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Everything posted by Morch

  1. Because that's the done thing on forums in general. The point is to exchange ideas and views, not simply use the platform as an advertisement board for links. Same reason why use of images/pictures without comment as replies is discouraged. If you don't bother reading posts why do you expect getting answers? I have addressed all you've asked above on multiple comments by now - some in reply to your own posts.
  2. Yeah, I know it's not happening. I'm commenting on your notion that it should, or that it's a good (or even possible) idea. You're just engaging on the same level of pointless nonsense as @Neeranam.
  3. How did I lie? I stated a fact, and my opinion of your intention.
  4. How do you know that Israel hasn't committed any war crimes? You don't. Relying on past instances, it is very probable that at least some could be properly demonstrated. Your comment is no different than wholesale comment alleging Israel does commit war crimes.
  5. That you declare 'outweigh' doesn't mean a whole lot. It does expose your bias, obviously.
  6. Relax, nobody thinks you an expert on anything related to the topic at hand.
  7. Egypt is not interested, the Palestinians are not interested - and Israel is not about to do this even if it could. And no, it would not 'solve' anything. Why post nonsense?
  8. What 'Islamophobia'? Most people comment on the Palestinians, not Muslims in general. As for Hamas - it is an Islamic (or Islamist, whatever) movement and organization, in case you weren't aware. People refuse to 'acknowledge' there is an 'ethnic cleansing', because there is no such. The situation is not vastly different than how things went in many other battle zones.
  9. It seems exactly one of them stressful times when a cute furry being that one can hug is the thing to have. All the more so if it can provide moral and religious guidance.
  10. As usual, posting links while apparently lacking the capacity to comment on the content. So long as the headline says something that 'supports' your point of view (such as it is), that's fine, eh? The evidence presented is not 'damning', and wouldn't suffice for a court case, even one biased as the ICC. If you have trouble accepting this, consult previous instances where the same charade was carried on - high claims regarding war crimes, little by way of required support on the level expected. Israel's blockade of the Gaza Strip was not always in place. It is there because of Hamas actions and agenda. Israel is not obligated to afford Hamas the opportunity to arm itself without limitation. As slogans go 'open-air prison' and 'giant graveyard' aren't bad - just the right amount of emo, and to little information for people such as yourself to repeat.
  11. This topic is about an ongoing war, and directly related events. Lame attempt at derailing topic dully noted.
  12. So, there are quite a lot of Hamas Bad comments on these topics, and rightly so (IMO). Bad for Israel, bad for the Palestinians, bad for the Middle East. The counterbalance offered (yes, sometimes by myself as well) is that the Hamas doesn't represent all Palestinians, and that there's the PA. Now, the PA is supposed to be the more rational actor in Palestinian politics, and indeed, to a degree it is. However, it does not operate in a vacuum, nor is its control secure enough to disregard Hamas or it's public appeal. So whenever things flare up between Hamas and Israel, the PA finds itself between a rock and a hard place. Can't condemn Hamas too much because got to consider domestic politics and Hamas support, can't be portrayed as being as being on Israel's side. But on the other hand, dare not support Hamas too much for fear of bolstering it's domestic appeal (as 'standing up for Palestinians'), and endangering international support (generally unfavorable toward Hamas actions). So this time is no different, and even worse considering the scope of the Hamas attack, atrocities committed and the scale of Israel's counter-action in the Gaza Strip. And always, in the background, the political struggle for the post-Abbas era. This leads some wannabee future leaders to risk putting forth bold statements, calculated to benefit them in the (near?) future, rather than implying all out support for Hamas. Senior Fatah official justifies Oct. 7 massacre as ‘defensive war’ against Israel https://www.timesofisrael.com/senior-fatah-official-justifies-oct-7-massacre-as-defensive-war-against-israel/ Israel goes diplomatically berserk when less controversial statements are issued by foreign officials. When it comes to the PA, though - it seems like a combinations of (a) who cares what they say, (b) 'see-we-told-you-they-are-just-as-bad' and (c) a tacit acknowledgement of the constraints under which the PA operates. While the former two are easier to detect (through politicians statements etc.), I think the latter dominates, as rarely are there any actual 'punitive' measures (easily applied if so willed) in evidence. And here's a tad more.... Watchdog: Schools run by PA celebrated Oct. 7 Hamas massacres https://www.timesofisrael.com/watchdog-schools-run-by-pa-celebrated-oct-7-hamas-massacres/
  13. I'm not your shrink or your Rabbit, so I wouldn't know much about the inner workings of your psych. Nor am I very interested. I comment on what you post. The Rabbit thing was addressed multiple times by now, give it a rest. Or a carrot. Whatever. Defamation. Serious business this. Could you possibly post something on topic? (and no, you are not the topic).
  14. I got rabies vaccine shots in India ages ago (BIG syringe...). Don't recall there was something else administered (though self-medicated with the good stuff to make sure). As this is quite common in Thailand, guess if it was the done thing your doctor would administer or advise it. Probably better to consult him/her.
  15. I do not resent religious beliefs. Each to his own so long as enough freedom is afforded. I don't care about your actual or pretended religious beliefs either. I comment on what you post here. There are many Jews, and Israelis who oppose Israel's policies. If you'd bother actually reading my posts, they are not 100% in favor of all Israel does in relation to the Palestinians, and certainly not favorable as far as Israel's 'leadership' is concerned. More nonsense out of you regarding what I supposedly 'assume' - add that to the pile of nonsense comments addressed. An apology for calling you out? I don't think so. Maybe you next post will demand satisfaction and ask me to name my seconds or something. Mind, if yours is the Rabbit, it's a no go. Is there any chance of your going back on topic? Maybe continue expanding on what you learned regarding Hamas?
  16. I was responding to this post of yours: https://aseannow.com/topic/1312538-israel-is-at-war-general-discussion-pt2/page/5/#comment-18513860 My point was that so long Hamas holds hostages, they have a meaningful bargaining chip. If all the hostages are released, obviously there would be little to shield them from the IDF - unless the manage to negotiate something before hand. Therefore, I don't think we will see all the hostages released any time soon. Some will surely be kept, information about others (some who probably died or were never even taken) not divulged. This is pretty much how things went on previous instances. Hamas is 'spending' it's 'hostage currency' sparingly and in accordance with its immediate needs. Their interest right now seems to be a drawn period of slowly trickling hostages releases - during which time Israel's resolve and international support might decline. I think the former unlikely, but the latter is.
  17. Imaginary people don't count. I'm not religiously inclined, myself, though quite familiar with many religious concepts, beliefs, traditions and so on. Very interesting stuff. You views are nothing close to Judaism, by the way - you're committing multiple infractions on these topics alone. But then again, that what comes when you take spiritual advice from an imaginary furry animal, cute as it may be.
  18. I'm actually 'handling' most posts I do not agree with - often countering them with facts, details, common sense and knowledge. If you have issues with that, hit the 'report' button. Or go cry to your Rabbit. I did not comment much 'in defense' of Israel's treatment of the Palestinians. These topics are mainly about the fighting in the Gaza Strip - which would not encompass all Palestinians. Further, most topics (and comments) are even more closely associated with Hamas - which spin it whichever way you like, is not 'the Palestinians' as a whole. Here - add that to the list of countering your nonsense.
  19. Hila Rotem, 13, released without her mother Raya, who is still a Hamas captive https://www.timesofisrael.com/taken-captive-raya-and-hila-rotem-texted-while-being-abducted/ So this from one of the previous exchanges, but goes to show (again) how difficult it is to deal with Hamas or trust their words even on relatively straightforward matters. Why were the mother and daughter separated? Why wasn't the release done in accordance with agreements? My guess would be that it's simply a ploy to exploit the situation further. Create more pubic pressure in Israel for exchanges at any cost and accepting further demands.
  20. I'm not your secretary, and I'm not wasting my time running errands on your behalf. I don't give a hoot whether you put me on 'ignore' or not - just shows the kind of poster you are.
  21. Yawn. Was the blockade always in place? Did placing the Gaza Strip under the blockade had something to do with Hamas actions? Agenda? Is Israel the only country maintaining this blockade? You post links for the headlines value. You cannot actually comment anything meaningful on the content. Doubt you even bother reading most of what you link.
  22. Do tell. Can't await your 'informed' take on things.
  23. How would you know? You had me on 'ignore' on and off for quite a while. I have actually confronted many of of your posts - the bulk would be on past recent topics, including the previous main one (now locked).
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