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Everything posted by Morch

  1. Nah, you made a daft point, you're called out, and now you waffle. Same old.
  2. Assassinated who, exactly? You can't remember whom? What are you on about? Are you even aware of the background to Hamas's election victory? The widespread dissatisfaction with PA corruption? The Hamas playing down their agenda vs. Israel and highlighting social reforms etc?
  3. You do not know me form other forums. I was referring to previous topics on this forum. That you express your opinions 'for years' doesn't make them any more correct or relevant. They are, however, nonsense opinions as they have no basis in fact. It is not even a question of 'bias', it's just you out of touch with reality.
  4. Funny how that doesn't happen. Or how that BDS stuff doesn't really work out much.
  5. Other than yourself, what countries label Israel a 'terrorist state'? Or was this your version of baiting?
  6. And for all of these, Palestinian population figures routinely rose.
  7. All this 'sieges stuff - it started when Hamas assumed power. Maybe something to do with it's actions and agenda? Because things weren't like that before. The same 'siege' was upheld by Egypt. Don't see much Hamas attacks on Egypt, though.
  8. Doesn't have anything to do with 'inside information'. It's all out in the open. As for your claims regarding Israel - 20% Arab citizens seem to counter your nonsense. Same goes for increasing demographic figures for Palestinians in general.
  9. There is no demand that borders will be open between countries. The blockade is in place because of the actions and agenda of Hamas, which rules the Gaza Strip.
  10. No, you are either lying or clueless. Hamas does not have a vision of Israelis remaining in place under Palestinian rule. Hamas demonstrated its intentions on 7/10. Hamas leaders announced there will be more of this, and no compromises. All of this was reviews on these topic numerous times. You can repeatedly say a whole lot of things - it does not make them true or relevant.
  11. There was no 'former state of Palestine'. You're making things up.
  12. I guess you missed the memo that this came about as a result of Hamas assuming control of the Gaza Strip, and it's breakup with the PA.
  13. You want to call Hamas 'freedom fighters', don't be surprised if people see it as an outing.
  14. @ozimoron Israel does not intentionally bomb kids, though. Hamas did all of what they've done with clear intent. That difference.
  15. You express your opinions, and I express how silly, ignorant and pathetic they are. Despite your denials, this is not the first time you tried to push this nonsense, and things were explained, in detail on previous posts. Memory problems? Lying? Who knows? Who cares?
  16. I'm not ignoring anything. You and the other poster made claims that you cannot back, support or demonstrate. Now you waffle. Spin it as hard as you can, the Palestinian people are still in place, and their number have significantly grown over the years. As for your other bit of nonsense - I never claimed Israel is perfect. But it's a far cry from what you and the other poster alleged. Stop making up stuff, and just maybe I'll bother addressing your points.
  17. And this after complaining others (myself) do not read posts? Here's the post I was responding to: Israeli sovereignty does not equate with 'remove all Palestinians'. 20% of Israel's citizens are Palestinians (or if some prefer, Arab Israelis, whatever). West Bank Palestinians live under Israel rule, for decades now - no real move to oust them.
  18. Unlike you, I actually read posts (that's why I don't have to apologize later for posting rubbish...). I was addressing what you posted. You can try and obfuscate your hyperbole, but it would be awkward. Easier to start a diversion about who posted what to whom, eh? No, what would be logical is to read my post and address it, rather than assume that everyone who comments shares the same views.
  19. Your silly points were addressed, in detail and length on past topics. You can deny them, lie about it not happening or whatever. Not wasting the time again on your nonsense. This topic is not about your personal warped definitions, which rely on shake foundations, to say the least. You have very little knowledge, and a whole lot of opinions.
  20. But I do endorse a two-state solution. Where did you get the notion that I do not? Where did I 'support' the Israeli far-right policies? You're making stuff up, or your don't really follow posts and topics. Not having a a state does not equate with the destruction of a people. The Palestinians do not have a state for decades now, and they are not anywhere near destroyed as a people. You're posting inflammatory nonsense.
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