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Everything posted by Morch

  1. You ought to change your forum handle to 'The Conspiracy Theory'.
  2. @ozimoron Gazans were not removed from the Gaza Strip in this war. So long as the war goes on, come back to what?
  3. @ozimoron Current poll result suggest a massive shift of votes from the right to the centrist parties.
  4. What a wonderful and peaceful world we would have without the US and NATO Unhinged even by your non-existent standards, comrade.
  5. Problem with all those imports are expiry dates and handling. When you crack them open, disappointment is not uncommon. As for sources, I don't know - used one of the websites above one with mixed results. A couple of the local upper scale restaurants seem to have a line of supply though, so there must be a dealer somewhere. Not cheap, though.
  6. @ozimoron Logic and reasoning 101. You say people who think this started on 7/10 are extremists. Hamas thinks (like you) it started years ago - ergo, not extremists. You now say Hamas are extremists. Marshal your nonsense arguments, sir.
  7. @ozimoron Nah, it's just you tossing about 'extremists' whenever someone doesn't accept one of your nonsense notions.
  8. How is it relevant? How many people were there? How widespread that was? Is it happening now?
  9. @ozimoron The first poll cited is from 2020. The second poll cited is from July 2023. Something happened on 7/10/2024. You think positions are the same? The polls you cited do not address the issue of current negotiations with Hamas and the demands raised.
  10. @ozimoron You think no one earns if Iran prevails? Seriously? It would be for the good of mankind or something? I think your various biases cloud your perception to a degree that you'll normalize pretty much anyone somehow inline with your agendas. Obama did not reach a 'peace treaty'. Iran doesn't really have a stake in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, other then butting in and playing it for it's own regional goals. Painting Iran as some stabilizing force is a choice. Not one reliant of facts, though.
  11. You are a WINNER, there there. As for 'goodbye' - you can't be trusted, already said you won't be commenting here anymore.
  12. @ozimoron Last I checked the Pope wasn't running armed militias all over Europe. If he was, I guess the Vatican Guard could have done it's best to protect him. Equating Iran's leadership with the Pope - about as daft as it gets.
  13. @ozimoron As far as I'm aware, the Embassy is not in East Jerusalem. It's on the 'border' between the city sides, with parts of the land in both. If you think that's the cornerstone of what's happening now, you're clueless, hyper-partisan, or both.
  14. @ozimoron Is Hamas into a 'peaceful resolution'? Is Hamas into a version of 'Palestinian State' other than the Eradicate-Israel one? Oh, Hamas vowed. So that's it then. Hamas also 'vowed' to destroy Israel. For some reason, you seem to take Hamas's demands very seriously, while dismissing Israel's points regarding negotiations. Wonder why that is. You have no idea where the hostages are. Stop making up things.
  15. Hamas did not honor the last agreement. What's complicated to understand about that? Same goes for past instances. Hamas banks on Israel either not being able or unwilling to 'start up again'. As for who is this person: Miri Eisin https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Miri_Eisin Who are you?
  16. @ozimoron Sane. Got to wonder about you using the word. A resolution between Israel and the Palestinian how? Was it even in the cards? Semi-possible? Do you think all diplomacy in the ME should be subordinate to that? Why?
  17. Saudi Arabia, for all it's faults, is not a failed state.
  18. Because killing a country's leader is one sure way not to start a war? You don't think someone else will step up? Plus, do you have any idea what this sort of operation entails? It's basically an act of war and rather complicated military operation, which is not sure to succeed. And let's say all the leadership is taken down, what then? You imagine some pro-West guy will waltz in and everything will be ok? Or maybe the power vacuum will result in the usual ME mess, but with a larger stockpile of arms to go around? Thinking before posting. It's a thing.
  19. One can't always choose one's neighbors. True for countries as well. Peace agreements are also something which traditionally one signs with enemies. The Palestinians are not governed by Hamas. The Gaza Strip is/was. The West Bank is ruled by the PA, and their policies are different. I'm not sure which Israeli offer you are referring to, or if it's even a reference to an official offer. Was there any commitment from Israel to release all Palestinians held in custody? Was there anything said about Hamas leaders and those who participated in the 7/10 attack walking without punishment? Hamas does not accept such offers because they do not assure it's survival. It will probably be out in English in a bit - but they released a rather lengthy nonsense manifesto about the 'reasons' for the war, their take on their actions and other yada yada. Seems like they are playing for the home crowd, starting to do some political damage control. Also, there are more reports coming in about rifts between the Hamas leadership in the Gaza Strip and their colleagues in the Gulf - this surely plays it's part as well.
  20. @thaibeachlovers This was started by the Houthis.
  21. Not that I disagree, but quite amusing coming from some. Kept for reference, would surely be useful in the near future.
  22. @thaibeachlovers Funny that when Putin is at it, you always come up with some reason to excuse his words. Apparently not a 'nutter', in your book. The rest is your usual scaremongering nonsense. Oh, and I'm sure that some posts down the line you'll toss in something about 'not predicting the future', 'crystal ball' etc. - again, stuff you criticize when others are engaging in.
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