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Everything posted by Morch

  1. What you basically keep saying is that there should be no expectation form Hamas as they are a terrorist organization. That's giving Hamas a free pass. Not all terrorist organizations do what Hamas did. There is no overwhelming public rejection of Hamas over among Palestinians over these actions. The same in many Arab and Muslim countries. Or in the protest 'supporting' the Palestinians in Gaza. The same can be said on your body of posting - you either treat it as some given, something that should be accommodated. You keep making the claim that there's no difference between Hamas and the IDF. Neither view is acceptable, both are in essence an apology for Hamas. By now, I'm not overly impressed by you going on about 'credibility'.
  2. Denying reality how? By not accepting your warped version of history? Not subscribing to your extreme views? Not adopting the Palestinian narrative? I did not say 'the Jews alone'. I do not accept your 'someone else's land' statement. You're trying to frame the discussion so it fits your agenda, that's all.
  3. It is you who keep insisting on 'steal'. I do not subscribe to this notion or terminology. You are objecting to Israel's existence. That kinda sets where your views are, and what you are about. Spin it as much as you like. You are, again, lumping Zionism as if it was a single faceted ideology. This is incorrect. Pitting it this way vs. Hamas's agenda is misleading. Waffle on.
  4. I do not. You, on the other hand, seem to give them a free pass on every chance.
  5. Where in my post did I allege 'antisemite'? Quite the opposite. Why do you keep dishonestly lumping my views with those that aren't mine?
  6. I don't think Iran is eager to see Hezbollah taking a hit for the Palestinians' sake, without any direct added value for Iran. Hezbollah itself doesn't dare make such a move without Iran's backing. Hezbollah is well aware of Israel/USA might, and implications for the already embattled Lebanon. Lebanon may sympathize with the Palestinians but will not risk utter destruction at its present condition.
  7. That it was 'someone else's land' is not agreed upon. That's your position. As for denying this group or that group have a right for independence, state, sovereignty - why would Jews be excluded from such a right?
  8. How do you mean 'apparently' or 'IMO' in this case? Either things were said or they weren't.
  9. Apparently you are perfectly able to link alleged news stories when you wish to. It would be helpful if you provided a link.
  10. Hezbollah mocks Hamas leaders luxurious lives, while Gazans suffer https://www.ynetnews.com/article/b111jtf6zp Guess not everyone is eager to commit suicide for the cause.
  11. Refer to 'believe absurdities', as in your post. Considering your wrapped take on reality, even in the simple context of what's going on in this forum topic, what you 'repeatedly state' carries little by way of meaning or weight.
  12. I wouldn't know, and not getting into this. I base my comments on what he posts.
  13. You really had to cut off the two lines to make a cherry picking point, eh?
  14. Whether war related decisions by Netanyahu (he's not the sole person deciding this, Israel is not a dictatorship) amount to 'crimes' would be something probably decided in the aftermath. So far, most of what Israel is doing is not very different than how other nations deal with such situations. He is, probably, guilty of various corruption related crimes - but that's not what the point was about, I guess.
  15. As part of war, its not illegal as such. International law does not provide 100% protection for civilians at all times and in all situations. It is what it is.
  16. Notice the need of some posters to make blanket denials of?
  17. Going by your posts......should we be worried, then?
  18. No, there aren't. You are lying again. There was one posters who was obviously antisemitic (on a parallel topic) which I commented on. On this topic, maybe a couple which are borderline but are trying to play it safe - don't think i took much part in that 'debate'. I'm not responsible for what other people post. It's not my job to denounce each and every post I disagree with.
  19. Many things have indeed been explained. That you refuse to acknowledge that, or that some posters are not up to date does not change things. There are just so many times I may feel compelled to rehash all details over and over again. I actually address most posts that contain something which can be addressed. Not always bothering with repetitive ones, nonsense ones, extra rude ones or off topic ones. I most definitely did not label the poster the way you claimed, nor tend to make such allegations. I'm not responsible for other posters' words and views. As for value - not seeing of what 'value' your post above was, even by the 'standard' you seem to claim. But that's quite routine by now.
  20. I've no idea why you refereed this to me, or what it had to do with my post. However, I do not agree. The Muslim guy selling me them lovely chicken puffs at the market is not a problem. The Bedouins who helped rescue party goers from that rave near the Gaza border aren't a problem. The Muslim medical personnel manning many positions in Israel's hospital are not a problem. My Muslim friends are not a problem. There are, undeniably, issues with Islam or interpretations of it. Wholesale, though, I think it's over the top to make such claims. It's not very different form alleging things about Israel/Jews/Zionism based on action and ideology of the extreme religious right wing there.
  21. When you say 'land theft' (from whom?) and reference post 1945, you're essentially objecting to Israel's very existence. So basically, adopting Hamas position. Hamas is not interested in compromise. You're into the 'river-to-the-sea' territory now.
  22. The latter yes, the former no. Not saying it ain't there, but not in that post.
  23. You are many things, the arbiter of other posters' humanity ain't one of them. As for 'cult' and the rest of your wild accusations, take a long look at the mirror. The current war is not about land, unless you refer to Hamas's attempt to seize Israeli towns, settlements and so on. Israel has little interest in ruling the Gaza Strip. As for who thinks the deaths of so many innocents a price worth paying: Mashaal: Hamas ‘well aware of consequences’ of attack, liberation demands ‘sacrifices’ https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/world/mashaal-hamas-well-aware-of-consequences-of-attack-liberation-demands-sacrifices/ar-AA1izHNf
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