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Everything posted by Morch

  1. There was some of that on show during the Hamas 7/10 attack on Israel. Subsequently, all (or almost all) of the relevant tanks/vehicles were fitted with a sort of cage/net like addition on top of the hatch. A bomb dropped like that could still do some damage, but not that easy anymore. Expect these would become standard world wide as armies catch up. Maybe a business opportunity for some aspiring, innovative welders.
  2. @Brickleberry Lying how? The report makes claims. The whole document, which they claim they got access to, is not shared - just the opening page is shown. If there's no evidence, what's on them other pages? Are they blank? You are dodging, as you're not offering any reasonable explanation to all them governments of donor countries making the same decision at the same time. Saying that they are 'idiotic', or 'swallowing this BS' does not make sense. They have donated to UNRWA for years, Israel has made it's view on matters UNRWA known for years, past instances found issues with UNRWA - but funding was sustained. You offer no insight as to why that's the case other than alleging the information Israel provided is false. You have not actually seen the information, though, have you? And them governments did, didn't they? If you'd bother reading these topics, or not play silly games with the 'ignore' function, or not be totally invested in anti-Israel coverage, you have a clue about these things: IDF brass was caught off guard by dissemination of UNRWA allegations — report https://www.timesofisrael.com/idf-brass-was-caught-off-guard-by-dissemination-of-unrwa-allegations-report/ Israeli Military Surprised by Leak of UNRWA Accusations, Report Says https://www.haaretz.com/israel-news/2024-02-03/ty-article/israeli-military-surprised-by-leak-of-unwra-accusations-report-says/0000018d-7089-d971-a38f-71bb73470000 We oppose axing UNRWA mid-war, senior Israeli official says amid global funding halt https://www.timesofisrael.com/we-oppose-axing-unrwa-mid-war-senior-israeli-official-says-amid-global-funding-halt/ So no, Israel did not exactly initiate this. There was a leak (which is being investigated), and then questioned asked by the USA and other governments, to which Israel replied. The response too, took Israeli officials by surprise - it's way out there, considering past allegations (supported, some acknowledged by UNRWA, details on previous posts) did not generate anything on par.
  3. Obtained 'legally' how? Is there actually a law in Thailand which allows suspects to pay victims in order to avoid facing charges? I think there's a practice, but that's not the same thing. The source of the money is not 'established' - and if the perpetrator had a criminal past, the source would be suspect. From your post above: There's this: https://www.mirror.co.uk/news/world-news/british-backpacker-almost-bleeds-death-32058642
  4. Some are, some are not. Blanket statements are often nonsense. Like this one.
  5. I posted earlier, that there was a person with the same name, having serious criminal past including rape and violence toward women. I don't know if it's indeed the same guy - or when he got to Thailand. Also not sure what the girl's comment refer to (whether to previous convictions in Thailand or not, for instance).
  6. Snowden was employed by the NSA. Assange was making classified USA information public. Try harder.
  7. Could, but Israelis often stick together. Especially of his sort. Again, it's not clear if he's a tourist or a longer-term stayer.
  8. It was in reference for this case (and similar ones) in which the details are published. It's obviously hush-money, and I don't think he gets a receipt to show. It's kinda dodgy. I don't know if they actually go after such things, I guess they can make trouble if they want to.
  9. Wait until he discovers who makes the new defensive armor bits on British tanks....
  10. You edited out the part of my post pointing out that neither Snowden, nor Assange qualify as 'private citizens - well done. About the level of discussion and argument expected, from some. The rest of your post is just irrelevant waffle.
  11. Maybe a knee jerk reaction from you? These countries were donating funds to UNRWA for years. Why change that now? Especially as Israel did not even ask for this?
  12. @Brickleberry Being called a 'troll' by someone who chops my posts so that he doesn't have to deal with difficult bits is cute. Being called 'uninformed' by someone who previously alleged Israel's former Prime Minister was a Palestinian leader, or claimed that Israel holds 'thousands' of Palestinian women and children, is amusing. As for extremely biased - had a look in the mirror this morning? I know what the clip 'states'. I'm referring to what the clip actually shows. There is no information on what's on them other pages. They were not shared or made public. You say 'lying' - you do not actually have any support for this. You're still dodging the issue of donor countries governments suspending funding. You offer no plausible explanation for these dramatic actions - other than bluster and fantasies. If you'd bothered followed these topics, there was already discussion (with links and all) as to how this came about (hint: not quite planned by Israel), and what's Israel's actual position on this (hint: not what you think). It was also detailed that the IDF and other security services were bemused at the information leak, and that an investigation is being carried out regarding it. Read them links, maybe you'll get a clearer view of things. Or don't, who cares? You can misleadingly use 'we', it still doesn't make it right or true. As for 'normal' - normal people don't support terrorist organizations, nor deny their vile actions. You do both.
  13. @Brickleberry I have. Apparently you have not paid attention. Other than the supposed first page of the report, there's nothing else disclosed. My statement is not 'false' other than in your imagination. If, as you say, 'the world sees what is happening' how come them governments suspended their donations? Did any of them changes their decision? Did any of them step forward and say the evidence presented is not solid enough? You do not address the point at all. There is no 'we'. You do not speak for much of a 'we', if that. You do not have 'the documents', you got a short report, with claims, and not much to support it. As for your nonsense about government being 'biased' - these are the same governments that funded UNRWA for years. Want to rethink that? You're just making stuff up - and not addressing the point made in any reasonable manner. A whole lot of hot air, that's what you offer.
  14. @Brickleberry There's one page, obviously the opening of the report shown. I doubt that the report is one page long, or that all the details would fit in one page. Apparently, you still can't address the fact that governments of donor countries decided the evidence presented is solid, and took decisive action. You're just running interference with bogus comments and deflections. On and on.
  15. @thaibeachlovers Aerospace industry doesn't necessarily imply building military aircraft from scratch, fully, or solo. Another day, another deflection.
  16. Say he takes the money. It's all over the news - how does it work going out of Thailand with the cash, or entering the UK?
  17. @thaibeachlovers People who make antisemitic comments get called antisemites. Not too complicated. You saying everyone, with or without that 'IMO' bit, is not supported by fact. What is factual is that a whole lot of you guys make such comments. Some more, some less. Some more offensive, some borderline. But they sure do come out of the woods on these topics.
  18. Could be many things. Maybe he's got Israeli friends around who can fork/loan. If they took his passport then dealing with banks here could be a problem, so goes back to source of funds maybe not 100% legit.
  19. Because, as I understand it from similar past reports, that's how it's done. Doubt anyone would accept a cashier's check from someone who just stabbed them.... Also, as there are time constraints, money transfers etc. seem a bit of a problem.
  20. Tried to look up the name on Israeli media. I think spelling/pronunciation is more like Elias, which is not an uncommon name surname. Found a couple, one an aspiring new singer (from some reality show), the other a criminal with a history of rape/abuse/violence toward women plus other stuff. Last report on the latter is from 2009. Could be he served time in prison, then moved here - there were stories about such in the past. Also, having this sort of cash on hand is suspicious, and knowing how to work the payment angle may indicate some experience in this department.
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