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Everything posted by Morch

  1. @thaibeachlovers Bizarre. Israel accepted the 1947 Partition Plan. The Palestinians (and their Arab sponsors) did not. Was there some other version shown on AJ?
  2. @thaibeachlovers They found enough, and there are supporting evidence from foreign doctors/staff who worked there to confirm things. Considering Israel announced intentions to take the hospital beforehand, not sure why you'd expect Hamas to stick around or leave plenty of evidence behind. Then again, I'm not the one glued to AJ.....
  3. I think it's more about USA broadcasting to Israel the limits of USA support. That is as it should be.
  4. @thaibeachlovers @Neeranam You probably have, but that 'ignore' thing......
  5. How is that relevant? I've already mentioned I watch/read/follow many different ones. Including ones I consider unreliable, dodgy and so on - just to get a clue of what's being reported, and how people form daft opinions. What matters, for the purposes of these topics and 'discussions' is what I base my comments and posts here on. I'm not here to convince you to watch this or that channel, read this or that newspaper, follow this or that social media account.
  6. @Neeranam You claimed I called you a liar. I did not. Hence, you lied about me calling you a liar. Not complicated.
  7. @Neeranam I did not call you a 'liar'. That's you lying again. The second line is just another of your no-value comments. As for 'larger picture' - considering you insist on seeing things one way only, and rely on one biased news source only - that's not much of comment either.
  8. @Neeranam You seem to make it up as you go along, freely moving the goalposts whenever facts and reality counter your 'views'. Hamas is not about 'equal rights', nor is it about 'peace'. Hamas does not seek co-existence with Israel. You tend to lump things together, and to decline any acceptance of Palestinian accountability for anything. That's not much of a basis for discussion, forming an opinion or negotiation.
  9. @Neeranam Hamas does not seek 'equal rights'. It's aim is to destroy Israel. Other than in your nonsense post, the 7/10 attack was not about conditions within Israel. Peace requires two parties. You continue to ignore that.
  10. @Neeranam What you claim got little to do with the topic, or with Hamas leaders' comments on the attack and the motivations. When you come up with a way to 'eliminate' Hamas without incurring civilian casualties, you might have a point. As for what you would do - more nonsense from someone who obviously lacks any in-depth knowledge of related things. Yeah, sure....most countries when faced with a massive terrorist attack go out of their way to appease terrorists. For someone claiming to be a Thai national, you don't seem very upset about Thais being killed, abducted and and displaced by the Hamas attack.
  11. They launch rockets, not necessarily at TLV, and obviously capabilities degraded some since 7/10. The airport would have more than the usual coverage of air defenses. For consistent reports on rockets launches you'll need to rely on Israel/Palestinian media/social media, no one else covers each and every launch, hit, intercepted rockets, drones, false alarms and so on.
  12. I have not even referenced the news outlets you mentioned, so obviously also did not 'admit' to what you claim. There are a whole lot of media outlets, venues, reporters etc. out there. Some better than others, some better on certain issues/topic and less so on others. Also quite a lot of international and regional sources. Opinions which are grounded in fact and reality are mostly acceptable and can be discussed. Then there's a whole lot of nonsense spewed on these topics which isn't. Not to mention the usual ongoing trolling some engage in.
  13. Starvation, whispering and psychological terror: Life of captives in Gaza https://www.ynetnews.com/article/h13wxhlba Relative of freed captives say Hamas branded child hostages in case they escaped https://www.timesofisrael.com/relative-of-freed-captives-say-hamas-branded-child-hostages-in-case-they-escaped/ Released From Hamas Captivity, Thai Nationals Struggle to Process the Trauma https://www.msn.com/he-il/news/other/released-from-hamas-captivity-thai-nationals-struggle-to-process-the-trauma/ar-AA1kK1Q2 And these were the children, women and non-Israelis. I would guess that the men taken hostage face harsher conditions.
  14. Obviously that got nothing to do with belief in conspiracy theories.
  15. You have no point. You're basically trying to say that opinion and fact are on equal footing, and that there's no need to support opinions with facts. Considering many on here disregard major news outlets (leaning this way or that), I would guess that for most, even the choice of media outlets is biased - and therefore their take on things as well.
  16. @Neeranam You claimed there was an Israeli long term plan afoot. You have not provided any coherent support for this. Facts run counter to your claims.
  17. I rarely quote or link social media, prefer sticking to accepted news reports. If you have issues with what's considered 'acceptable' on this forum take it up with management and the moderation team. House rules and all that. Having a personal view vs. presenting it as fact. Not too complicated. Do you have any actual point to make regarding the topic?
  18. @Neeranam That's not much of a threat, really. All the more so seeing as you don't have the mental fortitude to adhere to it. You do not offer a 'view' but lies, which you cannot support by anything factual.
  19. @thaibeachlovers Conveniently looking the other way when these 'sort of posts' are on offer by posters you agree with.
  20. @Neeranam You make a claim, presented with fact, don't like it, so you post more nonsense. Same old.
  21. You obviously believe something, but too coy to come out and say it. I guess it's some nonsense conspiracy level thing.
  22. @Neeranam There is no such plan, other than in your vile posts. Over the last 75 years, the number of Palestinian (in and out of Israel) has increased. As for 'disgusting', there's no need to sign posts.
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