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Posts posted by Morch

  1. 27 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

    Can't brutalise a nation's youth for generations and expect a "normal" society. Forcing young people to go and oppress another people has to have a very bad effect on Israeli society in the long run.

    Also, it all has to be paid for, and every shekel spent on oppressing Palestinians is a shekel not spent on making a better society.


    That's not a real answer as to what "cards" the Palestinians hold, though.


    Doubt there's much argument on the damaging effects the occupation implies for Israel and Israeli society. But the same (and worse) would apply to the Palestinian side. It's not as if their society benefited much from years of making all the wrong choices. Nor did their economy thrive.


    Not a one-way street.

  2. 29 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

    If you are going to make comments about what I advocate, you should back it up with a quote. however I doubt you can do so as I've never "advocated" prolonged suffering. What I have said is that even if it takes 600 years, eventually the Palestinians will get their land back. 


    I don't think anyone would argue labeling the circumstances of the Palestinians as "suffering" (without even getting into the question of causes and roots). What you seem to be advocating, or offering, is more of the same. To put it in other words, the longer the conflict remains unsolved, the more prolonged the suffering. If that's not a rather obvious consequence of your point of view - do tell.

    • Confused 1
  3. On 5/27/2018 at 8:11 PM, lungbing said:

    Nor are the American arms manufacturers.


    Syria's war: A showroom for Russian arms sales



    Russia hoping to boost arms sales after Syrian usage



    How Russia's military campaign in Syria is helping Moscow market its weapons


    • Like 1
  4. 3 minutes ago, sanemax said:

    OK, so you believe that the wall will never happen and that it will never be built .

    You are of the belief that the wall is just imaginary .

    If that is the case, then why are you so concerned about it ?

    To me, that doesnt make any sense .

    You are concerned about something that you do not believe will happen ?

    Why waste you time even thinking about a wall that youbeleive will never be built ?


    Another argument that's been done to death.


    There's nothing saying that public funds won't be thrown into this black hole of a mega-project, never to be seen again. Perhaps some of us feel these could be better utilized.


    And then there's the issue of the POTUS disconnect from facts and reality, whenever they don't suit his wishes. Again, some may see this as an issue, Trump supporters obviously do not.

  5. 5 minutes ago, sanemax said:

    It stands to reason :

    How much will the wall cost ?

    Where will that money go to ?

    The money will go to the companies that will build the wall and they will employ people to make the wall and pay them money and that money will be spent on the local economy .

      The 1.6 B $ will be going straight back into the local economy  , via the workers who build the wall .

       Even if charging people to use the border , if that takes100 years to pay off, then so be it . It will pay for itself eventually 


    Your "model" of how things would work is simplistic, at best. Maybe something Trump rally attenders would swallow. Those of us who aren't blinkered, and lived to see a whole lot of government mega projects not living up to expectations or going south, would probably take a more realistic approach.


    As for the 100 year span - again, nothing to support the "so be it" imperative. And I don't think "pay for itself within a 100 years" is how things were marketed to the masses. All good if there's a need for a megalomaniac undertaking, but actually addressing issues might be a better way to spend public funds.



  6. 17 hours ago, tonbridgebrit said:


    Stop claiming that I am being hypocritical, or inconsistent.

    Beijing is not bullying the Philipinnes. Duterte of the Philipinnes would much rather accept China's tourists and investments rather than fight a war against China. Do you accept that Taiwan's claims are absurd ? Surely, you do ?
    And Taiwan calls itself "Peoples' Republic of China, Taiwan", when you bear that in mind, off-course, Taiwan's claims are mad and mental.

    Yes, you've raised the issue of freedom of navigation. Washington has, and will carry on, having a situation where all cargo ships have freedom to sail in the South China Sea. You do accept, right, that the Chinese man-made islands are not restricting cargo ships sailing in the South China Sea ? If Beijing was stopping cargo ships, Washington would have taken serious action already. Washington has taken no action against Chinese patrol boats, that's because Beijing has done nothing to resrict ships carrying cargo, in the South China Sea.


    Stop posting hypocritical, inconsistent propaganda posts, and I'll be happy to oblige.

    As a starter, you could stop chopping off posts and taking words out of context, as you just did.


    That you insist China is not a bully means less than little. Same goes for you one-sided presentation of Duterte's motives, or other countries' positions. Considering there were enough links provided with alternative views, some including direct quotes from leaders, your nonsense is all to obvious.


    Your own posts reflect the same bullying ways. Pretend everyone's cool with China's advances, then state they are welcome to try and fight if they want. Again, rather obvious.


    I do not have to accept your labels of other countries' claims as "absurd", "mad" or "mental" - whether you toss in "surely" or not. There is no universal support for your labels, and objecting to China's moves does not necessarily imply support for other countries' claims.


    I haven't "raised the issue of freedom of navigation", it is what  the OP is about. Freedom of navigation does not apply only to "cargo ships", whether you like to acknowledge it or not. And disregarding your obvious lies, China did mess with ships of other nations - this was discussed and linked on several topics. Freedom of navigation relates to the definition of territorial waters etc., which bear economic implications - again, something routinely glossed over in your propaganda posts.


    I do not accept any of your faux talking points about the Chinese military bases in the South China Sea. The ones which you (and China) claimed were not and will not be weaponized. The same goes for your inane renditions of what the US did, would do, or motives applying to such. The link provided in the post your replied to addresses all of these issues rather clearly. You either gave it a miss, or just spewing the run-of-the-mill propaganda narrative regardless.

    • Like 1
  7. 12 minutes ago, sanemax said:

    Although most of the facts produced were made up facts .

    Building the wall will be good for the local  economy , all those jobs created in the construction industry  .

       I gave a few possibilities as to how the wall could pay for itself : Charge people to use the border , that may take a while , same as Thai airports , build an airport and charge people to use that airport .

        Having the wall will enable the USA to deport all the non tax paying illegal workers , which would force U.S. Companies to employ legal workers and thus having to pay tax  on their salaries .

       There will be a clampdown on cross border smuggling , cheap goods from Mexico will have to pay taxes on imports .

       Stop all the drugs coming in , all those U.S $ going straight to Columbia , keep those $ in the USA and people will spend their money on other things , rather than drugs .

        The wall will benefit the US economy and the USA as a whole .

    Drugs may be in short supply and tacos may cost a bit extra , but the economy and society will benefit .

       Druggies, cheap taco eaters and people who employ Mexicans on the cheap may suffer though


    The facts produced were not "made up". That you don't like them, doesn't make them "made up". That they do not fall in line with Trump's rhetoric, doesn't make them "made up" either.


    The "Wall" issue been done to death on this forum. To pretend there weren't no facts, no reasoned analysis and no strong arguments against it presented is disingenuous.


    I do not offhand recall clear examples (other than one liner assertions) regarding how exactly it will be "good for the local economy" (in more than one such locality, people aren't supportive). As for "jobs created" - again, not too clear that is backed up by something concrete (no pun intended). Trump's record on making such statements is not necessarily accurate or factual. And that's without factoring this view doesn't take negative effect on the economy under consideration.


    Most of the supposedly possible options you listed for the wall "paying for itself" were thoroughly discussed and debunked. Both on this topic and previous ones, rehashing it all over and over again, as if it's a first....up to you. Once more, it wasn't demonstrated that the overall effect generated would be a positive one, or that the investment is even worthwhile. There are other ways to deal with problems related to immigration, which do not necessitate undertaking a controversial, megalomaniac construction project.


    All them "solutions" you go on about can be implemented without much of the investment the wall represents. The wall (as Trump paints it) isn't a necessary component in all of this. If you think these measures will suffice for the wall to "pay for itself" (maybe a long time down the line), then imagine the profit they could generate if they were implemented without the huge (Yuge!) investment constructing Trump's wall represents.




    Arkady Babchenko, the Russian journalist who was reported to have been shot dead in Kiev, has turned up alive at a news conference in Ukraine.


    Babchenko emerged at a police press conference on Wednesday afternoon in front of journalists who had been expecting updates on the investigation into his murder.


    Vasily Gritsak, head of the Ukrainian security service, told reporters the agency had faked Babchenko’s death to catch people who were trying to kill him.

    Ukraine reveals it staged 'murder' of Russian journalist




  9. 20 minutes ago, sanemax said:

    Do you know for certain who will be paying for the wall ?

    You seem to be stating where the money will be coming from, with a high degree of certainty .

        Have you spoken with the U,S Gov and have they told you how the wall will be funded ? 

       If you are uncertain as to where the funds will be coming from, you have no right to label myself as being gullible , for SUGGESTING where the money may be coming from .

       Trump says that the Mexicans will pay for the wall .

    You say that they wont .

    Donald v Samran


    Donald vs Almost Anyone isn't much of a dilemma, when it comes to credibility. Donald says a whole lot of things, a staggering precedence of being incorrect, contradicting previous statements or outright lies.


    • Like 2



    That would be you going on yet another propaganda rant, while ignoring the post replied to. Regardless of what you assert Duterte's motives are, the interview linked leaves no doubt as to his assessment of the prospects, in case a confrontation arose. That would be pretty much anyone's conclusion. That you try to gloss over it, or imply it doesn't play a factor is dishonest.


    Deflect all you like, but China is the neighborhood bully, Thailand (and your musings on "what if") aren't the topic, and you don't get to dictate what "matters". Obviously, other countries see China push as "important". That you say it is not means less than little.

  11. From the OP:



    "Palestinian factions will abide by calm as long as (Israel) abides by it," Islamic Jihad spokesman Daoud Shehab said.



    The armed wings of Hamas and Islamic Jihad claimed responsibility for the firing and said it was in response to Israel's killing of dozens of Palestinians since March 30, mainly in Gaza border protests.


    This happened a couple of days ago. Get your versions straight....


    IDF shells Islamic Jihad post, killing 3, after attempted IED attack



    Islamic Jihad vows revenge after 3 terror group members said killed by IDF




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