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Everything posted by Morch

  1. @Brickleberry If Israel would not have provided warning, and killed many more civilians, you'd complain about that. Providing civilians with warning before attacks is one example of how things are supposed to be. Many armies do not bother. Not sure what you're on about with regard to the warnings, it's practically one of the sole things that Israel cannot be faulted much on.
  2. @Brickleberry And the point of a trial is that the final ruling is not a forgone conclusion.
  3. @Brickleberry This was debated and linked all over the place on the earlier topics. Polls showing all sorts of polls and positions. Is your nonsense claim now that the figures you cited are eternal? That it was always like this? No changes? No shifts? Even when you 'retract' or 'admit', you don't really do so - but keep digging. Just to remind of the last two - 'thousands of children and women imprisoned by Israel', 'Rabin the Palestinian pro-peace leader'. More such before that.
  4. @Brickleberry There was no ruling on Hamas because it wasn't what South Africa's motion was about. The fact that the court saw fit to add a comment on that regardless, speaks volumes. IF you think that will go away, or will not be meaningful - you're deluding yourself.
  5. Past USA administrations chose not to, because of the implications - and wisely so.
  6. @ozimoron Maybe there will be, maybe there won't. Pretending to know the future is not the same as knowing it.
  7. Yeah, that has to do with A. domestic politics (same way you get such statements from Israeli politicians) B. a law which officially defines non-Jewish minorities in Israel as having lesser rights on a range of topics. That's not quite the same thing. There's resistance to the law from Israeli Jews as well.
  8. That is not correct. The Palestinian Authority does. Officially. If it wasn't that way - there would have been no Palestinian Authority. The PA is opposed to Israel, along legitimate lines. That's nothing like Hamas. You are wrong.
  9. @Brickleberry 70% is very impressive. Did they take to the streets? Tried to bring down Hamas? Called for the PA to assume control? Answering polls is easy. Also, you ignore that it was not always like that - figures and support shift. You just captured a specific point in time, and trying to project from it on the entire thing. All Hamas members are Palestinians. What is so hard to understand about that? It doesn't follow that all Palestinians ought to be destroyed, that's just a nonsense/trolling argument you offer.
  10. @ozimoron If Israel was not trying to minimize casualties, them buildings bombed would have been all occupied by civilians, which would be dead now.
  11. It's rather more complicated than that. Not like all Gazans voted Hamas in the last elections (many years back).
  12. @Brickleberry Hamas is not a separate entity, Hamas members are Palestinians. As for you co-opting all Palestinians to fit your contrived point - have a look at past and current polls. Some Palestinian do, some do not. There is no wall-to-wall acceptance of Israel's existence as you claim.
  13. @Brickleberry This is not 'the truth'. These are poll results. There are such polls all over the place. Some show this, some show that - and all very much effected by whatever current events taking place at the time. What it is, is you trying to mislead. Because even if you accept the results of this poll, what of it? Was it translated into any political action? And diplomatic move? And initiaitve? Or was is just the usual passive act?
  14. What is wrong with you? What's your issue with saying Israelis? Do you object to their existence?
  15. There was no mention of the hostages, then? Nothing whatsoever said about Hamas?
  16. Hamas went to war against Israel. Let's get that straight - then you can try and twist things to fit your agenda.
  17. There are no 'clean' wars. Innocents always get hurt. Putting up an impossible bar is not a valid position.
  18. There was nothing said about 'all Muslims'. You're just making up stuff and tossing baseless accusation in order to flame others.
  19. Yes....and? Do Palestinians have better rights elsewhere in the Middle East? Do people in the ME, in general, have better rights and freedoms? You don't seem that 'upset' or 'excited' about any of that. Israel is certainly not perfect, but not quite as horrible as you paint.
  20. No shortage of past conflicts in which people said or thought along similar lines, and which nowadays are either settled or almost forgotten.
  21. A. You are routinely attributing all sorts of blame solely to Israel. B. I don't believe you authored the bit above. Copy/pasted, maybe with minor edits.
  22. There were Jews living there as well. Not just Palestinians. They did not vote as well. What's your point? How could they vote in the UN without being a country first? And no, there was no Palestinian State before that. Ever.
  23. You ask for your 'mistakes' to be pointed out. They are pointed out. Your response - 'I won't bother yada yada yada'.
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