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Everything posted by Morch

  1. The rules of war are not necessarily what you think them to be. And again, that you use 'indiscriminant' doesn't make it so.
  2. Macron is a world leader. Well done. What others?
  3. It does matter when a whole lot of this war is waged in the public opinion front. Saying something is 'the most' is much stronger. Hence you chose it over being accurate. The same goes for many hyperbole memes, slogans and terms tossed about. Regardless, my point about Hamas able to locate elsewhere, stands.
  4. No. There is not 'to the extent' - Hamas does use civilians as human shields. Hamas leaders openly called on civilians to remain n place, face the bombings and die for the cause. Using civilians as human shields is a war crime. Hamas practice of such is not a matter of argument - but of record, that and the rocket launches are routinely acknowledged as such even by UN bodies, committees and investigations. Hamas usage of civilians is a factual war crime. You alleging Israel targeting or intentionally killing civilians is not fact.
  5. Israel did provide evidence toward this, several times now. Linked extensively up topic. This with regard to underground Hamas facilities under hospitals, Hamas takeover of Hospital supplies, and using areas near hospital grounds to launch rockets.
  6. More made up nonsense. Hamas did not agree to a ceasefire, nor (to my knowledge) asked for one. Hamas did not agree to a hostage exchange deal as yet. I don't think world leaders are not aware of that. There is no 'reunification' between Sunni and Shias, other than in your mind. There is no effective 'solidarity' with the Palestinian from Arab/Muslim countries. A whole lot of talk, yes. As for your oil predictions - maybe in years to come, not anytime soon. Irrelevant to current affairs.
  7. A junior minister from Spain is not a 'world leader', unless one is desperate to make a bogus claims stick.
  8. I did not argue it is not densely populated, but that it is not 'the most'. That's a misleading meme. Not sure what your question was - but I'll repeat, there are fields, orchards and open areas in the Gaza Strip. If Hamas chose to, it could have located facilities in ways that would have reduced the danger to the civilian populace.
  9. That's your opinion. If the civilians are called on to evacuate, given enough time and warning to do so, it goes toward making my point. If the IAF was going after civilians, the death toll would have been way higher. As it stands, the IAF drops about one bomb per casualty. That's not exactly how one goes about wiping civilians.
  10. They are wrong. Their opinion might be relevant, but these aren't the caliber of 'world leaders'. If what you claim was so strongly accepted, you could have provided more 'heavy weight' examples.
  11. It doesn't matter. It's not on. And contrary to popular belief there are fields, orchards, and open areas in the Gaza Strip. Placing HQ's, bunkers, tunnels, depots, rocket launchers and so on among the civilian population is a calculated move.
  12. How about you read the topic instead of trolling?
  13. There was enough footage and links provided toward that earlier in the topic. It is not reasonable that you'll join late and expect everything to be rehashed.
  14. I think that what you think (or hope) countries may wish to do is immaterial.
  15. Even if one was to accept your nonsense at face value it wouldn't apply - Israel is not defending itself from non-combatants. Non-combatants die, as happens in each and every war. That's not even a lame deflection.
  16. It is not the most populated. The accusations are not 'moot', even UN bodes hostile to Israel acknowledge them. Are there any circumstances in which you will accept people die in wars, all the time?
  17. You decide it's intentional, you do not provide support for this. On this basis you build your 'argument', such as it is.
  18. So it's the same left-wing junior Spanish minister, and another a deputy PM from Belgium. Cool. If this was such a hugely accepted position, I think you could have managed better than that.
  19. I don't think I've asked you for any links.
  20. In your mind, maybe. Legally, you are wrong. There's plenty of links to these issues up topic, educate yourself.
  21. My point was that people toss this about - Hamas is an idea and so on, without giving it much thought. I actually think it would crumble quite nicely. Take a look at AQ and IS. Once there's no muscle and money, it's harder to keep things going. The snag is that there ought to be options available - and this is where I think the ball will be dropped.
  22. Intent. Statements that similar attacks will be carried out. Over a 1000 casualties.
  23. A left-wing junior minister from the coalition government of Spain. Very impressive.
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