
  23. There is no 100% Israeli support for the illegal settlement effort in the West Bank, or indeed, to Israel's occupation of the territory. On the contrary, there are many voices who warn about the consequences. The question raised in the post you replied to was more to do with Hamas, rather than Palestinians as a whole, or even Gazans as a group. Not same same. I think that you're making a whole lot of loaded questions. Part of how you roll on these forums.
  24. You seem to think so. Assuming all Gazans hold the same positions embodies such a view.
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