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Everything posted by Morch

  1. I doubt it will be bigger than that. physically difficult in some places. Also Israel got a much better all around security system these days. The issue with 7/10 was not that it did not work, but that tell-tale signs and reports were ignored. I don't think it will be easy to pull off another such attack for years to come.
  2. @Neeranam I have answered you on the same subject at least twice. There are plenty of sources available. Relying on one, which is obviously biased, might not be the best choice. If it's beyond you to understand the issue with AJ and reporting on matters at hand, then you're either intentionally playing obtuse or beyond help.
  3. @Neeranam It is not, regardless of what you pretend to have heard. This particular point was already discussed, more than once on recent past topics (someone always bring up this chestnut). As far as I'm aware there are no residential areas right next to the border - so do explain 'squeezed' how?
  4. @thaibeachlovers More of your unsupported nonsense. There's a recent topic with the OP showing details of locations in the Gaza Strip that were attacked and buildings destroyed. While this is widespread, it by no means encompass all of the Gaza Strip. Specifically, the area designated as a safe zones seems to have been pretty much, well...safe.
  5. It will not necessarily mean 'taking' any land. There was such a buffer zone for years. What it meant in practice was that access to areas right next to the border fence was prohibited, barring specific conditions/times. This did not effect most of the population in the Gaza Strip, and pertains more to farm land, or wasteland areas. I don't know that there's actually that much opposition to this - Israel already informed some regional players of its intentions. If I remember correctly the width of the buffer zone varied - ranging between 500-2000 meters.
  6. @thaibeachlovers Do you believe everything the Palestinians say? Everything said on AJ? I, for one, do not believe much of what you say....
  7. @thaibeachlovers That's rich, coming from someone who constantly make big claims without bothering to back them up.
  8. @thaibeachlovers In case you haven't noticed the Palestinian and Israel's Arab neighbors rejected the partition plan. There were other wars, of course, which you are well aware of - feigning ignorance and blaming Israel for it all is dishonest even by your low standards.
  9. I'm pretty sure he reads it all anyway and just pretends not to. Sometimes mistakes and replies, or references posts he supposedly can't see. All a bit childish, really.
  10. @thaibeachlovers It's called 'war'. This one was started by Hamas - who, by the way, took no measures to protect nor provide the population under its rule. As for 'try looking at what is really going on' - kinda funny from someone living in an AJ news bubble.
  11. @thaibeachlovers I doubt many would describe your comments and posting style as "serious conversation, not post stupid deflections about nonsense.", but of course, you should keep trying. And please, don't keep us in suspense - did he make it to your illustrious 'ignore' list or not? It would help if there were clear criteria published on how to be included.
  12. @Neeranam I don't think the post you reference made the wholesale, wide-brush claim you suggest. I'm also sure you understand the difference and the point made. This would make your ongoing nonsense about this both dishonest, and trolling.
  13. @Neeranam I did not 'omit' anything. You're the one who quoted the source, and edited the quoted bit. I just pointed that out.
  14. @Neeranam More of your dishonest way of posting. The poster did not quite say what you 'agree' with, his post was nuanced, yours intentionally is not. There is no 'ethnic cleansing' other than in your posts. And so far the USA fails to comply with your fantasies.
  15. @Neeranam Intentionally editing a quoted bit from a source, to fit your agenda is lying. Presenting your quote as a general point of view (by dropping the opening) is dishonest, misleading and yes - an instance of lying. What you quoted from refers to Arab view of things. So either you were trying to lie, or maybe you identify with the Arab point of view - but don't want to be associated with it, for some reason.
  16. @Neeranam Thanks for making your positions clearer, as in the post referred to. Makes it much easier to counter your constant denials regarding them. You imply, over and over again, that the Palestinians cannot be held accountable, are not responsible, are merely reacting and so on. The post I replied to was just another example of this. If you insist this does not accurately represent your views, do tell how - and what do you see Palestinians as accountable for, responsible for and so on.
  17. If you live where it's applicable ask the headman (or one of his 'assistants') - you'll still need to pay, but they'll take care of it, and appreciate money circulating in village rather than going to outsiders. Also, cruise around and keep an eye out for construction crews, ask foreman if he'll take a side job. Alternatively (if land is big enough), hire a small macro to dig a deep hole, shove everything in and cover it. We did this in three places, was sure nothing will grow - turned out no problems (bananas, a local tree and a flower bed).
  18. Again, the only people insisting on using the Zionist moniker the way you do are leaders and official spokesmen of Hamas, other Palestinian terrorist organizations, Iran, Iran-backed-militias, and North Korea. You can try to spin it whichever way you like. The IDF is not a 'militant' group, but an army. Practically no one references it as you insist to do.
  19. @Neeranam More of your lame dishonest nonsense: the full sentence (as opposed to the bit you quoted)
  20. @Neeranam Yes, it is quite clear your position is that the Palestinians are not accountable for anything, thanks.
  21. I'm sure it featured on the soundtrack of some series, I watched - can't recall which. Other than a Google search, is there any more specific website/tool that references such things?
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