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Everything posted by Morch

  1. You claimed both sides are the same. I demonstrate that they are not. If it was the same, Hamas leaders' family members living or undergoing medical treatment in Israel would have been arrested, used as leverage. Reality is different. You can try to discredit sources all you like - they are all acceptable on this forum, and unlike AJ - are neither state-owned, nor shy away from criticism of government. Also, this was covered by other media sources, and these are just recent reports - it's been like that for a long time. You know nothing.
  2. You can 'disagree' all you like. I get it that you don't care much for facts, reality and so on, preferring your baseless 'opinions' instead. As for insults - I consider most of your comments and opinions insulting - to the intelligence of those partaking, to the concept of discussion, to the people hurt and killed on both sides and so on. You won't 'bother' because you cannot address them. Same thing over and over again. You're in favor of the killings, death and destruction to continue. You don't really care about the people who are effected.
  3. Regarding the last paragraph, knowledge and reality say 'hi': Sister of Hamas chief Ismail Haniyeh treated in Israeli hospital https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/other/sister-of-hamas-chief-ismail-haniyeh-treated-in-israeli-hospital/ar-BB1hOMAa Hamas chief Haniyeh's niece treated for cancer in Israeli hospital https://www.jpost.com/israel-news/haniyehs-relative-hospitalized-in-tel-aviv-669377 Hamas chief’s niece has been hospitalized in Israel for over a month — report https://www.timesofisrael.com/hamas-chiefs-niece-has-been-hospitalized-in-israel-for-over-a-month-report/ While Hamas leader is deciding on hostage deal, his niece gave birth in Israeli hospital https://www.ynetnews.com/article/bj44n81o6 To paraphrase from the Game of Thrones: "You know nothing, @WDSmart'.
  4. And here's another one about how things are in them communities attacked on 7/10.... Shocking: Stray dogs entering from Gaza kill calves in Israel https://www.ynetnews.com/environment/article/hynkcoj9a As far as I understand, it's illegal to shoot/poison them (though some do anyway, at least the shooting part).
  5. Meanwhile, in the USA: Waving an Israeli flag at pro-Palestinian protests: 'I'm not afraid' https://www.ynetnews.com/article/rjvspxkc6
  6. @Brickleberry So you do not know. You cannot fathom. But that's not what you're saying - you claim they are biased, uninformed, believe everything Israel says etc. You make things up in order to bolster your weak argument and lack of knowledge. Israel often exhibits such instances, yes. It's nothing new. It's not some super-country. And I see you're back with conspiracy theory hints again. Shows how desperate you are. If you had any clue about Israel, you'd know that a whole lot of what the ongoing anti-government protests are about is a sense that the country is going down the drain - not just politically, but in terms of education, transparency, economy and the rest. Funny that you should mentions Pegasus - which was related to another (actually two) examples of the same (unrelated to current affairs). Israel is, indeed, no friend to UNRWA. The reasons and motivations, or their merits, can be argued about. But this by itself does not make UNRWA and its staff saintly, nor does it imply that the current snowball stemmed from something well-planned (or even planned). Yawn. You were provided with several links detailing how this got started. You wish to go on about a conspiracy theory which you cannot support by anything other then 'of course' - that's up to you.
  7. @thaibeachlovers If the UK would have declared a massive shift on independent combat aircraft manufacturing capability, you be complaining, criticizing, ridiculing and whining about it too. It's a win-win from your angle, no matter what. The USA is capable of manufacturing it's aircraft on it's own - but chooses not to. The F-35 productions involved quite a few countries producing parts, systems, sub-systems, etc. It's a choice. Guess they aren't as smart as you. As for your astute observation that low-flying objects are harder to intercept, do you think the Russians were not aware of it? They boasted and hyped their systems, now these do not deliver as advertised. Not too complicated. Also, there's much more to it than flying low.
  8. No, that would be you trying to force your views on my posts. As usual. I did not 'suggest' what you allege. On a similar note - you do not actually address most of what I've posted, but cherry pick those parts easier to deal with given your position. That's one way of 'winning', I suppose. The 'time being' is not all that important, it's how things will develop and what the outcome will be. As for my original comment about there being some sort of 'etiquette' tied with such actions: US airstrike in Baghdad kills militia leader behind attacks on American forces https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/world/us-airstrike-in-baghdad-kills-militia-leader-behind-attacks-on-us-forces/ar-BB1hWjkj Step by step, notch by notch.
  9. @thaibeachlovers So you're not a Hamas fanboy, how? Basically you're into accepting all of the Hamas conditions and demands, plus adding some extra stuff of your own. Not a word about what Hamas and/or the Palestinians have to do, just the usual Israel Bad, USA Bad slogans. Do tell how the UN can 'enforce' things. Considering your many posts complaining that it's useless, this should be interesting. Or rather, amusing.
  10. @thaibeachlovers Other than in your Trump-worship fantasies, Biden is not 'decidedly unpopular' with regard to the elections. Funny thing is that if your hero wins..... Netanyahu is sure playing for time, on almost every angle possible. But the Hamas 'offer' as it is, is pretty much a non-starter. It is probably intended as such, more a bargaining step rather than a real expectation it would be accepted. It's pretty much routine, and in line with how past negotiations went.
  11. "renew its killing of virtually all Palestinians within its state's boundaries" Other than in your fact-light trolling posts - this is not real. There is no such. You're making things up, as usual. 20% of Israel's population are Arabs. Their numbers steadily grow. Same goes for the demographics of the West Bank and the Gaza Strip. The point of this 'deal' is not to solve the entire conflict, but to address the current situation. You, from the comfort of your Thai home, might not see much value in it, and perhaps wouldn't mind the death and destruction to continue, until a permanent comprehensive solution is reached. Of course, it would also allow you to spew more lies, nonsense, as long as it lasts - so I can see the appeal. You most obviously disregard facts, and reality. Over and over again. Your 'opinions' are based on nothing much. This was demonstrated numerous times by now - hence the troll label. You are advocating Hamas's usage of the hostages, lending it legitimacy. You even go a step further than Hamas, doing so, by advocating holding on to the more vulnerable hostage longer. You are, as said, scum. And no, Israel is not doing the same thing - Israel did not start this, and there were no bombings or IDF troops in Gaza on 6/10. Israel is not targeting civilians. Just more of your standard issue false equivalency efforts.
  12. I find it very useful deterring the occasional aggressive dogs during night walks with our dog. Switch to narrow, stronger beam, click the flash and point - they usually scuttle off, or stay away.
  13. Israel's actual position is, apparently, that UNRWA being reformed/taken out of the equation is something done post-war, post-agreements.
  14. So, in your world, the fact that even a limited deal is almost impossible is a recommendation that the focus will be on a harder obstacle tackled...because? What would be the point? How would delaying things further do much for the people of Gaza or the hostages? You can disregard whatever. You usually do. Facts. Reality. Whatever. What you 'believe' is of no importance, considering the above line - as in disregarding facts and reality. Maybe get informed on the subject matter you post about. Your hostages point is well taken. You are advocating using children held hostage for leverage. You're not only a troll - but scum as well
  15. @Neeranam Sometimes borderline, sometimes outright. Not complicated. Said as much on past occasions. I don't care what you pretend to wait for. And I've not missed anything.
  16. @Neeranam You are not 'tired' of baiting. It's what you're about. Nothing in your posts indicates that you have much of a clue regarding Judaism. Certainly not on par with having a 'spiritual advisor'. Antisemitic comments aside, your whole conduct on these topics is opposed to the guidance such a supposed 'spiritual advisor' would condone. I doubt many Rabbis, if exposed to your online persona, would have much to do with you. How you market yourself in real life could be different. As such, and as your posts are generally trolling nonsense, I do not believe you have such a 'spiritual guide', and hence the Rabbit, rather than your imaginary trolling effort of you claiming him a Rabbi - supposedly to lend your trolling comments more 'credibility' (but achieving the opposite). I am not a religious person, never was. No need to 'suspect' anything. Said it often enough.
  17. @Neeranam Nope. I have commented on numerous post by yours, which were either antisemitic, or borderline so. Facts.
  18. @Neeranam You do not have to read my posts. Your choice. Your faux outrage is not very convincing. Work on your act.
  19. @Neeranam I have done so on numerous occasions, in direct response to such comments by you. Your denials are pathetic, just more of the silly trolling act you're into.
  20. Maybe get a clue before making suggestions? It is obviously hard enough to agree even on a limited deal. You somehow thing it's possible to reach a more comprehensive one - based on what? How? It's already been explained to you, on previous posts, what UN Peacekeeping forces are neither what you imagine them to be, nor very effective - go on and disregard that again. There are no acceptable territorial two-state solutions which involves continuous connection between the Gaza Strip and the West Bank. There are other ways to go about it - also detailed in response to your past nonsense. What would be the logic of prioritizing the release of single men over children? As usual, you've no idea what you're posting about. You're a troll.
  21. So the story bellow is not about that woman, but it is about how things are/were in settlements attacked on 7/10: Thai workers return to Nahal Oz: 'We worked with the Gazans, and they came to kill us' https://www.ynetnews.com/magazine/article/b1dzsmrc6
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