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Everything posted by Morch

  1. More recent pictures and information suggest he's not as badly hurt as previously thought, not wheelchair bound or anything.
  2. You claim to follow things. You comment on and on about things. Now you say you can't name anyone, can't explain which parties are involved, can't say what's the difference between them. You're either a troll or a joke. Before you said Zionists are religious. Netanyahu is not.
  3. @ozimoron What are you on about? Zionist does not equate with right wing, other in nonsense posts. All the governments of Israel, regardless of which parties headed them (left/right/center) were Zionist.
  4. The dictionary definition you provide got nothing much to do with your personal made up 'definition'. You cannot address any actual questions regarding this 'faction'. You made it up. There is also nothing mentioned in the dictionary definition about killing all the Palestinians, or driving them away. Hamas charter is rather clear on that. Them facts.
  5. You can't say that - @ozimoron announced that there were no Hamas fans on here. And if he said so, it must be true.
  6. I'm shocked.... Somewhere down in the comments, I recall someone saying: Why I like her: 1. Catchy tunes. 2. Legs.
  7. @Brickleberry How do you mean there is no evidence? There were such investigations in the past, there were reports other reports of this (mentioned earlier in the topic about such things) and investigations will continue for sure. If you believe that only 12 are involved, I'll ask you to stop posting about figures, polls, statistics and so on. There are other unanswered questions - about the fuel, about supplies. It doesn't end here, it doesn't end with these dirty dozen. You can do whatever you like, you twisted my words, I'm sure you could do it again. You've demonstrated this on previous posts. As for the 'ignore' thing, pffft....another coward joins the club. If the head on UNRWA (read up about the guy) says so, it must be true. Where's Mandy Rice-Davies when you need her.
  8. @ozimoron Why all the lies? Hamas existed before Netanyahu. The PA, at the time, was severely criticized by the public regarding corruption and being ineffective (still is). You decrying stuff like it's some give carries very little weight, just makes your forum handle more apt.
  9. @Brickleberry So you're just going to gloss over your obvious lie? How unsurprising. There are two issues involved. One is whether the environment includes Hamas as the ruling power (which may change post-war), the other being the organization's 'culture'. If it's already well ingrained that Hamas need to be accommodated, there's less motivation for change. If the accepted sentiment in the organization is that 'it's like that', there's less motivation for change. UNRWA been in place too long, I don't think it can change. Got to start somewhere. Not expecting things to be prefect, just better. Why is it 'unlikely' that there would be more evidence of UNRWA workers which are Hamas members, or that were aiding Hamas? You provide no reason, and it doesn't make much sense. Everything is not open and transparent. This is you saying so. Israel does not run to UNRWA about each employee that is suspect - because that would expose intelligence sources, plus UNRWA got a track record of not doing a whole lot about things anyway unless faced with threats (like de-funding). It's the same things with other stuff, like the fuel issue back in the beginning of the war - UNRWA can say this and that, but the fact was that a whole lot of fuel ended up in Hamas hands, and the same goes for other supplies.
  10. Dismissing employees is a non-issue. Been done before. Hamas usually keeps quiet about that. As for UNRWA being bullied/terrorized/coerced/whatever by Hamas - that's the issue with Hamas retaining power in the Gaza Strip. As said, taking away their power, fully or partially, is one way to deal with this. Another way would be to apply stricter criteria for funds/supplies provided to UNRWA (or whichever body replaces it) involving more stringent verification measures. I have pointed out to UNRWA being in place for a long time, and said something about organization culture - this was with Hamas relations in mind. I think cozier than people imagine, at least on some levels. The point about 'safe zone' is apt, making the Gaza Strip into more of a 'safe zone' is key. That would imply less Hamas influence/power. UNRWA doesn't seem to be functioning very well as it is. Considering it had years to prepare for such a crisis, and a whole lot of previous experience with war situations, their performance is dismal, even factoring in the hardship paused by the fighting, Israel and the Hamas. The new boss is also a bad pick - embodies much of the issues brought up as criticism. I don't think that UNRWA's funding will be fully cut anyway, it's more like a warning shot to take things seriously. Post-war, there may be changes.
  11. @ozimoron Yeah, it's all about Netanyahu. Nothing to do with the Palestinians themselves. They were all getting alone just fine until Netanyahu changed that. Any other fairy tales you want to try? Palestinians could have chosen to do a whole lot of things - the divide is not simply Netanyahu's doing, even if he contributed to such. You're dishonestly misrepresenting things. Further, not all Palestinians align with Hamas. It may get higher support rating now, but these things tend to fluctuate. Again, another dishonest misrepresentation by you. Right now, Israeli hostages are held in the Gaza Strip, by Hamas (and other organizations). That's a terrorist act. Rockets launched at Israel? Terrorist act. You portraying them as not being a terrorist organization? Hamas whitewashing.
  12. @Brickleberry What is it with you and lying? I never said otherwise. I referenced the point that I doubt these are all of them or that this is what it amounts to. No, my tune did not change. I advocate investigations. I also think it's impossible not to be aware it's much more widespread than that, and I also think that UNRWA should be dismantled and replaced. No contradiction, no change of tune. No, I have not agreed to your nonsense. You are simply misrepresenting what I said.
  13. It is really, really, hard to miss if one follows these issues, as you claim to. I do not 'think' this is the case. That was not an opinion. As to why? Easy. The UNGA is a one nation one vote operation. There's a bloc of Muslim countries, 50+ strong which almost always votes for this stuff, oil and other connections play their part to pull other votes in. Then there are Russia/China effects with their own issues vs. USA (which Israel is associated with), and so on and so forth. Things are worse on some UN bodies and committees, where the odds can be worse. That includes those dealing with human rights (but membership of committees including clearly undemocratic, non-free countries). Israel's sins are what they are. But the sheer amount of resolutions/condemnations would imply that they are the worst thing ever. Russia, China, Syria, Sudan, Myanmar - just a random quick list - don't get anywhere near the that. If that sounds reasonable to you (or anyone) guess your concept of 'reason' is idiosyncratic as well. The comment was about the UN, not the USA.
  14. @Brickleberry The evidence presented regarding the topic at hand was obviously not considered a lie. Any other deflections you wish to try?
  15. @Brickleberry 12 so far. Almost surly more. Let the investigations and overhaul deal with that instead of making pathetic excuses.
  16. @retarius One reason might be to save Gazan lives, but apparently, that's not much of a consideration for Hamas leadership. And then there's the flip side - why would Israel accept an agreement which leaves Hamas in place, when Hamas vowed to carry similar attacks in the future?
  17. @retarius You are well aware by now that these figures include Hamas men killed. Why call them innocent? As for video clips you claim to have seen, and don't bother to link - pfft.
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