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Everything posted by Morch

  1. I did. You keep asking questions in hope of getting answers that fit your narrative.
  2. They are not Israeli citizens, why should they have Israeli passports?
  3. Said the poster forever whining about Palestinians' lot, while at the same time making the case for them not being able to be different.
  4. Cry me a river. We're not all into faux emo crap. We're not all drama queens. That's up to you. I was, and am, appalled at the way Israelis were killed by Hamas. That was out of bounds. People getting killed in wars - that's bad, but not something outside the scope of experience for anyone watching news. You try (and fail) to make the case that there is no difference. I disagree. In effect, you're no different than Hamas inasmuch as its concerns exploiting death for propaganda purposes. As I'm also not buying into your faux 'care', 'empathy' and all the rest, not really interested or impressed by your moralizing and virtue signalling efforts. Let me doubt you have any connection, any acquaintance with people effected, hurt or killed or murdered. No one but a couple of trolling wannabe sidekicks even cares about the emo you spew, let alone buy into it.
  5. If you're into very simplified versions, maybe. It's not same same.
  6. Their scope of self-governance is limited. Israel effectively controls and effects many aspects of their daily lives. There's a parallel topic more specifically dealing with the West Bank.
  7. I've already addressed your nonsense.
  8. There's a whole lot Israel does wrong in the West Bank. A lot of injustice. But whatever that is - giving Palestinians there full rights as Israeli citizens is not on. They are not citizens. You can claim they ought to have their own country, and I'd agree. Not the same thing.
  9. When you're saying handful, are you trying to minimize the effect of these religious leaders? I actually have - on a parallel topic. I don't think the ones in Israel have quite the same level of influence. Maybe in the future, but not at present.
  10. Hamas religious scholars: 'Spill the blood of Israeli soldiers and settlers' https://www.ynetnews.com/article/b1xzpqdmt Nice people to make peace with. Reasonable folk.
  11. That pretty much describes your own posts.
  12. You can keep lying, no problems. Quite a number of Hamas mid level command eliminated. And there was never anything said about it being a quick job. Quite the opposite. Don't see you going post after post asking Hamas to let them children into safety of tunnels. Don't see you urging Palestinians to ask this of Hamas either.
  13. Doesn't support what you claimed. Nothing about unity etc. Several links posted up topic (and on parallel ones) highlighting current disagreements and rifts between some involved parties.
  14. How so? Let me guess that if Israel was to unilaterally set its borders you'd have complaints as well...
  15. Many would be far more than the three Israeli idiots you tried to use as an example of moral equivalence. Support for Hamas, violence against Israel and so on varies - there are figures relating to this posted all over these topics, which you claim to have read. You want to paint Hamas as some small splinter outfit, that's up to you. Your virtue signaling is dully noted, but this is not am emo competition. You say Palestinian would be at risk if they resist Hamas. I point out that they are willing to face risks to resist Israel. Deal with it. Being an Ive league student does not imply higher moral standards, or even being informed. I would suggest you stop deflecting, and address what I posted. One some posts your denigrate all Zionists. Many (if not most) Israelis could be labeled as Zionists. So who are the majority of good people you refer to? And as often is the case with 'pro-Palestinian' posters - apparently no clue as to Palestinian politics, positions, views and so on.
  16. Time will tell? You stated things as something that's happening. You cannot support your babble with anything, so you deflect with some meaningless phrase. Hypothesizing makes a large part of your posts. Fancy that....
  17. Hamas is supported by a sizeable chunk of Palestinian society. You're trying to paint it as something else. Many Gazans followed Hamas into Israel partaking in this orgy of death and destruction. Many celebrated this, in Gaza, the West Bank and elsewhere. And you're making excuses for Palestinians again. Palestinians apparently cannot resist Hamas, but can resist Israel. Go figure. As said earlier, your constant attempts to conflate between your own warped views and what's legal, or generally acceptable are of not interest. Your attempts at establishing moral equivalency are similarly lame. From someone who constantly denigrates Zionists as a group, and considering many (or even most) Israelis would fir the label - who are them 'good people' you refer to? And similarly, who are them 'good people' that only want peace on the Palestinian side? You're just waffling, as usual.
  18. Oh, we're doing silly analogies? That's great. So, three times this week the neighbors' (de facto a street dog) annoying dog decided it was a good idea to jump my dog while we were on a walk. I hope that after several kicks, scratches and a bite it will gain some insight as to what's on and what's not. We'll see tomorrow (too much rain today). And here's another: Rainy season and tall grass = snakes. There was a persistent one recently. Chased it away to neighbor's field, came back the next day. Tossed out again, kept coming back. Hoe applied, problem solved. Now, I'm not entirely sure how both relate to the state of things, but not worse than your example, maybe.
  19. How many of those attending are Muslim? How many newly (some more some less) arrived from Muslim countries? I'm not making a claim regarding their citizenship (although that's another good question - are they all?), but as of them being representative of the entire population and its sentiments.
  20. On a small potatoes scale yes, but nothing whatsoever on the level of celebration held in the Gaza Strip and elsewhere. Your lame attempt at moral equivalency crushed and burned. Already addressed this on a more comprehensive level and detail on a parallel topic.
  21. It is a war. Wars do not have to involve sides of equal strength. Your claims about 'expelling and permanently removing' are not facts. Do tell how the Sunni and the Shia have united. That should be interesting. Other than hot air, how are they united?
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