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Everything posted by Morch

  1. You are wrong. It is legally permissible to attack civilian targets under certain condition. Israel would simply have to exercise more care dotting the i's and crossing the t's. It would not necessarily mean what you imagine. Here - you were told, don't act 'surprised', 'shocked' or whatever later on. Noticeably, not a word from you about Hamas having to release the hostages....
  2. I think this ruling is not completely independent of reports about ongoing negotiations, which apparently already reached an agreed framework of month's pause in the fighting. The 'provisions' would be easier to uphold if the reports are correct - as they would be part of the temporary pause/ceasefire anyway. I do not expect Hamas to release the hostages, though. They'll find some excuse or the other.
  3. @ozimoron A good start would be for you to realize that this specific bit of rhetoric is more of a Palestinian thing, your auto-contrarian nonsense notwithstanding.
  4. I do not disagree, but then again I think trends in Israeli society/politics are likely to overtake the USA ones (if choosing a pessimistic point of view). If the same condition apply, the effect some posters yearn for may materialize, but it will take longer and be far more gradual than they expect. Whether this will benefit the Palestinians could be argued.
  5. Them figures relate to total casualties, including Hamas men. Claiming they are all civilians is the sort of thing you do.
  6. This could have been avoided had the elephant been driven about in Bentley.
  7. Mrs. Morch makes excellent cheesecakes, pies...just had the last piece of one this morning.
  8. Comparing Israel with the Nazis is widely considered an expression of antisemitism. That you feel you're justified in doing so bears no relevance on the fact that you are trading in antisemitic tropes. I'm not even getting into the hyperbole nature of the comparison, which is ludicrous. As often pointed out - such comments are either born of ignorance or malice. Up to you. Your nonsense about the 'framework' tries to make it as if things are entirely up to Israel, and that the Palestinians did not and do not play a part in it at all. This is beyond nonsense. As for 'a little late for that now' - so what was your point, then?
  9. @ozimoron The 'river to the sea' chant is an opposition to the legitimacy of Israel's existence, never mind a sovereign state.
  10. @ozimoron It is not. What it is, is you sticking your fingers in your ears and shouting 'la la la I can't here you'. That's about the level of 'discussion' you offer.
  11. And we all know that Hamas's words are golden. Can trust them without hesitation. They'll do the right thing. 7/10 goes pretty much against many of the tenets the ICJ was founded on. Holding on to them hostages, for example? That's an obvious one. Never mind taking them in the same place. Low life troll.
  12. @ozimoron That would be you spewing lies, again. There are many schools of thought embodied in Zionism. Not all uphold what you describe. You're out of line.
  13. @ozimoron That would be you making strong statements and cherry picking from the link you posted yourself. Enough posts on here to demonstrate that there is a measure of convergence between the two.
  14. You have made false statements at least four times on recent topics. Probably more. Takes a while for you to even admit them, and even then - not all and not fully. You're in no position to lecture others.
  15. On these topics, the ritual of putting others on 'ignore', including the public announcement and much ado about the process is almost entirely something taken by the wannabe 'pro-palestinian' posters. @Neeranam @thaibeachlovers @ozimoron @billd766 Now the new addition - @Brickleberry (probably forgot others...) Pathetic.
  16. Palestinian terrorism over the years didn't help much either. Same goes for the Hamas 7/10 attack. One sided, as usual.
  17. Jordan killed a whole lot of Palestinians. So did Egypt. Palestinians were (rightly) kicked en-masse out of Kuwait. And so on and so forth. Do Palestinians carry the same grudge for these countries as well? I don't think so. Most of the ME countries deny Palestinian a path to citizenship, even after decades of residing in-country. Most do not grant them full basic rights, even. You customary Nazi reference is your usual vile attempt to equate Israel with the Nazis. This is usually a hallmark of antisemites. As for most of them have no idea what life is in Israel - that would be your ignorance speaking. A whole lot of Palestinians work in Israel, and in them illegal settlements in the West Bank as well. Internet, TV, and a whole lot more interaction than you imagine exist. That was one clueless comment.....
  18. No, you haven't heard it all. By your own words, you didn't know much or took interest in things prior to 7/10 - when a new trolling opportunity presented itself. You have very little by way of actual knowledge about what you post, and you're not really interested either. You're not here for that. Trying to say that the Palestinian predicament got nothing to do with their own choices, the choices made by their leaders, or other Arab countries is ignorant, and/or dishonest. Trying to make it all about Israel is, again, a choice between these two options. The Palestinians could have had their state since 1947. They repeatedly chose a different path. Some of them still hold on to the very same choices that led them to where they are today. Israel sure played it's part. No one denies that. But to completely ignore the Palestinians' own contribution to their circumstances is what propagandists do.
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