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Everything posted by Morch

  1. @thaibeachlovers Crimes against humanity and war crimes are not decided by low-info posters on a Thai internet forum.
  2. When someone routinely cannot articulate a coherent view on the topic start putting forth a different sort of dish, it's reasonable to have doubts. Given that it wouldn't be a first for you, all the more so.
  3. @Neeranam The poster I replied to claimed that Rabin was "the peace maker leader of the Palestinian people". Rabin was the Israeli Prime Minister. He then echoed a conspiracy theory regarding the murder. This forum doesn't 'do' conspiracy theories. Also, his timeline seemed confused, with the murder being on 1995, and the elections Hamas won taking place about a decade later.
  4. There were more hostages held initially - guess you 'forgot' that. As for Palestinians held in 'worse' conditions, you're making things up.
  5. Hamas makes a whole lot of claims, mostly to dodge the obvious. The party was not on an army base, and it wasn't even the first time a party was held there. There were a whole lot of Hamas men about, kinda doubt that would have happened by 'accident'. Also, even if they happened on the party by 'accident' - doesn't go toward explaining the massacre that followed.
  6. All of this was covered on previous topics. Maybe if you wouldn't have so many posters on 'ignore' (or pretend to), you'd have a clue.
  7. That's not the issue, though, but how you chose to deflect in reply to my comment. And yes, bringing in Iraq is definitely a deflection. Try harder.
  8. Same forum, different topic. Again, seems like you have a wider issue with basic terms. That you haven't changed you opinion in years doesn't mean much. It does not make them more correct, worthier or anything. As for facts, you have demonstrated a rather amazing ignorance of such, can't take your words seriously. And no, your version of 'facts' is not something widely acknowledged or accepted by 'trusted mediums'. I do not think that there's only one true reality, I think that the one you tout is a lie. That difference. If you think that there are no such things as 'wrong' and 'right', guess you can wallow content in your nihilistic bubble.
  9. Nope. This was you making a comment which you cannot back up, and now trying to use fake outrage to waffle out of. Never said anything about Iraq, and the topic isn't about that. Any other deflections you want to offer?
  10. @ozimoron More you declaring 'war crimes'. Actual war crimes are things decided not by you, but by relevant legal offices - which you are not a member of.
  11. It doesn't, but maybe goes a ways to explain things. More of this since 7/10, for sure. Other thing that's rather obvious is that you're obsessed with one side's faults, while not really commenting much on the other's.
  12. Hamas is designated a terrorist organization by quite a few Western and ME countries. Israel is not. Try harder, 'newcomer'.
  13. The PA stands for Palestinian Authority. The core officials, elected or otherwise where (and are) members of the Fatah/PLO. You're probably confusing this with the initials of some minor Palestinian organization/party. And still nothing to do with your nonsense about Rabin.
  14. Are you on drugs? Your original post was about Rabin was the Israeli Prime Minister. As for your belief in conspiracy theories, that's entirely up to you - but since it's neither fact nor credible, you'd have to toss that aside if you want to continue this exchange. The PLO/Fatah was the PA...duh. Still is. That's pretty much one of the standing points on contention. Rabin was murdered in 1995. There were Palestinian legislative elections in 1996 which Hamas boycotted. The elections Hamas won were 10 years later. You're all over the place.
  15. Yes what? Who was murdered? What were you on about? And do you realize that what I outlined did not appear in your post?
  16. I think he''s celebrating the death of the Israeli reservists, and Hamas 'scoring' a point. Obviously, it had nothing to do with the post he replied to...
  17. I asked for the source. Repeatedly. As for moderating the topic, leave it to those who's job it is, eh?
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