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Everything posted by Morch

  1. Yeah, a history lesson, of sorts. How does it relate to current affairs or even to the previous comments by posters?
  2. I would, but it's a village setting - either fields or houses under construction. Not really that safe. I don't mind a short lock-down, if I could know (or at least, estimate) how long it would last.
  3. I agree the domestic political landscape is more complex than often presented on media. There's also this thing where countries and people come together when faced by external threats - so support wise this could even work to the benefit of the Iranian regime. It's not that the cracks aren't there, but exploiting them in a constructive manner is not something easily done, or sustained. I recall a conversation with an Iranian - said he was protesting against the Shah at the time, even bought into the new regime doing good things, reforms etc. Didn't work out quite like that,obviously. Not sure if he exactly regretted his past position as such - more like disillusioned with the Iranian regime, but not fully buying into the Western narrative either. Reading comments by Iranians it's a sentiment I recognize quite often.
  4. The link above is based on another article appearing in an Israeli newspaper. The original article relates that this is not so much a government plan, or even a party plan, let alone something the IDF endorses - but something Netanyahu seems to have initiated on his own. Given the USA and the EU are unlikely to support or be party to it, and not much enthusiasm on the domestic front either, unlikely it would amount to nothing more than a diplomatic debacle.
  5. Would it help if they changes the name? Granted, NATO is both catchy and by now, a brand - but I'm sure something could be worked out.
  6. The Gazans own government doesn't seem to care much.
  7. The link you provided details pretty much the same procedures I mentioned. As for a two-state solution, it would require at least two parties willing and able to negotiate and implement things. Do tell if you've seen any around. Putin met with the Thai Prime Minister not too long ago, and was invited for a visit. I don't think they met it Moscow.
  8. Wasn't aware that you're a military tactician, let alone a strategist. Maybe it occurred to the IDF that going single file into a tunnel is not the brightest idea ever, and in fact, something which Hamas was probably more than ready for. I get it that you think Israel should sacrifice Israeli lives first - but that's not how most countries see casualties on their side. As for your comments regarding hospitals, so far there wasn't any major attack on such, other than that misfired Palestinian rocket explosion. You sound almost as if you're yearning for such an attack to happen. Guess it would make good material for your posts on here. Regarding civilian casualties - Hamas started this war on 7/10. Hamas knew the consequences, yet did not take any action to protect its own people. You somehow choose to ignore that, and lay all the responsibility on Israel.
  9. @thaibeachlovers The USA is not conducting a proxy war vs. Gaza - other than in your imagination and your post. Similarly, the USA is not 'egging Israel on from the shadows', actually the opposite - more of your made up nonsense there.
  10. What two-state solution? What parties are currently willing and able to negotiate and act on this?
  11. Addressed a similar comment earlier in the topic. As far as what happens afterwards - USA 'interventions' tend to fail. Maybe it's not about the USA per se, but how these things are destined to go. But inasmuch as this topic was more focused about the military side of things, I think my comment stands.
  12. Work just started on our bit of the road - concrete roadblocks placed, drain covers off, orange lights at night (a nuisance when walking the dog). Current team on the job says they only do the drain covers bit - raising the concrete frame/edge so that it won't be covered by the new asphalt. Asked but they have no idea - how long does it take asphalt to set? At least set enough for the car to go in and out of the house? Searched the internet and seems it's anywhere between 1-5 days, but most of these referred to construction work that looked way more serious. Judging from the other work they did around roads here, and the level the drain frames are increased, seems like 5 (10 at most) cm thick. Any experience with that? Ideas?
  13. No, what's incredible is how disingenuous your posts are. These topics are about a current situation, this instance of the conflict started on 7/10. There is no 'disinformation', there is no denial of history - even if you try to imply so.
  14. You see, when you put your mind to it you can actually articulate what you had in mind. Next thing would be to work on your manners. It is an interesting question, whether actions committed before a statement, a law, an agreement and so on, can be described as 'war crimes'. IMO, this would be more about playing verbal games, at least in this case - considering the meaning is pretty clear.
  15. You have demonstrated that you can look up stuff on the internet, and copy-paste a bit (linking must be a more advanced stage, you'll get there, I'm sure). Other than that, no different than your usual no-comment 'contributions'. No context, no application, no analysis on offer.
  16. There's that. But the topic (and my comment) were in reference to military confrontation.
  17. The IDF does not 'include settler militants' in the way you imply. Nor does your comment have much to do with my post (that you replied to). Another day, another nonsense deflection from you.
  18. That would be you displaying either ignorance or extreme bias. Probably both. Zionism is not a monolith style ideology or concept. There are many faces to it. Most of the Center-Left parties in Israel are Zionist. Many pro-peace Israelis are. A whole lot of the hostages are too. I don't really follow the 'logic' of your post, doubt there's much of that anyway - didn't say anything about 'Arab Israelis', 'Druze' and so on. Also, accusation of 'mass murder' is something that you may claim or engage in - not part of my post either, I think. As for your last line, utter biased nonsense.
  19. While i do not think a war with Iran would be a walk in the park, I do recall similar commentary made before the USA wiped the floor with Iraq's armed forces. People do not really get just how powerful the USA military is, especially when gloves are off. There's a reason even hardcore USA adversaries are weary crossing some lines.
  20. I see the results of a war Hamas started. Pretty much the same on every war in urban setting. It's easy enough to post pictures without context.
  21. So basically, you're jumping the gun. Maybe that's what they do 'where you come from'. Makes a co-opting comment, than fail to back it up. Inflammatory how? I'm not the one alleging things and using big words like 'genocide'.
  22. A two-state solution requires at least two willing and able parties.
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