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Everything posted by Morch

  1. Palestinians Had Nothing To Do With Anything, Claims Poster.
  2. What you got is nothing. Hence the need to twist comments made by others.
  3. You can claim whatever. The fact is that your words were, in fact, an attempt to minimize and normalize the Hamas 7/10 attack. You can also 'posit' whatever nonsense you like - doesn't make it true, universally acceptable or anything of the sort. No once cares about your 'personal definitions'. Let me rephrase so that you'll have a harder time to twist things - there was no such blanket balanced condemnation coming from Palestinians comments, reports and statements. I'm not here to play your faux emo games.
  4. What 'unification'? I mean other than in your post and imagination?
  5. Sometimes there are no choices. Not everyone is into rewarding terrorists the way you'd like.
  6. You asked a question, I answered. You do not address the response, but go off on another question, That's not very honest, or polite. I commented on the prospects for two state solution more than once on this topic and parallel ones. Some comments in response to yours or that you responded to. Rehashing it over and over again is pointless, considering your 'debate' style (see above) There is no 'carpet bombing'. Give it a rest.
  7. Indeed. I do not think they IAF specifically targeted civilians, though, and (could have missed it) not clear what was attacked and why. Nowadays, seems like the IDF is doing better in terms of responding to such questions, but not this time. Hopefully more details will be released. I was wondering about them safe zones, and whether they wouldn't be choice locations for Hamas to launch rockets from, regroup etc. Don't know if that was the case though.
  8. That's utter nonsense, unless you adopt Hamas propaganda view. Civilians were specifically targeted for murder and kidnapping as hostages. Others were indiscriminately murdered.
  9. There's a 'vet' in the nearby town, in retrospect, not sure what his actual credentials are other than inheriting the family business, and prices being lower than the competition. MIL, caring more about costs and comfort, chose him twice over objections for similar operation. While both dogs did not die, the 'work' done was sloppy, and resulted in me taking both to the newer better clinic. The new vet, while obviously distressed at the mess, declined to outright say something about the other guy - guess it's a culture thing. Same with our regular vet - he's aware of the bad one's reputation, but that's as far as it goes. We call him The Butcher. Mrs. talked me out of vandalizing his 'shop' after the second time. One of our first dogs, when I was a kid.....stitch undone after a couple of days, basically bled and spilled guts all over the house. Gets to me every time I hear about something like that.
  10. Most of the Israeli troops at the forefront of the fighting would not be reservists, other than those belonging to more elite units and so on (or at least units passing certain readiness standards). The two Israeli soldiers killed yesterday, for example, were 20yo. As for "no experience of fighting an enemy that could fight back." - it's not like Hamas got a whole lot of experience in that either. Unless you count the 7/10 massacre of civilians as such (plus many of the perpetrators dead by now).
  11. And how does that relate to this particular instance oh the Hamas guy cutting the interview?
  12. https://aseannow.com/topic/1308598-israel-is-at-war/page/230/#comment-18466400
  13. No. Alleged to have committed. Not the same.
  14. Your posts, for example - using Hamas rhetoric and terminology, accepting premise of basic Hamas ideology, citing casualty figures without question, accepting initial post-event Hamas statements as fact and so on. All over the topic, even if only counting this morning's fare.
  15. As usual, when you cannot address a point (even in reply to your own comments) - it's deflection and move the goal posts.
  16. Well, 'stolen' if you adopt Hamas rhetoric.
  17. It's a choice to see the ICC, the UN and associated bodies as balanced and objective. Facts do not tally with your take.
  18. Because Hamas picks up fights it can't win vs. Israel. At the expense of the Palestinian civilians.
  19. There were Arabs, both Christian and Muslim murdered by Hamas on 7/10. There were Hamas rockets exploding over Arab settlements in Israel, some resulting in casualties. Hamas does not have much of a global reach, maybe to your chagrin. Not sure what your point is really, considering what appears in the Hamas Charter.
  20. You deny Hamas murdered Israeli civilians on 7/10? Atrocities committed? There's ample proof. Other than Hamas and fans no one seriously claims otherwise.
  21. The explanation for such things was discussed numerous times by now. That you either refuse to accept facts, or unable to learn them is obvious. Civilians are not offered 100% protection by international laws regarding the conduct of war. There are many situations in which such protections can be ignored. For example, if the target is used for military purposes. In that case, the violation would actually be with the side having civilians on the premises. Further, even with clear knowledge that civilians will be hurt or killed, what determines the right to attack is the significance of the target relative to expected casualties. Now, you can go on one of your fiery fact-free rants and toss blame and scorn all about. That's what you do. But Israel did not set up these rules. You don't like it? Go on a campaign to change the rules. Not everything that you cry 'war crime' about is actually a war crime. As for your last line - wait for it. How many of the casualties were Hamas operatives? How many civilians? How verified are the reports?
  22. So 7/10 was 'merely heated'? Do go on about how you do not support Hamas agenda, after this minimization attempt. There are no Israeli terrorists in this war. Other than in your warped posts. There was no such blanket condemnation of both sides as you claim.
  23. It was you who brought up the what-if-it-was-your-neighborhood bit. When people don't respond the way you expect, you deny the premise. Very grown up. Not.
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