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Everything posted by Morch

  1. Must be distressing. There are some foods that can help with that, but if it continues, do see a doctor.
  2. @ozimoron I can only say that your posts exhibit a whole lot of investment in minimizing Hamas role in things. As for following things closely - your posts and comments do not betray this.
  3. @ozimoron Your own posts carry that implication. Numerous times. It was 'inevitable'. It's Israel's fault. Netanyahu armed and financed the Hamas. The war started long ago. What would you expect. And all the rest of your not-so-veiled excuses for Hamas.
  4. @ozimoron And then there are posters like you, who pretend to say both sides are guilty, but direct 99% of their criticism and bile toward one side, while making only token references to the other.
  5. You wouldn't say that because you're out of touch with reality. Israel gets more condemnations on the UN and associated bodies than any other country. Sometimes, when things are so obvious and cannot be ignored, they have to toss in some condemnations of the Palestinian side. But mostly it's a biased environment. Welcome to the real world.
  6. Absurdly, it's exactly what wannabe 'pro-palestinians' are saying on these topics.
  7. @Brickleberry And I am responding to some points in your post, what of it? No, it is not a lie. There was, in fact, a significant migration from neighboring Arab countries after the British took control of the area. Better economical conditions, more work opportunities, that sort of thing. Palestinian surnames often indicate that quite clearly, many are references to original hometowns, areas, regions. I was not claiming that all were such immigrants, read carefully. A flat out lie, it is not. You are out of your depth on this. You have no idea what would have happened had the Palestinians accepted the Partition Plan. You just present things as facts, that does not make them so. As for terrorist tactics, It's not like the Palestinians (or then 'Arabs') were a peaceful lot, they had their fare share of the same as well. Learn your history before coming here and making a fool of yourself. Palestinians have rejected the Partition Plan. Palestinians did not pursue independence under Jordanian/Egyptian rule. Palestinians embraced a rejectionist position (them 'three no's) for decades later. Even more recently, two Israeli Prime Ministers made offers to the Palestinians which were either rejected or left unanswered. Both are more than what they can hope to achieve nowadays. You can disregard all that, you can go on believing that the imaginary one-sided narrative you push is real - doesn't change facts one bit.
  8. Your Israels/Zionists BS is nothing to do with anything. Israel was not charged with committing 'genocide'. You're making things up or failing to understand what you read. If it is a genocide, it's one of the most lazy, lame one ever.
  9. There is no 'annihilation of all the Palestinians in Gaza', and obviously I did not support anything of the sort.
  10. There is another film, 'Supernova' - which focuses on events, testimonies and clips from the Nova trance music festival. I do not have a handy link right now, but it can be googled for sure.
  11. @Brickleberry No, it is not surprising at all - that's the point. These are not new allegations, and not a new issue. UNRWA said it will deal with such stuff, it obviously failed to do so. Part of the issue is organizational culture, and another is how dominant Hamas is in the Gaza Strip. If Hamas is rendered less of a force, there could be hope for a change on this front as well. As for the organization - like many others, it's been around too long, set in its ways, corruption and rot spreading - time for a change. Maybe stricter screening procedures, maybe more intel from relevant parties. Maybe things different if the PA steps in. Simply throwing out (or claiming to) the 'bad apples' doesn't work, and cannot work. It is not transparent and open. There were plenty of issues regarding funds, content of school curriculum, Hamas use of facilities, aid being diverted/taken by Hamas, and so on. Each and every time, UNRWA first strongly denied. Many of the aid organizations involved with the Gaza Strip are problematic when it comes to similar issues. Again, nothing new. You seem to wish things to continue as they were. You would. Few bad apples is just you trying to minimize things, nothing more. Donor countries and the UN do not buy into it. You keep harping about Israel.
  12. @ozimoron That's basically like all the other reports on the deal-in-the-works. The mechanics of the exchange are not, apparently a huge problem - but the question of what follows is. It is not reasonable to expect that the conflict could be resolved in this time frame. It is not reasonable to expect Israel to accept Hamas next door as if nothing happened.
  13. Yawn. When you've got nothing, blame posters for imaginary stuff. Hamas breaking off the last exchange agreement was covered extensively on media and widely discussed on this forum. Maybe AJ didn't feature it. There are topics about it on this sub-forum, and there is no need to re-hash well known facts every time a new troll comes along.
  14. My understanding is that there are kids among the hostages held in the Gaza Strip. Including a one year old baby. Also, quite a lot of evidence pointing to sexual abuse of female hostages. As a 'woman' (this is an anonymous internet forum, after all) - that doesn't bother you? Hamas broke off the last exchange agreement. Any thoughts on that?
  15. These topics are filled with links to both sources. What's your point? And do tell how 'trades' work, when Hamas is the side that broke the last agreement?
  16. @ozimoron They are not hostages. They were not arrested with the intent of trading them for something. More of your Hamas justification BS.
  17. @ozimoron Now you're trying to came this was no surprise. Wonder what's next. And, as usual making excuses for and trying to justify Hamas. On a topic discussing a film detailing what happened on 7/10.
  18. @ozimoron No, that's just you dishonestly misrepresenting what was said, And also attempting to justify it - 7/10 was Hamas's decision. It was not 'inevitable'. Tell me more about how you're not a Hamas fanboy.
  19. @ozimoron Here's the think, your opinion is meaningless, and practically no one cares about it. What you actually claim was that the ICJ decided this. You cannot back it up, so you waffle, repeat the same over and over again, then blame others for what you do. You're a troll.
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