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Everything posted by Morch

  1. This topic is not about Russia, or Ukraine. But then again you can't even get your facts straight (a regular issue with your posts) regarding semi-relevant events like the 1967 war. Kindly educate yourself about the circumstances leading to that conflagration before spewing more nonsense and lies. What you are describing was not the goal, but the outcome. The Palestinians have not shown an actual willingness to compromise. Polls are a dime a dozen, and results keep shifting anyway. Even if your nonsense was to the point - how was this 'willingness' effectively expressed? Was there any concrete offer by the Palestinians? Was there any move to dislodge or discredit Hamas? Was there any wide participation in such peace 'movement'?
  2. @thaibeachlovers Kinda weird, and creepy - when it comes to Palestinian casualties, you and other wannabe 'pro-palestinian' posters make a whole lot of noise about disparity. When it comes to hostage swaps, it's suddenly legit. Do you think that one Israeli is worth a hundred Palestinians?
  3. Relative to China, they are. Some form of democracy, at least. And if it was a choice between aiding Europe and Taiwan..... Granted, other elements are involved as well - but I was answering a bogus question to begin with.
  4. Young Americans will become middle aged Americans, and later on elderly Americans. Their political positions will shift, mellow, and other issues (mostly domestic and economic) would take precedence. Protesting about world peace while in college is a cliche.
  5. Only one of us thinks your comments are half-way amusing. It ain't me. Stick to your day job.
  6. @ozimoron It does not negate the possibility of UN and international aid funds being funneled for Hamas purposes. It's just you going for a lame obfuscation.
  7. @ozimoron That would one of them examples of you bringing shame on the family, again. Zionism encompass a a wide range of views. You choose to describe it using it's extreme elements. Not all Zionists are religious, not all Zionists believe in expansion, not all Zionists are anti-peace, or object to the two-state-solution. You are, again, either showcasing your ignorance, or lying. Choose carefully.
  8. What 'crimes against humanity'? People on here are tossing labels and terms about like these are decided, accepted things. They are not. What would you have Israel do? Stop at the border? Beg Hamas to return the hostages? Accept all Hamas demands? You offer meaningless words instead of addressing actual circumstances.
  9. What is 'crucial', for some posters, is to deflect the topic from anything that might be construed as criticism of the Palestinian side, and not painting Israel as the worst thing ever. And no, drawing Nazi parallels ins not 'valid'. It is an antisemitic trope by itself, designed to get a reaction, and offered for shock value. It says a whole lot more about the people making such comparisons than anything else. Pursuing this, you can have a choice of being labeled antisemitic, ignorant or both. I am sure that you do not actually know what 'Zionists' think, given the wide range of views the label encompass. So yeah, maybe just ignorance after all.
  10. @ozimoron I'd disown you for the shame you bring on the family with your posts.
  11. I would lament that, if it wasn't for Mrs. Morch who doesn't get the magic of baked beans.
  12. @thaibeachlovers Because countries usually deal with what's closer to home. Not just geographically, but culturally and so on. Any other loaded questions with obvious answers you wish to air?
  13. Taking your loaded 'question' seriously is a choice. It was basically just a diversion attempt to cover your failed UNRWA/tunnels line of 'argument', anyway. Somehow, you seem to imply that only one side is legitimately 'angry'. Way to go, champ. Tell me more about how balanced your posts are.
  14. Coming from an openly antisemite poster, 'bigot' is a joke. As for announcements about putting people on 'ignore' - seems to be a thing with one 'side' to this 'debate'.
  15. Sorry for your lose. I would withdraw what money you have access to from shared bank accounts. They could be 'frozen' for a while, at it would be an unnecessary inconvenience. If there's a whole lot of money there, just withdraw enough for your needs, expenses. If there's a will, that will sort some things. And no, it's not 'material' - it's how these things are. Always details to deal with, expenses. Every funeral and death involves them. Don't feel bad about that part.
  16. Hamas bigwig rejects 2-state solution, says Oct. 7 ‘revived dream to free Palestine’ https://www.timesofisrael.com/hamas-bigwig-rejects-2-state-solution-says-oct-7-revived-dream-to-free-palestine/
  17. @ozimoron It is you saying it's a war crime. You saying stuff doesn't make it real.
  18. He's a wannabe successor, who riles at having zero influence on current things. Everything he says is more to do with inter-party politics, rather than being actual policy. Also, he's got no ideology - he just goes with the flow and says what serves him at a given moment. Netnayhu asked ministers to tone it down - sensing his political weakness, most disregard it. The right-wing ministers thought process seems to be that their days in office are about to end in the not so long future. With re-election prospects not looking good, they compete for party/bloc leadership - which mandates support of the more extreme elements therein. That's why there are a lot of these statements about.
  19. @ozimoron Just more of your usual pointless contrarian 'arguments'. Hamas went to war on 7/10. Hamas knew what would follow. Hamas leaders were quick to say Palestinian casualties are necessary sacrifices. Hamas leaders were quick to promise more such attacks would follow. If your failed sophistry is that they wished real hard Israel would not retaliate, that's a nonsense argument. And it's not even true, given their statements. You're trolling.
  20. What you most obviously try to do is minimize Hamas's role in things. Normalize it's actions and agenda. There's this things you guys are into - toss in a one liner condemning Hamas, then go on in length about how it's all Israel's fault or how 'we-don't-know' or this or that. That's what your posts are like. You do not 'advocate' for the Palestinians, you don't even seem to know much about them either. As for complaining about 'talking points' - that's some nice projection job, old son.
  21. No, you do not 'concede' - you still try to waffle. Your comment was clearly wrong, and you're still at it. Same goes for previous remarks you make on this topic and others - pushing misinformation, wrong details and arguing about endlessly. You earlier managed to claim Rabin (Israel's assassinated Prime Minister) was a Palestinian leader, and that Hamas rode to election victory afterwards (said elections were a decade later). Same kind of BS statements all along these topics.
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