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Everything posted by Morch

  1. And you would be the judge of that.....? He's no different. Comes with the job.
  2. Tale how? You saying otherwise? It sounds plausible, yes.
  3. Of course you are. But I do not often quote the IDF words. You're confusing me with another poster, who does.
  4. No, it means he's mouth piece. It's what ambassadors do. There was nothing said about IDF in my post.
  5. You wouldn't know balanced if it hit you in the face.
  6. Morch


    Indeed. A pointy one, at that.
  7. Husam Zomlot is the Palestinian ambassador to the UK.
  8. Morch


    My sister and her friends were into this stuff years ago. I was a willing test subject as most of then were kinda cute. Can't say any of it did much of anything (didn't go for the acupuncture stuff - got my limits). The Reiki - yeah, it's like that - relaxing, it's more about being with a nice person touching you in a certain calm inducing setting. I did have some Italian girl (again...the cuteness factor) do some crystal stuff on me. To her disappointment, I drew the line when it came to the backdoor.
  9. No, it wasn't about PA corruption. That was a relatively minor point in my post. Try reading it again.
  10. More nonsense. As said, and as admitted by yourself, you do not read posts, topics - you just hop in and decide what was posted. And you're still deflecting, this was not what my post was about.
  11. Dear leader? Did you see me posting anything positive about Netanyahu on these topics? As for 'nowhere near' - that you're opinion. It still a deflection, as it doesn't actually address what I posted.
  12. Oh, so you weren't actually addressing what I posted, but beating the same drum again. OK. Glad to see I wasn't wrong about the trolling. Essentially you picked a single word, 'corrupt', which was posted in reference to the PA (which is, regardless of anything, corrupt) and went off tangent. The point made was that Netanyahu might not have much choice in this, and that he will probably be looking for ways to spin things so that his voter base will have an easier time accepting this. If there's one thing even your own post tells about Netanyahu, is that he'll do pretty much anything to secure himself remaining in power. And here we go.... Israel okay with reformed PA running Gaza, wants to help rebuild, top Netanyahu aide says https://www.timesofisrael.com/liveblog_entry/israel-okay-with-reformed-pa-running-gaza-wants-to-help-rebuild-top-netanyahu-aide-says/
  13. No, I literally didn't get what you're on about. Maybe you'd care to phrase it it clearer terms.
  14. Yes. Not suggesting any dramatic changes will occur. But baby steps it's how things develop. My point was more about there being a chance the solution might be something a little different, maybe slightly better.
  15. You'll have to be clearer with your deflection/trolling. Don't speak the language, sorry.
  16. Indeed, but the scope is rather more than expected. And it's not too bad getting some visuals to get a sense of it.
  17. The Oracle have spoken.... Now back to reality, Netanyahu might not have much choice. It's not like there's wide support in Israel for re-occupying the Gaza Strip on a permanent/long term basis. There's also no willingness by other players to step in. So what it may come down to is some mishmash of PA and international representatives, which will allow him to save some face. This is not a bad idea anyway, considering the PA is corrupt and incompetent.
  18. Not a kumbaya situation or change of attitude, but there is actually some prospect for change. Recent developments suggest that the PA will be willing (more like, drooling) to step in and take charge, provided certain terms. Netanyahu & Co., while against it, do not have a realistic alternative, so the question is more how to spin a change in position. Hamas is broadcasting two different messages - one from the Gaza/military factions saying no to pretty much anything, the abroad/political faction exploring ways to come back into the fold of mainstream Palestinian politics through cooperation with the Fatah. Too early to tell if this is serious.
  19. No, it isn't. It's headlines calling it carpet bombing.
  20. You constantly make claims you can't back up. You call posts 'propaganda' without reading them. You troll on every occasion. You contribute very little to the discussion. You do have a very high (if misguided) opinion of yourself and your importance.
  21. You're quoting a student paper as an authoritative source? Have you checked the credentials of the author? Carpet bombing? This was discussed in depth and in length on numerous past posts and topics. There is no carpet bombing going on. You're either clueless or trolling. Probably both.
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