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Everything posted by Morch

  1. If all you have to fall on is cherry picking stuff from Wikipedia, go back to the 'ignorance is bliss' part. As for 'probably true' - no. It is true. What you 'associate' things with - is not. As for Hamas - again cherry picking. Check out Hamas Charter (both versions) for reference. Or point out to substantial pro-peace Hamas supporter movement. To sum - just the usual, uninformed biased nonsense.
  2. He should declare war against whomever chose his attire.
  3. The very first hostages released were American....Others later on.
  4. That would come from your opening 'given' wholesale remark. As for the pilots - one of the main arguments of their overwhelming pro-Supreme-court-independence was that as far as international law goes, the existence of a robust and free legal system (centering on the Supreme Court) was one of the strong barriers shielding Israel (and by extension, Israelis partaking in) military actions vs. the Palestinians. Bodies such as the ICC etc. are usually less likely to intervene if the legal system in the country is deemed 'good enough' (by no means perfect - that's not a requirement) to handle things. So whether you want to attribute it to political position, moral point of view or self preservation motives - guess different things for different individuals (or a mix), but comes down to the same thing.
  5. @thaibeachlovers Or, given your personal example, join the forum and bless us with his wise comments. The funny thing is, that however much Biden is over his peak, he's still a better choice than Trump. And would probably make a better forum member than yourself.
  6. Reading the full article makes things much clearer. Another case of kids running wild and parental responsibility non-existent. Hope she gets some justice. Wouldn't bring back her dogs, but may help to prevent future problems (at least from these two brats).
  7. More of your opinion than a 'given'. And given that your opinions are on public display on these topics, unsurprising. The disregard you allege is not anywhere near as what you describe or claim, and regardless, Israel could not pursue such a strategy with the USA (and to a lesser degree, the West in general) opposing it. As for Netanyahu's coalition and government - if elections were held now, they'd be routed. In terms of legitimacy, they depends on the ongoing emergency participation of a major opposition party in government. If this support is withdrawn - and it may come to this if Netanyahu's policies would stray too much from Israel's national security tenets (such as risking a rift with the USA). By and large, anti-government protests during the last months previous to the war demonstrated that the IAF was largely pro-opposition (to clarify, the IAF relies heavily on reserve duty pilots and aircrews). There was already a sizeable motion of reservists refusing to show up for duty (and operative capability effected) prior to the war. If put in a place where the missions allocated, or the government allocating them seem illegitimate, there's a good chance this will be repeated.
  8. No, that's just a childish contrarian nonsense post. There is no such unity of thought present in Zionism. There are, in fact, Zionist parties and movements supportive of various two-state solutions. You are, either due to ignorance or intention, imply that the extreme elements represent the whole. This is not so.
  9. The main problem is the civilian population. The fighting in the north part of Gaza (which isn't over yet, by the way) was conducted with much of the population already evacuated or in the process of doing so. The same could not be repeated down south - (a) Civilians could not move 'back' to the north, as there's much damage to infrastructure, services and homes. Also, this would place them at the back of the IDF, which (considering sympathies and Hamas infiltration) militarily might not be a great idea. (b) Egypt would not agree civilians being moved to its own territory, across the border. The USA and the global community will likewise not support this. In PR terms it would be a disaster, echoing the Palestinian 1948 Nakba. So if fighting was to be commenced with civilians in place, it would imply way less air support for IDF troops, more opportunists for Hamas to use the population as human shields. Civilian casualty figures may not necessarily increase, but as it will be more up and personal, the effect on public opinion would be different. I'm not sure how this could be tackled, or if plans in place would provide a good solution. Leaving things as they are is not a great option either, though.
  10. Plenty of UN (and similar organizations) working in the Gaza Strip. What would it mean for the Gaza Strip if they weren't there to begin with?
  11. @thaibeachlovers Unlike yourself, Biden is obviously neither a Hamas supporter, nor an Israel hater.
  12. Because? Hamas is a movement with clear goals, and a more or less coherent ideology. Both extreme. Zionism got many variations - some extreme to the right/religious side, many others moderate. You could safely say most of the people taken hostage by Hamas are Zionists. In most of places they were kidnapped from, moderate political parties are favored. Ignorance is bliss.
  13. It is sad that you twist what I posted. This is not about how I think of Palestinians, but how Israel authorities see it. In general, countries are less open on expressions of dissent, hostility and support for enemies during time of war. I do not believe this is something you're not aware of. There is no 'carpet-bombing' other than in propaganda posts. This was addressed numerous times by now. Again an example of you trying to twist reality. The clear differentiation that you allege in your last bit does not necessarily apply, or upheld as far as Palestinians go. Considering you own demonstrated failures on the post above, unsurprising you do not get this (or pretend not to).
  14. Some more details on some of the released hostages and their time in Gaza: Father says girl, 9, released from captivity thought she was there for a year, won’t stop whispering https://www.timesofisrael.com/liveblog_entry/father-says-girl9-released-from-captivity-thought-she-was-there-for-a-year-wont-stop-whispering/ Father of Emily Hand says 'she’d been conditioned not to make any noise' in Hamas captivity https://www.ynetnews.com/article/rjbpmdxbt Hamas forced hostage kids to watch videos of Oct. 7 atrocities, family member says https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/world/hamas-forced-hostage-kids-to-watch-videos-of-oct-7-atrocities-family-member-says/ar-AA1kFBVe Hostages report hunger in captivity: 'some lost up to 15 kilograms' https://www.ynetnews.com/health_science/article/h1krstgh6 Without audio: Hamas publishes video of Israeli hostage release meant to whitewash terror https://www.ynetnews.com/article/skt5sjmb6#autoplay ‘Keep waving’: Daily Hamas propaganda clips show freed hostages’ forced goodbyes https://www.timesofisrael.com/keep-waving-daily-hamas-propaganda-clips-show-freed-hostages-forced-goodbyes/
  15. @Neeranam Get with the program - already called you worse.
  16. The number of deaths do not relate to the morality of the action.
  17. Were you ever raped? Taken hostage? How would you know? How low can you go?
  18. There's an old book called If Israel Lost The War. Relates to the 1967 war, but still interesting reading. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/If_Israel_Lost_the_War
  19. @billd766 Not a Hamas supporter, but somehow manage spewing Hamas talking points on every other post. Fancy that. In your mind, it seems that the 'oppressed people' have a right to do whatever - including all the stuff done on 7/10, by virtue of being 'oppressed', and without any context as to the circumstances of them being 'oppressed'. The 'oppressed' label, by itself, and once applied, is in your mind some get-out-of-prison card. A carte blanche for whatever. That's more or less one of the base tenets of the 'woke' ideology. Dichotomic divisions is the thing - no place for nuance, detail or context. Quite cheeky for someone regurgitating Palestinian positions across multiple posts and topics to complain about Israeli/IDF propaganda.
  20. That is not correct. There is no such coherent policy as you suggest. That's bad it in it's own way, but not quite what you insinuate.
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