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Everything posted by Morch

  1. What I'm aware of is that you're baiting. It's not like the first time we've been over this, right?
  2. You're also on the side of ignoring what others say and doggedly repeat the same message over and over again.
  3. No, that's telling it how it is. There is no requirement to see your 'message' as having much value. Commenting on your posts is not 'stalking'. And pointing out to the gap between what you whine about and how you actually roll is fair game.
  4. We desperately need the tongue in cheek emoji...
  5. You've visited my page yesterday, and commented on my posts during the last month. Try harder.
  6. Oddly, I don't have to address both sides of each and every topic. I agree with you that some of the comments made by the ones you argue with are over the top. I think that's partly due to the way you present your views - refusing to acknowledge points made, or doing your best to minimize and dismiss them. You may be satisfied with how the police handled or may handle things, obviously not everyone agrees. I don't think the protests are quite as you try to paint them, I don't think the police reaction was optimal either.
  7. That's your point of view. Obviously, you don't reference the whole topic, which would undermine your 'point'. Spin it whichever way - it's not like you've got much regard for forum rules, moderator warning and so on. Going on about it now is disingenuous, but not surprising.
  8. I wouldn't consider it a crime, a Thai neighbor might. Construction workers next door (Thai and Myanmar) asked for permission to cut fruit (bananas, coconuts) over or near that side. Coconuts I don't mind if they can manage it without crossing into our land, bananas I cut for them (for the nicer crew, anyway) so that I'll know to chop the plant off afterwards. For some reason, they don't eat the flower.
  9. It's pretty easy to get rid of the evidence...
  10. Now, that just may count as a crime against humanity - depending on the station. There's a local one doing just easy on the ears stuff with little talking. A bit repetitive music wise, but not harmful.
  11. Well, having seen enough footage and pictures, I think your description is contrived, and aimed at minimizing what was referenced to. Already said I got your point. Don't think I posted anything in favor of what she said, obviously could have been handled better. But that by itself doesn't make them protests into what you try to paint them as.
  12. But is it an improvement on the bickering fest?
  13. You claim that they march for peace. Many of them march for additional or other reasons. That you try to present things as decided, or ignore facts is not helpful. I think you can make your argument without the wide-brush.
  14. I never asked to be one, was always offered and pressured into it. I didn't like it and sucked at it. The admin gigs were more my thing. Being a moderator ain't that easy, being a good one is a taller order. All 'n all, the crowd here ain't so bad - similar websites more dedicated to gaming, geopolitics or sports are way worse.
  15. You're a victim. Sure. Just posting along and no idea why posters get upset with your 'contributions'. I get it this is a feedback topic, but kinda funny seeing some people hell bent on derailing topics, or ignoring forum rules go on about 'law and order'.
  16. It wasn't a general thing, but reserved for topic known to be 'troublesome', of if topics developed into such. The point was to avoid constant moderator presence on topic via endless public warnings.
  17. Some may say, @billd766, that putting people on 'ignore' is evidence of being thin skinned.
  18. Were you branded an anti Semite on current topics?
  19. I've never seen him hunt, so no clear idea. I did see him throw a knife at considerable distances an hit bullseye. No idea how close experienced hunters can get to prey. Maybe, as you say, it was mentioned as part of the tools, but not the main hunting weapon. The spear, yes. I also wondered about it at the time. Some kind of modified native American thing. More like a javelin, perhaps? I call it a spear because I don't know if there's a specific terminology for that in relation to hunting. Me experience with such stuff is strictly gaming...
  20. Ok, thanks. Didn't run into it this time around (yet).
  21. A couple of forums I was member/moderator of, there were two helpful features: Moderators could post a warning (usually on topic expected to get out of hand) that posters had to click and acknowledge before commenting. Not on each and every post, but each time re-logging to website and wishing to post on topic. That cuts the 'i didn't know', 'I didn't see' excuses. Similar but personal - warning pm that basically blocks all further action on website until acknowledged. Poster is not suspended, banned or anything, but can't ignore the warning. Most times, the first measure was good enough to tone things down some, and we were able to set it to appear automatically every X posts, at the start of each page and so on.
  22. You win the topic. Good on ya.
  23. Maybe they are just more experienced and better at it than yourself. Don't worry - you'll get there.
  24. Yeah...and then the poster excluded just opens a parallel topic and so on. We'll have double the daft topics we already have. Next thing you'll start crying about people 'copying' your topics or something. Good point.
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