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Everything posted by Morch

  1. It's not even a 'military' inspection, whatever that means. Thought UNRWA was actually into infrastructure stuff.....
  2. @thaibeachlovers You sure do like your conspiracy theories.
  3. As I understand it what the IDF said is that there was one operational left in 'battalion' in Khan Yunis. 4 more in Rafah. Now, this ought to be taken with a bit of salt, as it's also probably meant for the other side's consumption. IDF definition of them 'battalions' becoming non-operational is not that all were killed, but that enough of the command chain (and especially those at the top and key positions) were eliminated, a significant amount of the 'grunts' out of circulation, and no coordinated operations carried out.
  4. Seems pretty straightforward: Pro-Trump, Anti-Biden, Anti-USA, Pro-Russia.
  5. More off topic comments when can't address points, or when having nothing to say on OP.
  6. @Brickleberry More off topic comments, more one-sided narrative. Same old. Can't discuss the topic, goes on about whatever - so long as it's Israel Bad.
  7. As expected, making bogus comments which got nothing to do with what was posted.
  8. @Brickleberry Go back to the topic where this was discussed for far more details. Spin things as you like, Hamas did not release the hostages it was supposed to.
  9. Yes dear - not what the topic is about, nor does it support the allegations raised regarding Israel taking 'hostages'.
  10. Sure, only civilians are getting bombed. And, of course, had Israel not been bombing them, they'd all grow up to be Zionists. Notice you didn't mention anything about the effects the Hamas attack had on Israeli positions....
  11. @Brickleberry Other than you going for a complete topic hijack, how is this related to the OP?
  12. You can't even stay on topic despite the West Bank not having much to do with the OP.
  13. @Brickleberry This topic is not about the future Palestinian State. Or the West Bank.
  14. Of course you can make allegations without supporting them, then imply others need to support the rebuttal.
  15. Guess you missed the part where Hamas broke the previous hostage release agreement.
  16. @Brickleberry Each and every topic, when you can't support your wild allegations and claims you start with off-topic comments, aimed at deflecting and derailing 'discussion'. Topic is not even about the West Bank. Or about the Israeli occupation of. Or even about American citizens.
  17. @Brickleberry I'd suggest you'd cease with the vile denials, but guess it's pointless. You claiming 'no evidence' doesn't mean there's no evidence.
  18. @Brickleberry I did not 'agree' with you. You have not 'proven' anything, and your concept of 'proof' is suspect anyway. Don't decide who my 'buddies' are.
  19. You post Hamas talking points. You even take things further than Hamas on some issues. You routinely go on about Israel, not so much about Hamas. You mischaracterize Israeli attitudes, policies, and political stances in a negative way. You routinely ignore the uncomfortable similar elements related to the Hamas and Palestinian points of view. Here you go again with that 'they probably thing...'. You don't know what they think. You don't bother to check, read. Your assert that if it's your 'opinion', then it's good as true. Your point is that you raise issues only with regard to IDF figures, but accept Hamas figures (ie propaganda) without much reservation.
  20. All of the nonsense above testifies to two things: (a) You have nothing much to contribute, other than ongoing nonsense, disruptions and off topic comments. (b) You have mastered the fine art of being careful when crossing streets. Well done. I'm not aware that your 'professional career' is in any way relevant to the topics at hand. I don't see how not knowing basic stuff about things discussed, or holding on to misguided notions regarding them is conductive to having a better point of view. Just an extension of the same old my-opinion-is-good-as-fact nonsense.
  21. Like Putin is spending a whole lot on Russian citizens.....
  22. Well, 'my' IO is pretty easy going, but insists on one page per single sheet, no double sides. Their reasoning is that they need place for stamps and signatures, and that the double side thing can lead to mistakes and confusion. I once quietly aired a suspicion that behind all that tough facade they are secretly all into origami. Mrs. Morch had a laughing fit, which I later paid for (obviously).
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